True Total Wellness
In this ever-changing world of technology and with more and more information getting into the hands of society, research shows that people are more stressed about their Profession, Income and their lifestyle. This has in return forced more stress upon Corporations, Organizations and Companies to create and maintain a healthy culture amongst their workforce. Maintaining this culture in today’s time is imperative when promoting an environment built upon trust and morale.
One of the most effective ways to promote this desired environment is through benefits which we all know are extremely important. Benefits have historically encompassed things such as health insurance, supplemental insurance, retirement etc. Over the last several years we have noticed a variety of Wellness Benefits coming into the workforce but are they truly effective? Recent studies into wellness benefits show the majority to be geared toward Physical Wellness with very few that incorporate some form of Mental Wellness.
Out of the wellness benefits which incorporate both physical and mental, according to the study offer nothing in the preventative space which is absolutely staggering to me. I am building a practice around my VISION of true TOTAL WELLNESS that when broken down will offer a holistic approach in the preventative space which is currently lacking in today’s wellness benefits. My strategies and solutions will bring services that will address the Physical, Social, Emotional and Transitional wellness of your organization which will truly bring Total Wellness full circle.
To have true total wellness is the most valuable asset you can ever possess. Wellness is behavioral and if you want to change ones behavior you have to educate, illustrate and communicate to effectively start that change. Is this as important to you as it is to me? If so, allow me an opportunity to explain what it is I do and the “Why” behind my passion. If you like what you hear than allow me to walk you through my process because I can assure you of this, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!