True and Truth
“Washing of the hands, that remain dirty.”
“Gathering of others in order for each to walk away as if they themselves have washed their hands of the wrong doing.”
“If “you” have sinned against another, and now have you brought your gift of praise to The Lord, First “you” leave the altar and go back to your brother, asking for forgiveness, than return to the altar of the Lord, who will see your own desire and who will receive your offering of Praises to Him, for your own forgiveness.”
“When people are told something over and over and over again, it’s the very ways of man’s teachings which has brought about every evilness!”
“This one no different! As many have become just followers rather than having to think on their own!”
“Rather than having to truly work out their own salvation, exchanging themselves as washed clean, washing their hands of the situations of wrong doing (s), while their hands remain stained and their hearts and souls acknowledge their sorrow (s), of simply playing the game of life, yet never truly surrendering at all of themselves, for the Glory of the One who holds in His always has been, is and shall always remain clean hands, heart, and soul.” “God’s very own Son, His Word, His name is Jesus….” “Period….”
“As my soul raced towards (storming the gates of hell itself). all of the evilness and lawlessness before the eyes and open and pressed forward towards all people In This hour and season!”
“The greatest lawlessness ever seen or known going on right in front of all mankind!”
“The force of just not caring, or just not caring enough to do something about it individually, and on purpose; they tell you now, “if you don’t do it our way, of the falsehoods and lies from every direction!”
The True Teacher, came to me;
“Fear not for I am with you, and My Teachings are True and the Truth!”
“Oh, Son, tell My people the True Truth, never allowing My Words to be held back nor away from not one other.”
“Follow after Me and I will be “The One God” in you in and through this hour and season of darkness I told you about beforehand!”
“Learn from My Word;”
“But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea.
If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off, It is better for you to enter into Life maimed, rather than having two hands, to go to hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched.”
Their worm does not die,
And that Fire is not quenched.”
“And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life lame, rather than having two feet, to be cast into hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched-
Their worm does not die,
And the fire is not quenched.”
“And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out, it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye, rather than having two eyes, to be cast into hell fire-
“Their worm does not die,
And the fire is not quenched.”
“For everyone will be seasoned with fire, and every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt.
Salt is good, but if the salt loses its flavor, how will you season it? Have salt in yourself, and have peace with one another.”
Mark 9:42-50
“I am following You, Teacher, show me more!”
“For you see the flavor of Self and self wisdom and plots and true forevermore Life; has already been accepted by those who plot against Me!”
“Their rewards forevermore have they already exchanged for the riches that shall be lost forevermore, on their own day of death.”
“Who has taken even one thing with them, when they have departed this life?”
“Yet, they have blocked their own ears and have closed their own eyes, and their own hearts and souls have they forgotten Me.”
“For their own desires are their own acceptances of what they have followed after, (being taught and accepting the following after everything which is evil!”
“Their hearts have already become hardened, because of their self empowering of placing themselves over all others and casting away their own loves which they have knowingly accepted from and in the one who has come to them In Order to steal, kill and destroy!”
“They block the Truth, in making up their own language of calling that which is good bad and that which is bad good!”
“They even themselves, have fallen so far away, that they themselves, look for the dirt on others hands, while never looking down upon their own hands.”
“Declaring themselves wise and over all others; believing themselves that they are the only ones who can save themselves and this world!”
“They rush to meet together, in order that they can falsely believe that others voted, and it’s the others who are to blame.”
“Through their own pride and boastfulness of self wisdom, they have become fools!”
“Plots are all they have remaining, one after the other, losing and taking bribes which shall and already has lead them to destroying one another,”
“Yet a thousand may fall dead at My Own’s right hand and ten thousand all around them; but they shall not be harmed! “Because they have made Me Their God!”
“Come allow Me to reveal their next plot to you!”
“For more and even greater fear shall they once again bring forth!” Saying and declaring, “that which their father led them to create, that now has been released, declaring because of another, is holding them back from saving all others.”
“Trying to deceive others that they have the power and knowledge to save even one other!”
“For they can not save even themselves. Yet because of their own self-appointed-ness above all others they truly believe they have such power!”
“Cut them off, for they have only deceived themselves, in believing against My Word and following and ushering in the stealing, and killing and destroying of their own. following after their father who had taught them in Which have destroyed their own flavor!”
“They have become so prideful and their boasting so hateful, that has reached My ears, and I shall do just as I said I would do! “I have told you beforehand.”
“For that which they have plotted for others shall be turned towards themselves and where their worm shall remain is where their plots for and against Me and others shall be their food and feeding forevermore!”
“Yet the oil and the wine shall not be harmed! Because these are Mine, and that which I have joined together no other can brake apart!”
“For I AM, The One God, and their skims and their plots I have always known of, because I know their hearts and their souls.” “Period….” “Each and every one of them.”
“As for you, My dear child, remain in Me and watch as I reach out My Sword against them; causing all of their skims and plots to turn upon themselves!”
“For they shall turn on one another and great shall be their fall!”
“O Great and ALL knowledgeable Lord and Savior! Your teachings are righteous and just, and I long for You always, living IN You where You have so desired to place me within Yourself!”
“All praise and glory and power remain in You now and forevermore!”
“Let the manifested “in” you arise and know that You, “The One God!” Continue to do just what You said You would do.... “Period….”
“Let all who have ever come against me, no longer suffer, but allow them one more chance to correct their wrongs, their plots, against themselves, believing they themselves have no concern of their own dirty hands.”