True Nature of the Ugly Truth about Haters & Trolls!
Keith Hecker
Creator - Writer - Photographer & Videographer - Designer & Maker - Ancient Astronaut Theory Enthusiast - Visualist Observer of Scientific Theories
I was just watching wrestling today 5/15/2023. And I was just reminded about an old fable story about the Frog and the Scorpion.
It just latterly blew my mind. Any other time before that story never really hit me until this day! Live on WWE Cody told that story and compared that story to him and Brock Lesnar.
In the being, I didn’t think of it until Cody was telling that story! Then something else happened and clicked in my brain. Then I started to think back to my last 40 years growing up.
As the story unfolds the two are about to cross the river and the scorpion stings the frog and they both drown and die.
The story hit me. It reminded me of the story of “David and Goliath.” Even thou that story had a different outcome. But I still thought about it. How those two stories are somewhat related. Yet, in some ways the same story!
Two beings from two different worlds. One is superior to the other. One being overpowered.? Both those stores have even more in common. One is based on power and the other is based on knowledge is more powerful than physical strength.
Mind over matter. Just like a hunter and its prey. But what happens when that prey fights back and becomes stronger in ways that were not seen before in a person who does not always fight back?
This is no different than high school drama with the school bully. Someone is trying to prove they are better in every way, smarts, looks, skills, body shape, and strength. But when it comes to a force that is trying to prove that they have no equal or anyone out there that can stop them. That’s nothing more than a bully trying to run and rule the playground.
Let's get back to the frog and the scorpion story. In this case two people. We’ll call them Mr. Bill and Mr. Joe. Bill is the bully and Joe is the one he is belittling and physically harming him.
Every bully out there wants to show off. Making a statement that they are the it factor in every way. They don’t care if anyone gets hurt either. Just as long as they come out on top, Mr. Bill. A bully will stop at nothing. Some would say that hurting people comes from someone who is hurting. I don’t buy any of that crap. Some of it might be true but that is not the main reason why.
Some will bully because they think it's cool or it is fun and want to be a part of a group of people. Some just do it because they like to hurt people. Those that cause mental, emotional, and physical pain are not always people that are hurting themselves.
The statement says, hurt people, hurt people. I have known people that I have gone to school with who still to this day hurt others because they enjoy it and get an adrenaline rush from it. Because they think they are so much better and think they can get away with hurting others and so they keep doing it. A lot of it is staged too. They will start rumors about something or set up a meeting. Back in older terms these events or encounters were called shack downs!
You either submit or pay the price. It doesn’t even have to be physical. Everyone does it. Teachers, parents, lawyers, police, and even your boss! Because they have been doing it so long they think they can do it to whoever they want and no one has the power to fight back or in most cases stand up for themselves. That is what defines a bully or bully-like intentions.
You can justify however you like the facts and transparency of those events will out way any other justifications. If you want to get all technical about it’s the same as intimidation.
Intimidation and bullying are the same thing! But as years go on their names and titles have changed. Physically and mentally. Some will even use big words and terms to show that they are more empowered than you are. Some will even use power in numbers of people.
I remembered a story about a young teen girl who was friended by her classmates and invited to a party and then got cornered by those same so-called friends and was beaten up as soon as she got to the party and stepped into the door! I don’t care what the overall story was about right or wrong! But that is no different than a setup from a Mob hit would do.
If I remember right I think they even made a movie about something like this too. Mean Girls or Jay Breaker.
My point is I don’t believe that someone has to be hurting to hurt others. Like the media has clammed them out to be as often as they claim it to be. Those who are keyboard warriors, haters, trolls, and self-entitled people are more like just everyday people looking to get a rise for themselves by hurting others because that makes them feel empowered. They want all the attention on them and for them to take notice of them.
So instead of trying to do something good or help fix a problem they cause trouble because they believe they know more and can justify their actions, truths, facts, and events better than anyone else can!
Once again I fall back to high school and drama! I have been hated, bullied, belittled, treated like crap, and have been beaten up. Because I didn’t fit into anyone person's lifestyle, group, or culture. I was the odd man out. And I was labeled the odd man out for 30-plus years. Not just at school. I also got it at home, work, and even with some so-called friends. Even from a few exes as well.
This also reminds me of a Batman movie. What is a villain driven by or in this what is a troll, hater, and self-entitled people driven by? Power, fame, glory, and or money. All the above in my opinion.
More so when it's all about their ego and trying to get all the attention directed toward them. Because they are better in every way or they make themselves out to be the cool kids if your someone still in high school.
Even long after school they still act like and want to be like the cool kids. I know this because I finished high school in 1995 about 15 years later a so-called classmate and bully tried to start the very same bullshit he started back in grade school and through high school! Word for word and action per action!?
The only thing he changed was he tried to speak his words in another language. Even with that, he tried to start the very same bull crap word for word as he did back then just to use another language to do it with. The funny thing is he had to use a translator to change his text so that I wouldn’t know what he was saying and talking about. I know how to use a computer and translate to ass whip!
It's now 2023 and he still thinks the same way now as he did in high school. Some people do change and others never really grow up or improve themselves at all!
Sorry, Aaron, you were an ass whole back then and you are still one today!
Some people just go to great levels to keep their egos high and to keep string the pot just to feel important and show off that they are superior over others! When in fact it just shows how stupid you are and haven’t grown out of your high school mentality.
In my opinion and have learned. Once a bully always a bully! Because that’s how they were raised to be or didn’t have parents that gave to cents.
But does anyone know how to take away Mr. Bill's empowerment over someone?
Now with the power of the internet and digital media. You can take their power away. Because your voice now has the tool for your words to be heard on a larger scale. Your words now have meaning and support.
Back then if you spook up you were called a liar and you were the one starting the whole thing. Now with the internet things have changed. Some bullies have been put to rest and others have gained more power over some of you too.
You still can fight back thou. With the digital and the internet, your words and actions have much more meaning with a lot of backbone. Those Bills don’t like that! Because social platforms alike can now get their information to more people. The Bills also use that too. However, this is also the bill's weakness. I’ve had it happen to me.
This Brian guy keeps trying to restart a very old fire that burnt out 20-some years ago. Even went as far as making many fake profile accounts just to keep on with his rants and disrespectful comments going. After reporting, blocking, and deleting his bull crap. He still made fake accounts. Then the last one he used. In what I believe is his real account he started to send me direct DM’s because I exposed his actions to everyone on a public post and story timeline post. Now he sends DM’s. I was about to report, block, and delete him again.
But I got to thinking and without having to reply to him I am now saving all the DM’s. So if he goes to far with it I can sue his ass and he will spend a lot of time in jail.
So the more info, and transparency, the more accountability someone has. If someone like Mr. Bill is giving you a lot of trouble. Be sure to talk to someone about it and see what is the best thing to do. Also, think about what caused the issues and the intentions behind them. Is it over something stupid like high school drama or is it something more intense?
But well just say it's over something stupid in general. Then do the normal and report, block, and delete. However, before you do that I would catalog the dates, times, the comments, and the platform used. That is one thing I wish I had kept with others like the Brian guy!
If by some chance it is taken too far or overwhelming limits then you have something to use for legal action and it will have some backbone to add with it as well if you do have to take legal action.
Everyone needs to understand you can do something about all the keyboard warriors and trolls. 99.9% of them won’t do a thing about them until it has been taken too far or someone ends another person's life over it! In some ways, you can take their power away by not replying to them directly.
Instead, you can make notes about their actions or you can call them out on their actions. That will take away a lot of their harmful intentions. However, you can fire back but do it with a twist. If you happen to fire back at the Bills. Fire back publicly with a live stream or video reply and show what the Bills have done to you. Be clear and transparent with the whole information. That will carry more weight in your favor than in theirs.
These so-called keyboard warriors and trolls are no different from the reporting paparazzi that Hollywood actors go through daily! Better known as tabloids! All of it falls under the definition of drama! You could even say it's nothing more than high school drama on crack!
I have to at mite thou. I too am being a keyboard warrior right now as I write this!?
With all the puns out of the way, you can see that everything that I have said here has a level of weight and supporting factors to the Bills and Joe’s. Even thou I didn’t say much about the Joe’s you knew what I meant and didn’t have to say too much to that!
The frog and the scorpion story also said it was his nature to sting the frog. In my Bill and Joe story, Bill is the scorpion it is in his nature to sting and hurt people.
I question when people say hurt people hurt people! Some out there hurt people because it's in their nature to hurt people because of the way they were raised or how they saw things from other people. Most of them just want the attention on them. They will even go on to make things up as time goes on or twist the very facts of the truth just to have all the eyes and ears on them.
Everybody knows the truth about how things played out. Some will even twist the facts of the truth to claim that they are the victims and they should be the ones to listen.
That game field has changed too with today’s modern time. With the new video tech upgrades in cell phones and normal video cameras. Most can’t claim to be the victims anymore!
Most workplaces, police forces, and schools have upgraded to that as well. But there are rare times when people still try to get away with the simplest things.
It has taken me 40 years or so to finally understand why some would have diaries and write journals about their days. If some of them still have them and still write in them. Do you know how much legit support they have if something were to ever come up?
I think that is why some programmers came up with Blogger. That would be a digital form of a diary or journal. However, depending on how you shared your writings was not so great. But in some cases, I bet many of those blog posts would also have some weight to back them up.
Lots of people these days write every detail or talk about every detail in a digital form at some point. YouTube or some kind of “Live Video Streaming!” Some still write everything down on paper too. Once again transparency and accountability. The more you document your information and how you share it will hold up in more ways than one! More so if and when a legal outcome has to play out.
It's no different than running a business. Business owners have to document every detail to be in business. If they don’t they could face thousands of liability issues with their staff as well as with their clients.
So how transparent and accountable do you want to be for everyone to see and hear you? Do you want to be the Bills or the Joe’s? Or do you want to be the frog and the scorpion?
Being 100% real all the time can be good and bad at the same time. Do you want to gamble more than you have or do you want to crawl in bed with the devil? In some ways, the devil could turn out the be the good guy.
All though the devil in this kind of manner has proven to be 100% real. The devil said the greatest trick he has ever done is that he never existed.
With the digital world and the social media platforms, your trick or myth has now been 100% busted and proven that you are in fact real and you live within every person around the world.
God lives within every one of us too. It is our choice to desire which is better than the other.
No God or Devil can make us choose who or which is the better choice. That is why we all have free will to desire which is the best choice for us. It is a gamble! You either win big or you lose everything!
As the old gambler song says. “You got to know when to hold them and when to fold them!” You are the one holding the cards! The dealer will either give you what you need or give you what you don’t need!
A lot of times whatever reason we are dealt something we are not able to handle. Things that are way beyond our control or able to fix and understand. We either lack the understanding or just lack something that we can not mentally get threw.
Time is everyone’s greatest threat and evil. Time will define us and destroy us. As time goes on where we end up is never written in stone as the old saying goes. No, I am not talking about destiny or a prophecy that was told by someone who can see into the future. Not saying that those things don’t happen either.
If you are like me and how I think. Time plays a lot of mean jokes on us. Time is the Joker and is toying with some of the people that live within time. Every day and night something happens all over the world without someone knowing about it!
High winds blow trees down to the ground. Huge waves out in the oceans. Time will always happen. Even if you are not present at that moment. However, in other moments it is life-changing.
Have you ever heard of the ripple effect? Throwing a stone into the water and seeing how many ripples in the water were made after the stone hit.
The ripple effect still goes on even after when you can’t see the ripples anymore. Because as time goes on those ripples change the flow and the direction of the water. If things are swimming or floating in the water those will change direction too.
But with the frog and the scorpion, their direction didn’t change until they got into the water and the scorpion stung the frog.
The moral of the story I think is this! You want to take people for their word and find the good in everything. Not every person, thing, or word is going to be good. You just have to be well informed of who you are talking to, where they are coming from, and what you are dealing with!
For all of this to happen though you have to understand who and where you are coming from too. Everyone has a task or goal that they want to achieve. Knowing is one thing. Going after it is another. Two different things but yet after the same thing. But then something along the way stops you in your tracks.
To me, the scorpion is that force or track that will try to stop you dead. That force believes there is nothing out there that can stop it or overpower it. Anything and everything can be overpowered and defeated.
We all have the ability and the power within us to do that! We can all be powerful in many different ways. Some use their minds others use physical means. The point is you can either stand up and take chances or back down and get stepped on!
That force that was keeping you down. You found a way to overcome that force.
That force can not believe that you overpowered it. That force will try and come back to stop you again and try to be or become even more powerful than before. Sometimes that first defeated force will come back more powerful and defeat you again.
Just like the laws of nature. Thunderstorms or lightning storms are powerful and can be very deadly too. Some are stronger than others and some are so strong they can kill.
Bullies / Trolls (Mr. Bill) is a force of their own. The Joe’s (You) can be a force if you have the mental mindset to defeat Mr. Bill.
Trolls and Bullies think they know enough to keep every Joe on their knees and make you stand aside so they can walk past you. They will never change that wave of thinking. They will always say they are in charge. Even when they have been defeated over and over again.
Sometimes they will change up or upgrade their power level and sometimes they will win too. Most of the time all they want is to be in control and have that control over others.
Most bullies and trolls are not hurtful people who go out of their way to hurt people. They hurt others because they think it’s cool, fun, and the thing to do because they see others do it. Yes, things like that could have happened to them too by their family and friends. Even if that is so that doesn’t give anyone the right to pass it on to others either!
It just comes down to having control over others. No one has the right to enforce their self-indicative will on another! That just makes you nothing more than a dictator or a self-made ruler of a fictional kingdom.
Your Keyboard Wars, Trolls, Haters, and self-entitled people have nothing better to do. They are no different from a drug addict or alcoholic. It is nothing more than an addiction for them to go out of their way to spread their disrespectful and evil complex actions. They are the scorpions of the frog story!
From what I have gone through personally. Those kinds of human beings have no morals, compassion, or empathy for anyone but for themselves. They are the most ugliest and hateful people on earth.
Do you want to know the ugliest truth about them and how to espouse them? Call them out on their very disrespectful and evil complex actions. Use your social media platforms and use their real names. To get the maximum effect of exposing them, make a video about it and upload the video to Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.
Once you do that! They are going to dial it up even more with their disrespectful and evil complex actions! Because they will try and say their actions are justified and 100% truthful. In other words, they will end up crying the victims of their own words and actions.
I mean if they are so truthful and so justifiable. Then why is there more and more information of truths, lies, hate, and hurtful statements still coming out of their mouths? Because they will never stop or end and that is the truth of it all. They will keep on doing their disrespectful and evil complex actions. The only way to get them to stop. Is to make them give up and walk away!
A few will just give up and you never hear from them again. Some will go into hiding and wait to come back again to be more disrespectful and evil complex actions than before. Once again they will give you more fuel to call them out!
This is why I am so upset with the frog and the scorpion stories! However, some will stop at nothing to keep their disrespectful and evil complex actions going. It gets so bad that physical harm will come into play at some point. Either it will be physically inflected or someone will take their own life. Those two acts have happened many different times and ways.
What these disrespectful and evil complex people don’t understand is. Their actions and words to them mean nothing but that, words and actions. Most hope that their words and actions do have a profound effect on the people they do it to. So much so that they hope those people will do something dramatic to either hurt themselves or hurt others physically. Because if they do their disrespectful and evil complex actions then will become fact and all their words and actions will be validated.
That is their main goal. They want their disrespectful and evil complex actions to be validated. Even if that means lying, cheating, stealing, and twisting everything that is fact or to be false. In other words their disrespectful and evil complex actions. They want to provoke a reaction from you so they can use the reaction to fuel their egos and intentions even more.
Mob Boss and our government leaders do this daily. They get so big-headed they start to believe their lying, cheating, stealing, and twisted thoughts.
What happened to being transparent and held accountable that your word was gold? Their words mean nothing but crap.
I just watched a clip on today’s WWE Raw on 5/23/2023. Once again it was with Cody and Brock Lesnar. As I said and called it. Brock is still trying to be the Billy badass. Only because he was beaten at his own game of wits and strength.
Nothing more than a paid-off bully! Even thou some of it is a storyline or acting. That doesn’t mean stuff like that doesn’t happen in the real world. It does happen. Anyone out there who has gone threw this knows what I am telling here is facts.
He is nothing but a bully and a one-man band. At this point he just wants everyone to fear him and always back away from him. Once again a bully that never stops being a bully.
Like a Leopard and a Zebra, they never change their spots or strips. No different than a Troll, Hater, Bully, and Tormenter! They never change.
If they ever do change it’s way too late. The damage is already done. However, for those who went out of other ways to hurt either mentally or physically, things can change for them.
Like me, I am now in my late 40s. It has taken me at least 30-odd years to get past a lot of my mental problems because of Trolls, Haters, and Bullies! Will I ever get through them or over all of them? Who is to say what will or might happen? For others not so much.
The mental health world is not as easy as some books or doctors would say. They seem to think that they can fix or give you meds to help you get better. For some, I am sure that is very helpful.
There are some of us out there who need something more than medical drugs and talking. Talking does help. If that person that you are talking to has not been through what you have been through it's hard for them to fully understand you and what is going on in your mind.
For me to get what I am thinking or even feeling I have to use anlages to get my points across. Without them, people think I am truly nuts! They still think I am nuts by using anlages. “Thanks, Mom!”
The nature of the frog and the scorpion is very transparent. It is within a lot of people in their nature to cause harm to others and sometimes cause death. We want to take people for their word which is in our nature. Those who cause harm know this too. So they use it in their plans and make more problems.
Sometimes they make more problems for themselves in their actions too. So once they have been beaten they get upset and try to come back for even more problems.
It is within the Haters, Trolls, and Self Entitled people's nature to start trouble when there was no trouble to be with! A lot of them that start the trouble are those that have once crossed your paths. It is also in their nature to create endless drama. Because they see something that is going on with you. Either good or bad and they use that to start bull crap. Then they go on and on saying they know more or have all the facts that someone is not telling who or what kind of person they are. Well, news flash there turbo, you are doing the very something that you are bitching about of a person you are trash-talking on!
That’s what people forget. Those who are coming at you with those false comments and half-truths are using the very thing they are trash-talking or holding over your heads! Because they think they have all the facts and truths about you.
Both sides know the truth and sometimes only one knows the whole story. Everyone in question knows the truth! Yet, only those who are telling the truth are being trashed and talked about.
God forbid you are being transparent and real with your words or thoughts by sharing them on social media platforms for everyone to see and hear.
This is the price that everyone has to pay when sharing a form of information with others. In this day and age, it doesn’t matter if the information is true or false. Somebody out there is going to either like it or hate something that was shared with others. News broadcasting of any kind is social media and is also a form for haters and trolls to come out into the open. In this day and age, it can be 100% false and people will eat it up!
That's all the Bully’s and Trolls do. Is to find something that is facts or think they have the whole story and then twist the whole story into something false. Even by using the facts to be 100% true, they will try to twist it into something more and make completely false stories from it!
No matter how they use the facts they try to be self-absorbing and more important than the original story was, is, or who it was about!
However, that is in some ways everyone’s goal! Some use it for their gain and destroy everyone that is or might be in their way! Some just do it because they enjoy hurting others! Mentally or physically! They get high from hurting others!
This crap about hurt people going out of their way to hurt other people because they were hurt by people!
People who like that should go through ROTC or the worst military boot camp on the planet and see how well and happy they are when they get hurt and the bullying back at them!
When you hurt those kinds of people and hurt them back! They are the biggest crybabies ever. These men and women act like they are so tough and badasses. Once they have been knocked off the mountain then what are they?
They become the victim of their actions and words! Don’t feel sorry for them! They didn’t feel sorry for you when they attacked you! There was no pity for you nor should there be pity for them! All you have to do is beat them at their own game! But use your truths and be transparent every step of the way! Look at how many times Twitter posts and the Twitter files hearing was about! They said the truth will never come out! Yet, it did! Just like Area 51. 30-plus years saying it's not real. In 2013 it was made public it was real!
The real truth takes time to come out and everything is no longer hidden behind closed doors! For the Haters and the Bullies, they want to hide right in the open rather than hide behind closed doors!?
Those are the real facts!