The True Target of Anger

The True Target of Anger

When I was a kid, I would stay the night at my friend’s house that just happened to have cable television. One evening as we sat eating pizza and playing Atari video games, the film, The Exorcist, came on one of the movie channels. We watched in horror as the little girl went through what seemed as stages of possession until she was finally overtaken completely by demonic forces. One scene in particular scene that I remember was where she sat in a hospital room as doctors were running tests on her while she sat there looking at her mother and medical professionals, cursing them with every breath that she had. The film had the shock value in which I heard vulgarities that still to this day disturbs my memory of the film.

When I was a teenager, I knew a girl who dabbled in Satanism. She would adorn herself in pentagrams and would wear upside-down crucifixes. We could all be sitting around laughing and joking, and then all of a sudden, looking out of the corner of her eye, she would begin letting out vulgarities that would make the teenage boys who cursed all the time blush from embarrassment. What had begun her infuriation was the sight of a pastor of a small church who would walk through the neighborhood inviting all to come and fellowship at his church. This young woman had no personal knowledge of the man, but flagrantly displayed her embellished hatred for what he stood for. This in itself reminded me of the stages of possession that the fictional character went through and the deep set hatred for authority.

As a young man, I read a biography of Jim Jones, who had led the mass suicide of his followers in Guyana. Within the book were exact quotations of the deranged minister who often abused his congregants in many lewd ways, especially with his vulgar vernacular. I was quite disturbed by what I read and thought to myself, “This has to be words of demons coming out of his mouth”, as I thought back to the stages of possession that I had seen in the film, comparing this to Jones’ own deep set rebellion against the God he had turned from. To say the least, I couldn’t finish the book due to the nightmares that I would have after reading its contents before I went to sleep.

Then as of lately, I sat and watched the protest marches against our nation’s president complied of women. Often I sit and try to reason on both sides of liberalism and conservatism in why people do what they do. I could understand the concerns many had in regards to their health coverage and other facets of their platform, but when I listened to the speeches made by the 80’s music entertainer Madonna and that of actress Ashley Judd, my mind went right back to that of the movie and its stages of possession. The vulgar obscenities that were coming out of their mouths had the same smack of violent rhetoric and dark sexual lewdness that the little girl cursed those who got near her, especially the priests who tried to expel the demons who were voicing such things.

In our age of reason, many will state that it is absurd to think that demonic possession and oppression is behind the motives of many actions and circumstances that we witness in life’s wheel. But I question this due the fact that our prisons are full of men and women who have been inspired in choosing a darker path than the norm, our hospitals and cemeteries are full of children who are suffering or suffered at the hands of twisted perversion made upon them by predators, and homes are often torn apart by adulterous inclinations of those well versed in the art of wanting what doesn’t belong to them.

It would seem to be the American way to defend the right of one’s personal choices, be it in their open life or even that of their bedroom for one cannot control the free-willed action of another, but in regards to allowing the right for a defenseless baby to grow in one’s womb only to have it chewed into pieces by an instrument of death on an abortion table is quite the tale of savagery in itself. If we consider ourselves above the animal world by our intellect, we then have lied to ourselves; for you shall never see a pregnant animal dash it’s womb against the rocks in order to kill its young, and when they do give birth, they will defend against any threat that comes near their young with ill intentions. It is only the animal that has left its mind that eats its young. It is the human who has left their mind that will in one breath curse a predator for molesting a child and demand their death, but in another praise the notion of a woman who is willing to allow a stranger dressed in a white coat to insert a needle in the skull of her unborn child in order to scramble its brains. This is demonically inspired hypocrisy at its finest.

The main point of feminism is that even though many of its female participants have children, they do not want to have the stipulation of restraints placed upon them if they so choose to have an abortion. Seeing their female candidate who held the pinnacle of their ideas defeated by another conservative based male in office was a hard pill to swallow; for though this President isn’t exactly the bearer of the moral high ground that someone like Billy Graham would be, his policies in regards to things such as abortion that are being set is a reminder of the One who has set standards at the beginning of time against such things. At least one protestor was brave enough to get to the bottom of the ordeal and show who the real enemy of their ordeal is when she held up a sign that read, “If Mary would have gotten an abortion, we wouldn’t be in this mess”. It isn’t Trump or any other politician that the heart of rebellion has a problem with; it’s the Almighty God of heaven and earth that makes them quiver with hatred and animosity.

Many will argue that even though they adhere to darker, demonic things of mankind, they do have some form of belief in God, but this is only a god devoid of all authority that they have created in their mind’s eye of self-centered reason. Rabbi Paul warned his student Timothy that in the last days, such a mindset of rebellion would come, and with each description he used, we can shockingly see quite plainly in the flagrant display of this generation;
“But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come; for men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!”
2nd Timothy 3:1-5

Hugh Duffy, Ph.D.

Author, Blogger, Outreach Speaker, former Pastor at Diocese of Palm Beach

8 年

Good Adam. I admire your courage to take a stand against the declining , moral standards in today's society. The issue you raise about freedom, under the law, to do things we consider immoral from a Christian perspective, like abortion on demand, is worth raising. Is censorship the answer to this growing menace or must we defend one's freedom to disagree even when we oppose something as morally unacceptable? I think Love is the answer. It covers a multitude, without demonizing those who oppose us, because it is born of truth, and offers a better way when it is lived with integrity. Keep up the good work.


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