The true price of extractivism
Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Tagged by Source, Visualizations by: Andrew J Christensen and Mark SubbaRao Scientific consulting by: Lesley Ott NASA

The true price of extractivism

Who’s responsible for the breakdown of nature and our civilisation? NASA just released a beautiful and scary visualization of the release of CO2 into the atmosphere 2021, confirming what we know but fail to act upon.

A different way of looking at liability is the recent study Natural capital at risk - the top 100 externalities of business displaying that the biggest industries in the world are only able to make a profit because they burn through 7.3 trillion USD of “free natural capital” per year. According to Paul Hawken the global industrial system is “stealing the future, selling it at present, and calling it GDP.” The breakdown of unpriced “natural capital” in the study: GHG emissions (38%), water use (25%), land use (24%), air pollution (7%), land and water pollution (5%) and waste (1%).?

Commodification of nature has its origin in the rise of capitalism and while it’s of course impossible to but a value on life (what’s your child, grandmother or dog worth?), it’s important to understand the flaws of our current economic system and drivers of both emissions and exploitation.?


The Economy

The Energy Crisis

2022: CO2 emissions from EU territorial energy use: -2.8% Biggest decreases in CO2 emissions from territorial energy use in Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium and Hungary. Data show that Germany alone accounts for one-quarter of the EU’s total CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion for energy use. Italy and Poland (each 12.4%), and France (10.7%) came next on the EU’s list of the biggest CO2 emitters in 2022.

The War?



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