A True Tale of Determination and Resiliency from Beneath the Rubble of the Twin Towers

A True Tale of Determination and Resiliency from Beneath the Rubble of the Twin Towers

From Beneath the Towers:

On September 11th, 2001, Port Authority Police Officer, William Jimeno, left his home unsuspecting of what the day was about to hold. Just a few hours later he lay crushed beneath the Twin Towers’ 220 stories of concrete, steel, and glass. Most of his team had already died. He and his sergeant were helplessly trapped. The pain and anguish had only begun.

Many have seen Oliver Stone’s World Trade Center, which depicted this horrific day and the rescue of Will and his Sergeant, John McLoughlin. Surviving the initial collapse was only part of the story. Multiple surgeries, forced retirement, survivor’s guilt, rage, thoughts of suicide, and learning to live again with PTSD were waiting outside of the rubble.

Will has teamed with clinical psychologist, Michael Moats, to share his message of faith, hope, and love and how these three things helped him navigate the unchartered waters of learning to live again after the tragedy of September 11th. Although Sunrise Through the Darkness speaks directly to first responders, Will’s message is relatable to anyone who has suffered trauma or loves someone who has. Included is a chapter from a spouse’s point of view, as well as a chapter specifically speaking to the psychological understanding of the power within Will’s message. Sunrise Through the Darkness marks the 20-year anniversary of 9/11 and gives honor to those that died through Will’s continued work of healing his wounds and serving others.

#neverforget #nevergiveup #September11 #ptsd


