The True Order of the Day
Bettye M. Walker, MHSC
Personal Leadership Development Consultant & Advocate, specializing in Faith-Based Holistic Counseling, Conflict Resolution, Mediation, and Mental Health Advocacy in Black Trauma
May 30, 2016 — Exactly one year ago today, I posted a passage of scripture on Facebook (Deut. 30:11-16), under my personal series called "Morning Meditations." I did so again today, in part, because I believe the timing of it is significant not only to Memorial Day but also to commemorate a time when we need to think about what is truly the order and command of the day.
There is a higher purpose for living than mourning those who are lost or have lost their lives. The Word of God (the will of God) is not beyond our grasp of understanding or knowledge but forever settled in our hearts, established in our minds, and seated at the gates of our lips.
If we are to memorialize anything, let us memorialize the fact that we are alive and exist because of the Lord's mercy and grace towards us and not men. Let us pay homage to the fact that the Lord only asks one thing of us and that is to "love" Him with "all our heart, mind, and soul," to "walk in his ways" and "keep his commandments, statutes and judgments," that we may "live," be fruitful and "multiply" our seed upon the earth, while abiding under the covenant of His eternal security, safety and blessings. (Deut. 6:5, 30:11-16).
It is tragic when someone dies for an unjust cause. In honor of those who laid down their lives for the safety and security of our country, and in honor of Jesus Christ who paid the ultimate sacrifice of death that we might live and enjoy life, may we all be reminded of the true order and command of the day, which is the love of God first, family and neighbors second and everything else an easy third. This, my friend, is the true order and command of the day!
Blessed Memorial Day to all!