The True Meaning of Leadership: Stand UP & Be Counted
Carolyn Permentier
I Deliver #MeaningfulMarketingMessages. Brand Strategy/Brand Messaging. DR & DM. Digital. Social. Video. Radio/TV. B2B, B2C. Certificate in Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT. Author, 'The Wacko From Waco.’ Intuitive Empath.
Today, I must talk about what's on my heart... because it's my truth, and that's the best I have to offer.
When I started my newsletter, #MeaningfulMarketingMessages, I said I would deliver:
Insights on how marketers can be 'clutter-busters' & 'trust-builders' in a noisy and distrusting world.
I'm going to deviate from a focus on marketers, and cast a very wide net to include everyone.
I think all of us, including myself, should be clutter-busters and trust-builders in this crazy world we're living in.
But, it takes courage and commitment to stand up and be counted.
If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.
It's not always easy to stand up for something, especially when almost everyone around you disagrees — and sometimes vehemently!
However, I feel that we're living at a time in history when everyone is being called upon to be a leader... and to stand up and be counted.
I've written in previous articles about the alarming number of Gen Zers, who don't trust brands at all.
I think they're serving as a canary in the coal mine for us, and we all need to pay attention to them.
I'll talk more about Gen Zs in a bit, so you can see what else they don't trust.
Separating truth from lies on the world stage...
I am NOT a 'political' person. In fact, most of my life I saw it all as Political Theater.
I'm still not political. I am just an American.
I love freedom. And everything our country is supposed to stand for, but doesn't anymore.
One would have to be living under a rock (or only listen to MSM and/or social media) to NOT realize that our country is under attack from within.
Our 'so-called' leaders are like the fox, guarding the hen house.
There was the debate, if you can call it that. It was actually an 'arse-whuppin' the likes of which we've never seen.
Mayhem ensued in 'that' party.
Then, like a wild animal that's backed into a corner, they retaliated with the most extreme revenge last Saturday, July 13, 2024.
Yes, I'm taking a stand.
The lone assassin story is very reminiscent of the JFK story. Neither holds water.
And like the JFK story, there are some powerful enemies (inside our gates) behind it.
I'm not alone in this stance.
Many more people, intent on discovering the truth, have been HOT on the trail of the real perpetrators for a long time.
Truth Matters
Here's a post on 'X' that I want to share with you about the distrusting Gen Zers that I mentioned earlier.
It's a video of some young Americans on a beach in Florida, being asked about their thoughts on the assassination attempt on President Trump.
Some of these young people — the leaders of tomorrow — are not bamboozled about 'who done it.' Bravo!
Truth Will Win
For me, again, it's not about politics. It's about truth.
And the truth is, as I see it — America is in a fight for its life.
The fight is against an enemy that's 'cloaked.'
This enemy we face hides in the shadows.
And the puppet actors are managed by faceless puppeteers behind a curtain.
But Now The Tide has Turned
Can you feel it?
We, the People, are uniting against our common enemy.
The masks are coming off.
The traitors are being exposed in government, media, education, and so called 'health care.'
But a word of caution. Like a cornered wild animal, these deceivers will stop at nothing to stay in power — so be alert!
A Real Leader Leads
"He who occupies the highground... will fight to advantage." Sun Tzu
The attempted assassination of President Trump, like all the other attempts to get rid of him...
Has only made him stronger.
Even people from the opposing party are finally seeing through the deceit.
Young people, who just wanna play on the beach, can see what's happening.
This is not a left v right, liberal v conservative, or Democrat v Republican issue.
The FREEDOM for all Americans is at stake in this upcoming election... if, indeed, this one will be fair.
And we know there is only ONE leader we trust to LEAD us out of near-ruin.
There is only ONE leader with the strength, conviction, and determination to stand up and be counted.
There's just ONE leader, chosen for a time such as this.
President Donald J. Trump will reclaim our country's rightful place, as the beacon on the hill.
He vows to take back our country for the people, like he did in his first term.
He's like a true leader in combat, who puts the safety and security of those they lead over their own...
This is what the world has witnessed on live TV, with the attempted assassination of President Trump.
Those immortal words of Trump right after being shot, as he raised his fist in the air, will live on throughout history...
"Fight, fight, fight'!!
Did You FEEL the Love & Unity on Stage in Milwaukee?
If you watched any of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, WI, you surely would have felt the electric energy!
The fervor, the drive, and determination of everyone present was palpable.
Even CNN's Van Jones compared the energized excitement to the level of support that Obama had in 2008.
There is a Clarion Cry for UNITY in our Country.
Americans are rallying around a common love for country and a deep longing for the freedom that our forefathers fought for so valiantly...
and codified in our beloved Constitution.
We All Just Want Our FREE Country Back Again.
We heard some amazing speeches, during the convention. But one of them stands head and shoulders above the rest.
The impassioned speech by a Mother, whose son, a retired veteran, survived attacks by the Taliban in Afghanistan...
only to be murdered with a knife on the streets of New York, by four assailants.
The attackers were facing justice, until DA Alvin Bragg dismissed the murder charges of two of the perps... and they walked free.
So she decided to 'Be the Voice for the Voiceless' for her own, unbelievable pain. And for the pain of so many others across the country.
And she called for accountability for the 'soft on crime' prosecutors, like Bragg in New York, Kim Foxx in Chicago, and George Gascon in Los Angeles.
She correctly said that these people have turned our cities into war zones.
She further said, with the intensity of a Mother's Love, that the 'party in power' currently have abandoned us.
There's much more, and I highly recommend you watch it for yourself.
It is truly riveting.
It's a powerful, personal, indictment of the colossal failures and deleterious actions against Americans, by our current administration.
In Conclusion...
May we all be leaders, who will stand up and be counted when it matters.
Let us all tell the truth in a distrusting world.
Do you stand for truth? Or do you see life as a popularity contest?
For me, it's about doing the right thing because it's the right thing to do.
Please share your comments about what it means to be a leader in your own life?
And what do you look for in a corporate leader?
Finally, what are your thoughts about our need for strong leadership in the highest office in the land in America... or in your country?
Thanks for reading, commenting, and reposting!
Standing for truth,
FRSA ??Need help with your pre-launch business, invention or creative project? Let's connect ? Serial entrepreneur: 15+ businesses ? Author ? Expert ? Connector ? Mentor ? Philanthropist ? Global
7 个月In the mayhem of the week since the assassination attempt, feelings are bound to run high – especially those of shock and disbelief – as the event reveals something unsettling about what it means to live in the US at the moment. As the ripples start to die down, feelings will reset into new patterns of understanding as the motives behind the event start to be established
Freelancer for Content Marketing and Digital Marketing Strategy
7 个月There is a lot of truth here. Something I've pondered over for years. I've learned I can't directly control things and don't see things as generational. I did, until I realized each generation is the same, same issues, same problems, same struggles, rich, poor, haves, and have-nots. Just different technology. The era, not generation, is the difference. People have always tried to find community, but brands and politics can muddy those connections for gain. It's confusing for all for sure. The bad actors always show themselves. You can't chase a falsehood without tripping up. It's more confusing now because of all the information and change across the board. People don't quite get it yet, but we are now in an era where opportunity for the individual and smaller communities, can have a huge impact on large businesses and politics. I've always struggled with the racism. I'd like to say it's an easy fix, but the us vs them mentally won't go away. When I discuss it with my kids, I tell them that something as benign as a race question on an application still sets up for racism. Until things like that stop and isn't even considered a factor for being hired for "false" diversification, racism still gets fed unintentionally.
I Deliver #MeaningfulMarketingMessages. Brand Strategy/Brand Messaging. DR & DM. Digital. Social. Video. Radio/TV. B2B, B2C. Certificate in Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT. Author, 'The Wacko From Waco.’ Intuitive Empath.
7 个月Thank you, Rachel!