TRUE SUCCESS TIP: How To Have What You Want and End Why You Don’t

Manifestation-having is quite simple. It's just not always easy. To get the hang of it,?ya gotta empty all your limitation-conditioning that's still preventing it. Here's the skinny:

Bring to mind what you truly want. See-feel IT, to know IT, to have IT. Get crystal clear about what you really, deeply want:

* How much money & why?

* How does that perfect relationship feel when you’re together?

* How does your body look & feel with radiant health, vitality & slenderness?

* How is your business-vocation serving and growing?

* How do you feel and what are you doing with whom every day?

* How much conscious connection and alignment with divinity-within?

* How does your life look different when visualizing your ideal change(s)?

Imagine all desired...for several minutes. Allow this scene to take you over as you feel for to connect with the highest vibration of love you can find. Dwell here and expand your energy as you stay fully present within your body. Then, while in this higher state of resonance—as already having it—ask yourself: "How is it possible I don’t yet have this (ideal)?" Listen for and bring forward the clues to what you’re conflicted about.

KEY: Somehow, you DON’T want it. Otherwise, you’d already have it, right?

Ask: "What am I afraid of?" (being seen, judged, losing it, behaving badly). "What am I still in judgment-negativity about?" (not deserving better; must be punished; must do it all by myself). Now, give it all your love and permission to leave. Love your limits out of existence by recognizing your subconscious blocks and painful programs are all trying to keep you safe. The secret is in the letting go; not being attached.

Get certain you've done your part (to clearly invoke). Get grateful for all you already have.

Surrender all to your Inner Holiness (Source) to access and align with your divinity and what the most conscious aspect of YOU wants for you.|?[email protected]?for resources that help.

Deborah Holt - Quantum Coach * Team Transformer * Leader Results* 816.444.0796 * Your potential is my passion.


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