True Love...Compassion
Rev. Daniel Bramlett
Minister at Total Spiritual Development Addiction Counselor
True love and compassion is when you learn to value someone else's happiness over you own...Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect it just means that you've learned to overlook the imperfections...A chance for happiness presents itself everyday...You just have to open your eyes and take the opportunity when it comes and embrace it forever in you heart...I've learned that it's the quiet moments spent together, the tender touches and the caring words that make life worth living. Sharing these moments with you keeps my heart alive...You have made me believe that sometimes in the middle of an ordinary life, a fairytale happens, that's when we will never be the same again...The secret of life is to find a love so true that it grows stronger as you get older...If you Have a reason for loving someone,Then you are using your mind,but if u love someone for no reason,then you are using your heart,and that is true love...The best love is the one you fell in accidentally.The strongest love is the one you fell in unexpectedly.The truest love is the one you fell in wholeheartedly...True love is not achieved by finding a perfect person, but by finding an imperfect person and loving them for all they are...We should find arms that will hold us at our weakest, eyes that will see us at our ugliest, and a heart that will love us at our worst. when we do we have found true love...Love doesn't wait for when it's convenient for you, love happens when it's supposed to and your heart is trying to tell you to give in...God is writing your love story please wait on Him! 2nd Corinthians 6:14...Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life God desires. James 1:19-20...By Daniel Bramlett