The True North of Leadership: Authenticity, Character, and Emotional Intelligence
Photo Credit: Stefan Wilson,

The True North of Leadership: Authenticity, Character, and Emotional Intelligence

Leaders, it's time for a CTJ. I don’t know who needs to hear it, but you know who you are. Well, your people definitely know who you are. Leadership isn't just about your title, your pedigree, your glory days, or your grand strategy for the future; it’s about who you are and how you make others feel.

The direction you take, the methods you follow, the tools and resources you use to guide you; they all play a role in your performance and impact company results.

?? By the Book: According to Full Range Leadership Development (FRLD), transformational leaders inspire and motivate by being genuine, ethical, and emotionally savvy. Research in the Journal of Applied Psychology confirms that transformational leadership, characterized by these traits, leads to higher levels of employee engagement and performance. (1)

  • Transformational leaders inspire through genuine connections and ethical practices.
  • Employee engagement and performance spike when led by a transformational leader.

? Question: Are you encouraging genuine relationships and ethical behavior within your team?

?? Emotional Intelligence: Emotional intelligence isn't just a buzzword; it's a crucial skill, and it's all about balance. According to Daniel Goleman, it's even more important than IQ in leadership. An emotionally intelligent leader recognizes and understands emotions – both their own and others – to create a harmonically balanced work environment. (2)

  • Recognizing and managing emotions are key to resonant leadership.
  • Effective communication and decision-making stem from high emotional intelligence.

?? Question: Are you actively working on improving your emotional intelligence and that of your team?

?? Character & Authenticity: A study in the Journal of Business Ethics revealed that leader authenticity directly correlates with employee well-being and engagement. (3) Authentic leaders practice what they preach and instill trust, creating a ripple effect across the entire organization.

  • Authentic leaders create a trust-based culture, leading to high employee well-being.
  • Your character sets the tone for organizational ethics and morale.

? Question: How often do you check in with yourself to ensure you’re leading authentically?

?? The Bottom Line: Emphasizing authenticity, character, and emotional intelligence doesn't just make you a better leader; it hits the bottom line. According to Gallup, companies with high employee engagement rates are 21% more profitable. (4)

  • High employee engagement rates directly correlate to increased profitability.
  • Focusing on authentic and emotionally intelligent leadership impacts company metrics positively.

?? Question: Are you tracking how leadership style affects your company's bottom line?

So leaders, let’s dig deep and tap into our authentic selves. Take a hard look at the direction, methods, tools and resources you are using. Compare your results with your goals. Are you helping your business grow? Are your people getting the results you intended for them? How will next year be any better?

? Conclusion: Leadership goes beyond just strategy; it's about who you are and how you make others feel. Let’s dig deep to tap into our authentic selves and bring out the best in those we lead.

Ready to bring your leadership to the next level? Let’s achieve greatness together. Reach out for resources and deep dives into leadership practices, coaching, and tools that make a lasting difference.


  1. Judge, T. A., & Piccolo, R. F. (2004). Transformational and transactional leadership: A meta-analytic test of their relative validity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(5), 755-768.
  2. Goleman, D. (1998). Working with emotional intelligence. Bantam.
  3. Jensen, S. M., & Luthans, F. (2006). Relationship between entrepreneurs' psychological capital and their authentic leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 3, 177-196.
  4. Pendell, R., Gallup, Inc. (2022). Employee Engagement Strategies: Fixing the World's $8.8 Trillion Problem.

