This is a true reflection of me
This is a true reflection of me.
Now I’m gonna be honest, my instant reaction towards this photo says it is definitely not the most glamorous out of the 231 taken, yet I can’t tell you how much it makes me smile.
Smiling at my own self?.....
Weird right?... ??
But in all seriousness, the reason why I am smiling is because of how much this photo simply represents the truest version of who I am.
It represents everything about me.
It’s represents my own self.
It’s represents my amazing clients.
It’s truly represents my overall service to others.
Everyday I strive to share with the world that they can simply be there true selves, and this is me doing just that.
As you can probably tell, this photo was taken by my good friend Paul in a break between the cheeky poses, and he literally captured me in my element. (I’m not even sure what I was laughing at to be honest)
He captured me speaking a message of expression without any words at all, and I can’t tell you how that feels.
There is no other feeling like it knowing you are heading in the right direction, whilst doing the things that light up on a daily basis.
And that’s my wish for you too.
In addition, I also think it’s important that this post doesn’t come across all rosey like Im completely living this magical perfect life.
Because that would be absolute bullshit.
It hasn’t been at all easy to get where I am today, to the point where I can write this post.
There has been ups and downs and everything in between - and I am in no doubt that there will still be more to come.
My wish for you is full expression.
My wish for you is to drop all the judgement.
My wish for you, is to do what it takes to work out who you are, so you can follow that path every single day.
Simply because that’s what feels amazing for you.
Trust yourself.
You might even capture a picture just like mine. ??
I appreciate you.
To your success,