The True Recipe for Success

The True Recipe for Success

What you need to know if you want to succeed in investing in your dream.

There is a foundation that is needed if you are going to 1 create success and 2 keep it. There are so many businesses that come and go and they are just a flash in the pan.

What are the elements present in the businesses that have lasting power?

What is it that allows them to sustain and create a legacy?

I know many articles and teachings will tell you about the logical aspects of building a successful business. I am going to share with you the key elements that the founder and leader must have internally to endure and create success.

1. Consistency

When you first have a brilliant idea it’s so exciting and sexy. There is so much potential. All possibilities exist and the world is your oyster. When thinking about and talking about the idea it’s exciting. Should you decide to invest in your idea and walk the path to make it a reality, there are going to be challenges, no’s, roadblocks, and brick walls. The path to success is not an easy one. Being your boss isn’t easy. You are now the founder and the only place you can look is in the mirror.

Your motivation must come from a powerful place as walking this path starts and stops with you. If you want to create success on this path you need to show up every day for your dream whether it’s fun or not. You need to show up on the days when you feel good and full of energy and on the days when you have no energy and everything sucks.

There are going to be days when you feel the passion and drive and others see your greatness. There are also going to be days when it’s really hard and no one acknowledges you and it feels like you are getting nowhere, spinning your wheels.

The secret to developing consistency is…

1. Commit to showing up no matter what the day brings.

2. Develop a strong Why. you need to know why you are doing this when things get rough.

3. Have confidence and self-worth so when things get tough you can still show up and do what needs to be done because you and your dreams are worth investing in.

4. Create strong, powerful daily routines that will support your mental health and create a positive mindset that will feed and fuel your path.

No matter what happens on the path remember consistency is key!

2. Belief

The dream that you have, this amazing idea…

Do you believe in it?

You must believe in yourself and your dream if you are going to stay on the path to see it become a reality. It’s hard to invest in yourself when you don’t believe you are worthy of greatness. You might start on the path and sabotage yourself because of your lack of belief in yourself.

Things might get hard and because of your lack of belief in your idea, you might just stop and say. “Maybe it wasn’t meant to be and I should just stay at my day job where it’s safe and secure.”

Create a powerful Why that will set you up for success on the path of trials that will show up to inspire you to quit.

Why are you here in this life?

What is it you want to create in this life?

Be clear on what you want to create and hold onto it. Commit to it. There are going to be situations and people that are going to make you want to quit. Possibly even the people closest to you, friends and family will nay say what you are doing and not believe in you. You must stand strong against those who will tell you to quit and get a job. If what you are doing is high vibration and in alignment with the highest good of everyone and everything on Mother Earth, you will be supported.

3. Foundation

You must create a solid foundation on which to build your empire. The most important step is building a healthy and self-loving internal ecosystem within you, the founder. Invest in teachers, coaches, and healers that will help you learn the lessons from your refining fires, heal and expand so you can use your past to fuel you instead of it holding you back and blocking success.

Everything that has happened to you in the past good and bad has happened for you so you can become who you were meant to be. Heal and expand and become that amazing leader.

Create 5-year goals for you and your business so you know where you are heading to. just like going on vacation, you must have a destination first. Then you can plan out what you want to see, how you are going to get there, where you want to stay etc.

Create a clear entity with characteristics, a mission statement, values and goals to build a culture. It’s easy when it’s just you but when you grow and hire employees, this will become the foundation the culture will be created upon.

Create a business plan that will become your living document that will grow and change as things get played out in reality. This will help you and those who join you on the path support your goals and dreams and see what you are creating.

4. Self-Worth

This in my mind is the most important thing on the list and what needs to be developed first. Your relationship with yourself, and how you feel about yourself dictates your behaviour.

Walk a path to fall in love with yourself and expand on creating an unconditionally loving relationship with yourself. This is a path you are going to commit to for the rest of your life. It takes a lifetime to expand on everything that is you and you are going to keep changing and again so you need to keep recommitting as you shift and change to accept the new you.

When you have high self-worth you will eat the best food, exercise and take care of your physical body, create beautiful healthy relationships, stay high vibration in everything you do, and have ethical business practices.

With ease, you will commit to yourself and your goals, take care of yourself and only nurture relationships that are uplifting and supporting you.

This in itself will be the one thing that will keep you going when everything is knocking you down telling you to give up.

5. No Failure Mindset

Failure doesn’t exist for those who are on the path to making something happen. Attaching self-worth and making your journey a personal one can be your downfall. The best way to approach the journey to success is to think of yourself as an inventor or scientist. They come up with an idea of what they want to create, then they work towards making it a reality. Each time they make an attempt and they don’t get the desired outcome, they analyze the outcome, learn and pivot.

Not creating their desired outcome doesn’t lead to a feeling of failure and emotional turmoil because it’s not personal. Emotions and a feeling of failure can stop a person from looking back and analyzing things to gain clarity as there is too much pain. Make sure you receive the emotional support you need emotionally so you can look at each outcome, learn and pivot.

Failure doesn’t exist, there are only learning opportunities.

6. Leadership

There is is huge difference between being a boss and a leader. A boss is motivated by greed and ego. A leader is motivated by love and wants to contribute. The boss thinks about his own gain and the bottom line that effects his/her profits. The leader think about his/her people and empowering them to thrive. The boss treats his/her employees like robots and expects them to produce every minute they are on the clock. The leader knows that his/her employees are amazing people with dreams, needs, desires and wants. When they are honoured and taken care of, they will be better producers. The boss believes they are the one that knows everything and the employees are beneath them for a reason. The leader is aware there are people out there that know way more about specific topics than him/her so they hire smarter people than them to get things done.

To put it simply the boss disempowers and the leader empowers!

7. Serve

As a founder and leader the best perspective to have is…

How can I serve my my clients/customers?

How can I serve my empoyees/team?

When you are in service of you team they will feel provided for, supported, and fulfilled. You should know what your employees dreams and aspirations are. You should know what their strengths and weaknesses are. What they love doing and truly don’t like doing. The more you can set your employees up in a situation that is in alignment with their gifts, talents, and genius zone, the more they will thrive because the job they are doing feeds their soul. Providing training that allows them to keep expanding and strengthening weaknesses will build their confidence and help them become better producers for you as well. Honouring their mental health issues and providing a inclusive culture and support will really make them feel very supported as well.

With your clients and customers looking at their customer experience from how they are sold to, how the service, products are delivered and if there are opportunities to encourage them to retain them is very important. Are they being honoured on special occasions like their birthday, anniversaries etc. Do you know any personal information about their lives so you can really show up and give them an amazing personalized experience. The main reason most companies get to know their customers is so they can effectively sell to them. The best and most important reason you should get to know your customers is to look at how to best serve them. When they have an amazing customer service experience, they will feel honoured and come back to you everytime they need what you provide.

8. Open Minded

The most important state of mind a founder and leader can create is an open mind. Being able to entertain all ideas that are brought to you is so important. As a founder if you want to stay relevant in the marketplace you need to pivot constantly. Some of the biggest giant companies that were absolutely giants in their industry at their times have died because they didn’t jump when changes were happening. They were based in ego and believed they could stay the path and everything would work out in their favour. They were wrong.

Polaroid is an amazing example of this. They were the leader in Photography! They were the only ones who gave you instant gratification. You could take a photo and it printed out instantly. In a time when you had a strip of film that you only had 24 exposures on and had to be taken in and developed, this was amazing.

The Polaroid Corporation was founded by American scientist Edwin H. Land in 1937, but it wasn’t known as a leader of instant photography then (as it is today). Polaroid used polarizer technology (an optical filter) to create all sorts of zany products, including 3-D movies and glare-reducing goggles for dogs. During World War II, the innovative company designed and manufactured many products for the armed services, including an infrared night viewing device and colored filters for rangefinders and periscopes, which is an object that lets you look around walls, corners, or other obstacles.

Despite Polaroid’s popularity in the second half of the 20th century, the company filed for federal bankruptcy protection in 2001. The art of instant photography looked like it had expired; and, in 2008, the company officially announced that they would be ceasing production of their analog film products. Fujifilm took over the market, and many Polaroid fans were left dismayed.

They didn’t jump when digital cameras.?Steven J. Sasson?born July 4, 1950 is an American electrical engineer and the inventor of the?self-contained?(portable) digital camera. Sasson is a 1972 (BS) and 1973 (MS) graduate of?Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute?in?electrical engineering.[1]?He attended and graduated from?Brooklyn Technical High School.[2]?He has worked for?Kodak?since shortly after his graduation from engineering school. Now if the digital camera was invented that far back. Why did Polaroid not pivot to stay relevant when they saw change coming.

Instagram came in and demonotized photography and taking over the market place. Instagram was launched on?Oct.?6, 2010, where it was initially only available for iOS. 4 The app reached one million registered users after just two months, and a billion users by 2018.

The lesson here is always strive to be open minded and pay attention to what is going on around you. The one constant is change!

9. Awareness

Always be aware of what is going on around you, what you competitors are doing. If they are innvoating and changing the way they are doing things and you don’t keep up with the change, you will get lost in the shuffle.

In the interwebs the algorithms are always changing so it’s quite important to stay on top of the changes so you can have your content reach your intended clients.

Self-awareness is paramount as well. Being aware of anything you might be doing to block your success. Being introspective, working with a coach, healer, mentor that can help you see and shift anything that might internally be slowing you down is huge.

Be aware of the culture within your business as well. Is you team inclusive and motivated by love. Are they working together and supporting each other or are they gossiping and toxic. Do you have a culture that supports everyone thriving or is it an environment that is sucking the life out of your employees.

Be aware of what is going on in your personal life and create balance. As an entrepreneur, you main focus is going to be creating success for your dream. It’s great to have focus and to be determined. However there needs to be separation so the people who are in your personal life get your love and attention. You also don’t want to be one of the people who only talks about one topic. “WORK”

Your friends and family want to spend time with you and want to enjoy your company. However if you drill down on one topic, you are going to drive them all insane. So be mindful and create clear and seperate entities for you and your business. That way you can step out of your home office or city office and step into who you are as a person and not take your work into your personal time with those you love.

Moral of the story: Take time out to reflect on all aspects of you and your business so you always have a clear perspective what what is going on and how you can improve.

10. Mindful

When I say be mindful, I am saying be present. Many people are walking through there day doing things on autopilot. Between traditional things that we do that doesn’t get questioned to every day tasks that are repeated and become autonomic, much of what we do doesn’t require us to really mindfully be present.

The more you can question everything in your life and really mindfully create your reality the better.

Ask yourself:

Why do I celebrate the holidays I do?

Why do I celebrate holidays the way I do?

What traditions were forced upon my lineage and what are my true roots?

Do I want to follow any of the traditions from my lineage?

Why do we all get married, and is it right for me?

Why do we all have kids and is it right for me?

Why do we all buy a house and car and get a reliable job and is it right for me?

How do I feel about the spiritual/religous practices I was raised with, and is it truly in my highest good?

What I am asking you to do is really mindfully question the reality that has been handed to you. Consciously create a life that is based on your divine design and happiness. When you do this you will spend your last days feeling at peace and knowing you lived a good life.

I truly hope you find all of these tips useful. Please subscribe for more.

If you want to learn more about how you can work with me please go to?

All the love from me to you,

Harmony Woodington C.Ht.

Troy Hipolito

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2 年

#5 really resonates with me. I like that a lot.


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