TRUE SUCCESS TIP: How To More Easily Change Your Mind

What we achieve is limited by what we can imagine. Often, we recruit our imaginations to work?against?us. We’re afraid we’ll bomb the presentation, be passed over for promotion, never achieve a great mate or healthy lifestyle. And then… our predictions prove true. We’ve become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

What if it was easy to think differently? Our thinking could propel us forward; not hold us back. What would a simple change of thinking then make possible?

BeLIEfs that hold us back are our “limiting beliefs” about the world, other people, and ourselves. The KEY-to-life success is to continually replace these with “liberating truths” because truth always tells a hopeful story.

Instead of “I can’t lead a healthy lifestyle,” tell yourself, “I‘ve the perfect resources to make easy and lasting changes.”

Habits-of-thinking shape our brain, just like habits-of-doing compel action. The trick is: are they resourceful or unresourceful??Decide today to change! Then start naming the limiting beLIEfs and liberating truth. As your limiting beLIEf comes to mind, counter it with your liberating truth. Trust the liberating truth over the limiting belief…and you’ll easily change your mind.?

?BE the change. Coaching helps.

#selfmastery #motivation #mindset #leadership #mindful #success


Deborah Holt - Quantum Coach Team Transformer Leader Results ? 816.444.0796 * Your potential is my passion.


