The TRUE name of the prophet from Nazareth is "Yahooshua" NOT "Jesus"
James Robertson ETI
The Almighty Creator seeks a DEEP personal relationship with YOU -- I can help you
The man commonly known as "Jesus" was a Hebrew, Israelite apparently of the tribe of Judah (Yahoodah) -- actually born of a virgin with NO human father
He spoke Hebrew or Aramaic as evidenced by his last words on the stake {cross} "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" which means "my beloved Mighty One, my beloved Mighty One, why have you forsaken me? -- Mark 15:34 and Matthew 27:46 --
There are various other passages in the bible in which the actual words of this man are cited all of which are in Aramaic
It is reasonable to hold that in his dying moments and in extreme agony and anguish this man, and indeed any man, would revert to his mother tongue
This information, together with clear accounts that this man was born in Yisrael {Israel} to Hebrew parents and raised as a Yisraelite (he was regularly in the Temple teaching) clearly evidence that this man was a Hebrew and spoke Hebrew or Aramaic
In fact, if this man were NOT a Hebrew he was a counterfeit and should be ignored since the prophecies that he fulfilled related to a son of Noah, Abraham, Yaakov {Jacob / Israel} and David
"Jesus" is an Anglicization of the Greek Iesous which is derived from Zeus
The man most know as "Jesus" was NOT named "Jesus" or "Ieosus" or anything similar -- he was named "Yahooshua" which means "Yah is salvation", "Yah" is the true name of the Almighty Creator
Yahooshua was a fairly common name in Yisrael and was also the name of the man who led Yisrael into the Promised Land and who is commonly known as "Joshua"
The substitution of "Jesus" for "Yahooshua" is a compromise on the part of early bible translators and publishers to try and reduce the level of resistance and opposition that resulted from them challenging the false teachings of the Roman Church which were strongly related to the Greek versions because of Roman efforts to distance Christianity from its Jewish [{Yahoodite] roots -- note that early bible translators were imprisoned, tortured and burned at the stake as part of attempts to prevent the Bible being made available to the man in the street -- these translators were also operating in an environment in which they had no access to the sort of knowledge we have today and had to figure out the correct translation for themselves -- see
For these reasons the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, granted grace with regard to the false names "Jesus", "God", "The LORD" and "Christ" and other errors in those early translations -- that grace was withdrawn on 1 January 2001 and finally rescinded on 3 May 2003 when Satan was cast into the Pit for 1,000 years
It is now sin to use the name "Jesus" and prayers to Jesus are now largely answered by demons who have taken on that name
Only people with deep faith in the Almighty are still having prayers with regard to Jesus answered by the Creator
Note that once one understands the truth about these names it becomes apparent that "Jesus" is NOT the Creator
This name clearly evidences that Yahooshua and Yah (The Creator) are two distinct beings, Yahooshua has a name that refers to an attribute of the Creator and this contributes to understanding that Yahooshua was entirely a man and NOT the Almighty Creator in human form
The name Yahooshua is said to be "higher than any other name" is because there is NO higher attribute of the Almighty than His Salvation
It was the anointing of the Spirit of the Almighty {the Christ} that enabled the man Yahooshua to perform miracles and allowed the Almighty to speak through him
I therefore strongly encourage you to use the name "Yahooshua" in future
NEXT SECTION: Blasphemous Names >>>
2013.10.01 - Yah is ANGRY about NAMES
After posting the article on “Is Jesus Zeus” Yah said to me “Son of man, do you see how these people presume to play games with the name of the most powerful created being in the Universe AND with the name of their Creator?”
He subsequently said to me “I am angry, these people have NO excuse, I extended grace to previous generations because very few had access to the truth and the persecution was so severe, today they have the Internet and they can research without hindrance, they have turned against me, so shall I now turn against them”
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
2013.09.15 - The Origin of the Name Jesus
What is the Real name of the Messiah
The name of Jesus is a 400 year old name approximately, because the English language never had the letter "J" till then.
This is very important, because it says in the Bible by one name only shall you be saved. So it becomes frightfully important. Because it is a recent name not known by THE ALMIGHTY.
In fact the Original King James Bible had the name Iesus inside. This is also a historical record of the fact the name Jesus is a very modern name in terms of history.
Then on the flip side of the subject, we have the Greek god Zeus who is a representation
of The Sun god who is The Devil as known by ancient cultures.
Here below is some information on the subject, but take into account no name beginning with the letter "J" can be attributed to
So the name Jehovah cannot be the name of THE ALMIGHTY of Jeshua.
We have a clue to THE NAME OF THE ALMIGHTY, from the scripture and the word Hallelujah=HALLELUYAH which means Praise YAH, so YAH is his name.
So what was the name of THE MESSIAH
Yashua, Yesu, or YAHSHUA even because he came in his fathers name.
I'm not sure of THE MESSIAH's name but I am sure YAH would have been who the people in the old Testament prayed too and THE MESSIAH himself.
Personally I pray to YAH in the name of your son YAHSHUA.
Please read following information it's very interesting.
The Name "Jesus" is a Dishonour to the Jewish Messiah
Why ?
Defaming the Christ with a Pagan Name.
Replacing his Hebrew name with a pagan
Greek name that honours a pagan god.
The Messiah's True Name
"Originally, the name of the Messiah
was , pronounced Yahushua
or (Yehoshua). This is the Messiah's
original name. ...the Messiah's name
is actually the same name as Joshua,
Son of Nun... correctly pronounced
"Yahushua". It is quite evident that
the modern form "Jesus" doesn't even
remotely resemble the original name
that the disciples used.. This is a fact. "
"Jesus Christ....Matthew (1:21) interprets
the name originally as Jehoshua, that is,
'Jehovah is Salvation,'"
-Encyclopedia Americana
(Vol.16, p. 41)
"The name Jesus is NOT a derivative
of YHWH (Jehovah). There is great cause
for alarm when this hybrid Greek name
is being plied onto Messiah because
not only is it NOT the sanctified given name
of Yeshua (Jehoshua) but prophetic and
sanctified unity within the Word of YHWH is lost!
Early Christo-Pagans syncretized Greek culture
into Greek Christianity, which "smoothed" the
way for Christo-Paganism to become the
"state" religion."
-Is the name "Jesus" holy?
Baruch Ben Daniel
"They (the Graeco-Roman World) had
worshipped Zeus as the supreme deity.
Their savior was Zeus, so now they
were ready to accept Jehoshua as Jesus
- Iesous, meaning - hail Zeus. Now our
translated scriptures say that Jahwah's
(Jehovah's)Son's name is Jesus, which is
a compound word made up of Ie and Zeus
(Hail Zeus)."
-The Origin of Christianity
by A.B. Traina
"This name of the true Messiah,
Jahshuwah (Jehoshua), being Hebrew,
was objectionable to the Greeks and
Romans, who hated the Judeans (Jews),
and so it was deleted from the records,
and a new name inserted. Jahshuwah
(Jehoshua) was thus replaced by Ie-Sous
(hail Zeus), now known to us as Jesus."
-The Origin of Christianity
by A.B. Traina
"It is simply amazing to think that all
these years, hundreds of years, mankind
has been calling the Saviour by the wrong name!!
It's hard to give up the name of Jesus
because it's so deeply ingrained in us
and much has been said and done in that name."
-Gospel of The Kingdom
True Names and Title
Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley
1931 - Ohio USA
Some scholars think that Jesus name was
corrupted by the early Roman Apostasy -
in order to make his name look more Graeco -
Roman rather than "Jewish".
After the Apostles and Jesus had been
removed from the Jewish scene - Rome took
over the Christian Faith and attempted to
Mould and conform it to her own Graeco-Roman
heritage and Flavour.
Zeus was one of the most popular gods at
that time. And conjecture has it that perhaps
Jesus name was changed to please the pagans
in the empire - who were reluctant to accept
the New Faith - of the Roman Emperor.
Look at some of the Findings
"It is known that the Greek name
endings with sus, seus, and sous
were attached by the Greeks to names
and geographical areas as means to
give honour to their supreme deity, Zeus."
-Dictionary of Christian Lore and Legend
Professor J. C. J. Metford
"In the 1611 KJ New Testament
the name Yahshua (Yehoshua) appeared
originally wherever the Messiah was
spoken of. Yehoshua means Yehovah's
(Jehovah's) Salvation. Later the
Messiah's name was replaced with Iesus
(Greek) which later in the 1600's it
became Jesus starting with the new
English letter "J" which was introduced
at that time. Further, the Greek "Iesus"
comes from the name Zeus, the ruling God
in the Greek pantheon."
-Gospel of The Kingdom
True Names and Title
Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley
1931 - Ohio USA
Tarsus means Sweat of Zeus ...
Dionysus means the Son of Zeus ...
"Some authorities, who have spent their entire
lives studying the origins of names believe
that "Jesus" actually means - "Hail Zeus!"
For Iesous in Greek IS "Hail Zeus."
"Ie" translates as "Hail" and "sous"
or "sus" translates as Zeus. The English
name "Jesus", therefore, stems etymologically
from "Jupiter-Zeus" the chief god of the
ancient Greek Olympus."
-"Yeshua" or "Jesus" -- Which?
Biblical Research Institute; 1996
by Les Aron Gosling
"‘Jesus’ is a transliteration of a Latin
name Ioesus, pronounced heysus -
which means nothing in Hebrew,
but in Latin it means ‘Hail Zeus’.
If Yahshua’s name had been
transliterated into our language,
it would have been closer to Joshua
(or Jehoshua).."
-Winds of Praise Broadcasting
Believer or Follower?
The Sound of the Shofar
By Jon Thompson
"It is interesting to note - that throughout
his life - Christ never did hear himself
being called by that name - "Jesus"...."
- "Man’s Great Adventure,"
by Edwin W. Pharlow, professor of history,
Ohio State University.
"It is known that the Greek name endings
with sus, seus, and sous which are phonetic
pronunciations for the chief Greek god of
Olympus - were attached by the Greeks
to names and geographical areas
as means to give honour to their
supreme deity, Zeus."
-Dictionary of Christian Lore and Legend
by Professor J.C.J Melfurd (1983, pg 126)
Zeus was a popular god in Graeco-Roman world
"The name of YAHshua has been replaced
by the names of G-zeus (Jesus),
meaning Hail Zeus (Iesus, and Iesous)
which are pagan in origin."
-Seek God
The True name of Christ
"research reveals that the name "Jesus"
is linked to the Greek Sun-god "Zeus" "
by C. J. Koster
"Jesus. That was a name given to him
by the early church many years after
His death. They wanted to remove any
Jewishness from the new church.
They eliminated His Jewish name and
blended the name of Zeus into the
Christian church to make it comfortable
for all those who previously worshipped
the Greek and Roman gods. It made it
easier for the pagans to become Christians.
Since Zeus was the top god of their experience,
attaching the name Ioesus to Yahshua gave
Him top priority in the worship hierarchy."
-Winds of Praise Broadcasting
Believer or Follower?
The Sound of the Shofar
By Jon Thompson
"This new church adopted various deities
from the heathen, and discarded the Most
High (Jehovah) of the Israelite Scriptures,
and they also discarded His blessed Son,
-Story of the Christian church,
Hurlbut p 43.
"The pagans of Greece and Rome had worshipped
Zeus as the supreme deity. Their savior was Zeus,
so now they were eager to accept Jesus as Iesous,
or Zeus as their saviour."
- The Origin of Christianity
by A.B. Traina
"Our translated scripture says that
Jahwah's Son's name is Jesus, a compound
word of Ie and Zeus. The messiah's true
name - Jahshuwah - was replaced by
Ie-Sous (praise or hail Zeus), now known
to us as Jesus."
- The Origin of Christianity
by A.B. Traina
"The Hebrews called their coming Savior,
the Messiah, Jahshuawah. The disciples of
the Savior accepted Him as such, and to them
He was also known as Jahshuwah the Messiah.
The Greeks, however, rejected the Hebrew name,
and called Him (IESOUS-Jesus) instead."
- The Origin of Christianity
by A.B. Traina
"The plan of the Greeks was simple,
they merely dropped the Hebrew terminology
of names which referred to the Hebrew deity,
and substituted the name, or letters, referring
to the name of the supreme deity, Zeus."
-The Faith Magazine
Volume 69
"It has been all along well enough known
that the Greeks occasionally worshipped the
supreme deity under the title of
"Zeus the Saviour. . ."
- The Two Babylons
Dr. Alexander Hislop
The time of ignorance is over.
It is time to return to using the rightful Hebrew
Name of Christ - "Jehoshua"
Toss away your excuses for hanging onto
the J-Zeus error. Jehovah God is determined
that all those requesting salvation from Christ,
must address him in an honourable way.
This is a legitimate and mandatory decree
by Jehovah God Himself. Even Christ will
no longer permit his name to be dishonoured.
Take heed - it is a sure requirement - and will
be evident when Christ is revealed to mankind
in the very near future.
"The only Savior in the Scripture is Jahshuwah,
(or Jehoshua) - the Son of Jahwah (Jehovah).
He came in His Father's Name and by that we
must adore Him. Away with the pagan name
Iesous. Away with his heathen name Jesus,
and instead exalt the Savior, Jahshuwah (Jehoshua)
- the Son of Jahwah (Jehovah), by His own name."
- The Origin of Christianity
by A.B. Traina
The Messiah's True Name
"Originally, the name of the Messiah
was , pronounced Yahushua
or (Yehoshua). This is the Messiah's
original name. ...the Messiah's name
is actually the same name as Joshua,
Son of Nun... correctly pronounced
"Yahushua". It is quite evident that
the modern form "Jesus" doesn't even
remotely resemble the original name
that the disciples used.. This is a fact. "
"Jesus Christ....Matthew (1:21) interprets
the name originally as Jehoshua, that is,
'Jehovah is Salvation,'"
-Encyclopedia Americana
(Vol.16, p. 41)
"the name of Christ in the New Testament
means “Jehovah is salvation.” This comes
from the same Hebrew word translated Joshua
or Jehoshua in the Old Testament. It also
means “Jehovah is salvation.” This means
that the name of Jesus should have been
translated into English as “Joshua (or Jehoshua)” "
-Jesus and Joshua Had the Same Hebrew Name *
The Name Of Jesus;
By Paul Rusnak
"Christ name....In the Septuagint it was the
common Hebrew name Joshua (or Jehoshua)."
-Encyclopedia Britannica - 15th Edition
(Vol. 10 p.149)
"The name Joshua (or Jehoshua) derives
its greatest importance and highest sanctity
from the fact that it was sacredly chosen
as the name to be borne by the Messiah.."
--Personal Names in the Bible
by Dr. W.F. Wilkinson, M.A.
Joint Editor of Webster and Wilkinson's
Greek Testament: pages 342-343.
Fulfilling Bible Prophecy
Joel 2:32: And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of YAH shall be delivered....
Act 2:(16,17,21) but this is that which hath been spoken by the prophet Joel;
.... in the last days, saith THE ALMIGHTY that whosoever shall call on the name of the YAH shall be saved.
Romans 10:13 for, Whosoever shall call upon the name YAH shall be saved.
Acts 4:10,12: be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that in the name of Yahshua Hamashia of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom YAH raised from the dead....And in none other is there salvation: for neither is there any other name under heaven, that is given among men, wherein we must be saved.
All the above scriptures will be
fulfilled - only in the name of
"Yahshua". Since
Yahovah's name is embedded in
The Messiah's name - One can call
upon the Messiah - and still be
calling upon Yahovah's name as well.
"The only Savior in the Scripture
is Jahshuwah, the Son of Jahwah (Jehovah).
He came in His Father's Name and by that we
must adore Him. Away with the pagan name
Iesous. Away with his heathen name Jesus,
and instead exalt the Savior, Jahshuwah,
the Son of Jahwah (Jehovah), by His own name."
- The Origin of Christianity
by A.B. Traina
Psalms 118:26 Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the YAH:
we have blessed you out of the house of the YAH.
Matthew 21:9: And the multitudes that went before him, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the YAH; Hosanna in the highest.
Matthew 21:9 is very interesting because of the word Hosanna it is a Greek word and I got the meaning from strong's. Definition: an exclamation of adoration: - hosanna.
Hosanna is a translation of the Hebrew word yasha is means to save or salvation.
Listen to how Hosanna sounded in Hebrew by passing you mouse over the underlined word
The word YAHSHUA means YAH is salvation.
The word Hosanna means to save or salvation.
But when it was spoken back then
it sounded a lot like YAHSHUA.
To me it sounds like Jasher or Yasher.
But if you really listen it's Yahsher.
Roll the mouse over it one more time.
"the Hebrew name.....Jehoshua,
means 'Jehovah is Salvation'. "
-The Catholic Encyclopedia
Vol. 8, p. 374
Not only is the name of Jesus the same as Zeus but also the image.
can this be just coincidence?
The Messiah says
Matthew 23:39: For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the YAH.
Luke 19:38: saying, Blessed is the King that cometh in the name of the YAH:
John 12:12: On the morrow a great multitude that had come to the feast, when they heard that Yahshua was coming to Jerusalem,
John 12:13: took the branches of the palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried out, Hosanna: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the YAH, even the King of Israel.
John 5:43: I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.
2013.09.07 - Clarification re Jesus, God, The LORD, Christ, Bible, Cross, etc are Satanic
Some were offended by my recent articles on the name Jesus and the Bible having Satanic connotations
To clarify
§ The names Jesus, God, the LORD and Christ are all inaccurate substitutions for the correct names:
§ “Jesus” is used in place of the correct name “Yahooshua” which means "Yah is salvation" -- Jesus is derived from the Greek “Ieosus” which is derived from “Zeus” -- a pagan demonic god;
§ “God” is used instead of “Mighty One” and is generally used to refer to the Creator – “God” is the name of a pagan demonic god;
§ “The LORD” is used instead of “Yahooeh, also incorrectly represented as “Yahweh” – Yahooeh is a Hebrew phrase meaning "Yah the eternally self-existing" which is the fundamental name of the Almighty Creator of the heavens and the earth – “The LORD” is an accurate translation of "Baal" the name of a pagan demonic god;
§ “Christ” is used instead of "anointing of the Spirit of Yah" and "anointed of the Spirit of Yah" – “Christ” is an inaccurate and meaningless term and is NOT a synonymous name for Yahooshua, it is a term that refers to his being anointed with the Spirit of Yah, a condition that applies to ANY anointed believer through the ages, including today -- any significantly anointed person is, a "Christ" -- this incorrect language is in large measure responsible for people believing that Yahooshua IS Yah whereas it is the anointing of the Spirit of Yah, the "Christ" that is Yah -- this translation error is Satanically inspired and for this reason Yah hates it;
§ The Bible is a compilation of writings, some of them at some level written by anointed men and containing SOME anointed content, however it was compiled by the Roman Church by men who were NOT appointed to the task by Yah and its contents represent the outcome of a struggle between Yah to preserve some truth and Satan to destroy all truth -- so, while the Bible does contain some level of inspiration the lies about it have led the vast majority of believers AWAY from a deep relationship with Yah and rather to lean on their understanding and intellect and that of others and this, in turn has led men to worship the book and, for this reason, because the worship of the book stands between Yah and man, Yah hates the book even though he has been forced to work through it;
§ Yahooshua died on a stake and NOT a cross and the cross has Satanic significance being a form of an Ankh a pornographic symbol;
§ Yahooshua was and IS a man and an anointed spokesman {prophet} and NOT Yah in any shape or form, it is grievous sin to worship him, or Jesus, or any other man;
§ There are MANY other errors such that the church is comprehensively breaking ALL of the Ten Commandments of Yah and teaching men to break them in the name of The LORD, Jesus, God and Christ – these are discussed in articles on my website.
For many years Yah has tolerated these errors and extended Grace with regard to them in recognition of the fact that the lies have prevailed for many generations and were all that men knew and most men were reliant on others for their information. However, now, with the Internet, we are no longer reliant on the person in the pulpit or even on published and expensive books, we can search for truth ourselves and, since all the above truths have been published on the Internet for over a decade, there is now NO excuse for people NOT to know the correct names and use them and also NOT to know the truth about the other items.
Furthermore, on 3 May 2003, the Court of Heaven was convened and Satan was brought before Yah and charged with his sin of rebellion, his lies and all the evil that he has brought to earth, he was found guilty and sentenced to 1,000 years in the Pit – see attachment.
At this point, since Satan had been convicted, there was no basis for Yah to continue to grant grace to those who walked in the above errors and all the other errors as it would have been unjust towards Satan.
Accordingly, at that point Yah ceased to grant grace for ALL the above errors and handed men over to be deceived and serve the demonic gods that they were worshipping and speaking about.
A small number of believers who had significant relationship with Yah continue to have experiences with Yah despite their error but they are falling away rapidly.
Thus, in September 2013, at the Feast of Tabernacles, it is vital to understand that people who continue to use these names and observe these traditions are giving their worship and praise to demons and to Satan and NOT to Yah and Yah is ANGRY with the hardness of their hearts and has given them over to the demons they are worshipping and serving.
I hope that this clarifies the situation.
2013.09.1 - Why Names ARE Important
Various people have written to me to take issue with me regarding the names that I have been advocating
Arguments include “I have called him Jesus since I was a child and he knows how much I love him” and “Father knows my heart, He does not mind what name I use” and “Father is bigger than that” and “Grace”
Someone else has argued linguistically against the assertion that Jesus is derived from Zeus
And so people argue intellectually against something that is NOT intellectual
When I was young some of my friends called me “Jim” a common abbreviation for “James” – I resisted strenuously and, even today, will scarcely acknowledge anyone who addresses me as Jim, I know that my name IS important to me and it upsets me when people distort it
When I speak in countries where the language is not English they always introduce me as “Dr James Robertson”, the pronunciation may sometimes not be familiar but they NEVER suggest that they should translate my name
When I first became aware of the fact that the names “God”, “The LORD” and “Jesus” were inaccurate I asked Father about it – His reply? “James, how would you like it if your wife called you by the name of your worst enemy?” – I stopped using the names I had used all my life – it was a battle at first but I had got the message and I worked on it, it also took me time to get to the transliterations that Father said were most accurate in modern English but I had got the message and Father was blessed by the fact that I tried and it brought Him joy
Finally Father led me to transliterations that virtually no one recognizes but they ARE what He says are most accurate, and He should know
Recently, after someone had written to me telling me about how much they loved Jesus and how Father “understood” their use of “Jesus” Father said to me “if your wife insisted on calling you by the wrong name, after you had made her aware that she was using the wrong name and that the name was offensive to you, you would divorce her, wouldn’t you?” I agreed and Father responded “and so I divorce them”
The simple fact is that the fundamental Name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth IS “Yah”, amplified as “Yah the eternally self-existing”, frequently represented as “Yahweh” and more correctly “Yahooeh”, the name of the prophet from Nazarus is “Yahooshua”
Depending on which source you rely on you will find “Yah” throughout the so-called “Old Testament” see IF you hold the bible to be important then you owe it to Yah to call Him by His correct name
Derived from the above it becomes apparent that “Yahoo” is a derivative of the Name of the Almighty, that is “Yahoo” as in an exclamation of excitement AND as in [email protected] which Yah says is a blasphemous name AND a name that is deeply hurtful to Yah when used by believers
How do I know?
Some years ago Yah indicated to me that someone who was very close to Him should cease using their email address. I advised them accordingly and they rejected the message. By doing this they opened the door for massive demonic attack on their ministry and themselves. At the time it happened I saw Yah in tears, wracked with grief that this person whom He loved so much cared so little that they would continue to abuse his name once they had been told the truth
Shortly after that I was asked to communicate the same message to another, a person who had a Yahoo Groups community that had been running for the order of ten years with a huge store of articles, etc – this man IMMEDIATELY agreed to cease using and moved to another service provider with great personal inconvenience and sacrifice. At the time this man made the decision I saw Yah in tears of JOY that this man, who had so little, loved so much that he was willing to sacrifice even the little he had to please his Father in Heaven
So, I say to you today “do YOU love the Almighty Creator ENOUGH to CEASE using pagan names?” and BRING HIM JOY?
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
2013.03.11 - Names DO Matter -- Yah and Yahooshua
There is all sorts of debate about the true name of the Almighty Creator commonly known as "God" or "The LORD" and the true name of the Prophet of Galilee commonly known as "Jesus"
By extension of the articles published earlier today there is ONLY one way to find the true names and that is by praying for guidance and fasting until one comes to a place of personal revelation through the leading of the Spirit of the Almighty
Intellectually one can reason that Yahooshua {Jesus} was a Jew or a Hebrew and that it is therefore reasonable for him to have a Hebrew name
One can extend this argument to the effect that the Name of the Almighty in the form of Yah permeates the Hebrew language and the names of Hebrew men and women and in words such as HalleluYah
And one can find oneself battling to defend one's position against arguments that say that Jesus did not speak Hebrew or even Aramaic and, and, and ...
Alternatively you can pray for guidance, pray for judgement, pray for correction and go on multiple fasts explicitly seeking truth and, after some time, in my experience after some years, you will eventually come to a settled assurance that you really HAVE heard the Almighty clearly and it really does NOT matter what academic arguments or rationalizations are offered you KNOW the true names
I claim to be at that point:
1. The fundamental essential Name of the Almighty Creator is "Yah" and is most accurately represented in English as "Yah"
2. The name of the prophet commonly referred to as "Jesus" is "Yahooshua" which means "Yah is salvation"
3. The common Hebrew form of "YHWH" frequently translitterated "Yahweh" is more accurately transliterated "Yahooeh" and means "Yah the eternally self-existing" and is a statement of one of the essential characteristics of the Creator
4. "God" is a totally inaccurate transliteration of the Hebrew "Ellohim" or Aramaic "Ellah" and Arabic "Allah" which means "Mighty One" or "mighty one" and is a pagan and blasphemous name that the Almighty hates but extended grace for -- this grace was withdrawn in January 2001
5. "The LORD" is an accurate translation of "Baal" and bears NO relation to the Hebrew "YHWH" that it is used to represent and is also a pagan and blasphemous name that the Almighty hates but extended grace for -- this grace was withdrawn in January 2001
6. "ja" for "yes" in Afrikaans, "jawohl" in German, "" are ALL blasphemous names and there will be judgment for using them -- people with Yahoo email addresses should migrate to Gmail or similar
7. To claim one has a relationship with the Creator and that that relationship entitles one to call Him other names is insensitive and insulting, I have seen Him in tears over a person who refused to change a "" email address and in tears of joy regarding another who walked away from an entire Yahoo Groups site
8. "Jesus" IS derived from "Zeus" and is a blasphemous name which Yah and Yahooshua hate -- grace was also withdrawn for this name in January 2001
The correct words ARE important IF you have any interest in pleasing the Almighty Creator and claim to love Him
May Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty Creator, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you.
2011.09.09 - The name "Jesus" is NOT divinely approved
In previous articles I have referred to an article sent to me that asserts that the name "Jesus" is divinely approved because it is used in the King James English bible translation which is allegedly divinely inspired and therefore it is alleged since the bible is allegedly divinely inspired the name "Jesus" has divine blessing and authority.
As I have shown in the articles before this, no work by a committee relating to the things of Yah can be viewed as definitive and inspired, if Yah inspires something He works through His spokesmen and women (the prophets) NOT through committee.
I want to confirm that Yah has clearly and repeatedly stated to me over more than ten years that the name "Jesus" does NOT have his blessing or approval and He wants us to STOP using it.
That the only reason He has historically answered prayers in that name is because of His great mercy and grace BUT that this grace has now been withdrawn and prayers in the name of Jesus or to Jesus will be answered by demonic powers in future and NOT by Yah.
Furthermore, Yah has made it clear that if you claim to love Yah and love Yahooshua you will cease using the name "Jesus" as an act of love and not resort to the sort of twisted reasoning I encountered in the article that has led me to write this piece.
The name "Jesus" is hated by Yah and Yahooshua, do NOT use them under any circumstance, unless to provide a fleeting reference to use to draw others to the truth.
If you love Yah, STOP using the name Jesus!
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
2011.09.03 - Arguments against the true names Yah and Yahooshua
As early as 1996 Yah had given me a deep revelation of the reality that Yahooshua {Jesus} was a Hebrew so in 2001 when I first became aware of the name Yahweh it was not that difficult for me to accept that "The LORD" and "God" were pagan names and thereafter to come to understand that "Jesus" was also a pagan name and that the name of the prophet who walked the land of Israel about two thousand years ago had to be a Hebrew name.
It took a bit longer until I was clear that his name had to have been "Yahooshua", meaning "Yah is salvation" and that other variants were less accurate.
Subsequently I came to understand that the essential name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the earth was "Yah" and that "Yahweh" or, more accurately, "Yahooeh", meaning "Yah the eternally self-existing" was a designation or description that amplified the essential name of Yah.
I also came to understand that the supposedly error free texts in the bible had been tampered with in order to hide the name "Yah" supposedly by scribes seeking to keep the commandment not to take the name of "Yah the eternally self-existing" in vain.
In all of this my investigation was triggered by documents I received, primarily by email with articles and links to websites but the final conclusions at each step of the journey relied on direct confirmation from Father Yah Himself.
It is thus so that for about the last ten years I have tried to be diligent in the use of the true names, "Yah" for the Almighty Creator and "Yahooshua" for the prophet commonly known as Jesus.
In the past week I have received two fairly lengthy articles arguing variously against these names and arguing that "Jesus" is actually an inspired name and entirely acceptable to "God".
In both cases, as I started to read the articles I felt Yah's grief and indignation welling up in me and I could not continue reading. Subsequently in both cases He confirmed that he was deeply hurt by these writings and did not want me to read them further.
Accordingly, I feel it necessary to restate:
- "The LORD" is an accurate translation of "Baal" – it is a blasphemous pagan name.
2. "God" is a blasphemous pagan name.
3. "Jesus" is a blasphemous pagan name derived from Zeus.
4. The true name of the Creator is "Yah"
5. This name is frequently amplified as "Yahooeh" or "Yahweh" meaning "Yah the eternally self-existing".
6. The true name of the prophet who lived two thousand years ago in Israel and who died on the stake {cross} in order to usher in a new covenant of greater grace was "Yahooshua" meaning "Yah is salvation".
7. It is an INSULT and grievously hurtful to Yah and Yahooshua to use the names in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above and it is an act of love toward them to use Yah and Yahooshua.
I DO understand that changing to these names IS a challenge when one has been using the other names for years BUT, as Yah put it to me many years ago "James, how would you like it if your family called you by the name of your worst enemy" – I got the message and stopped using the pagan names.
To put it another way, IF you love Yah call Him by His correct name and IF you love Yahooshua, call him by his correct name – else do NOT claim you love either of them!
No amount of intellectual rationalization or explanation or obfuscation or whatever can justify not using the true names.
Arguing on the basis of records at the time of the Exodus that the name Yah was in use in other religions is far off the mark, every human being on the planet at that time was descended from Noah and Noah knew the name Yah intimately so ALL of Noah's descendants ALSO knew the name of Yah!
If you love Yah and Yahooshua use their true names and do not play semantic word games to try and prove that the modern pagan names are in any way pleasing to them.
If you doubt at all get on your knees until you hear Yah clearly, I guarantee you that He will tell you the pagan names hurt Him and Yahooshua grievously and that they regard it as an act of love that we use the true names.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace as you embark on this journey
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
13 November 2016
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