The True Love Formula That Leads To More Revenue And High Client Retention
Janette Valoisie M.S.U
Digital Marketing Storytelling Expert For Legacy Builders| Outbound Prospecting | Inbound Marketing Done 4 U System For Startups
What does your dream client expect before buying from you in our high tech world?
Glad you asked. In this post, I will be spilling out some basic knowledge gained from my mentors, which have truly become a gamechanger.
In one word, it is simply this - Love.
Yes, you read that right. And before you walk away from this page with a condescending grunt, let me assure you - I am not being too sentimental for business!
Allow me to challenge your current mindset for a bit...
Think of your last marketing efforts and the product or service that you worked so hard to put out there. It might have been a huge campaign or a small event - size doesn't really matter.
Why did it not meet your expectations?
Why did you end up feeling like all the time, effort, resources, and energy that went into it weren't equally rewarded with more X? [ whatever your end objective was]
For most of us in business [ unless you're a non-profit business] that X equates to cash flow. So how come the financial reward didn't show up?
Remember, the universal law of supply can never fail when a demand is made. So, when by your marketing efforts you placed a demand for supply, how come it didn't show?
I know you probably have a long list of justifiable reasons from timing, marketing tactics to price structure and so on.
But, let's not kid ourselves here.
The truth is, your launch didn't go as well as you would have wanted it to go because the people who got to know about it didn't fall in love with you and your offer!
It really is that simple.
And unless you live in a cave, or you seriously don't understand anything about the Internet, I'm certain the audience reach you had would have been enough to meet your objectives.
Listen, this idea that you need to have millions of people buy your product in order for you to be profitable is really out-dated.
If you are a social entrepreneur then sure, you care about big numbers and such.
But if you're still reading this, then you and I are much you know? In the sense that we love impact and income - not social fame.
To be a successful creator you don’t need millions. You don’t need millions of dollars or millions of customers, millions of clients or millions of fans. To make a living as a craftsperson, photographer, musician, designer, author, animator, app maker, entrepreneur, or inventor you need only thousands of true fans.
That quote is an excerpt from the 1,000 true fans article. A business strategy I am personally applying daily. And the good news is, those of us who are into doing small things in a big way don't have to buy into the lie of trying to sell to everyone.
We just need a handful of the right people who are hungry, ready and willing to solve the problem they have [ which we provide a perfect solution for] and off we go... money in the bank!
If money didn't go to the bank with your last launch whether you were selling a product or service, fret not. I come bearing a soothing answer that will give you the clarity you need so you can be off and running in no time.
And oh, yes, did I mention? It's all centered around helping your clients fall in love with you!
Let's get started.
What is the true love formula that will get you more revenue and loyalty?
Effective content marketing
Actually, this is not the only ingredient in the true love formula but, for this post - I will focus on this one. It is after all one of the key ingredients.
Surprisingly few people actually know or implement this into the gameplan.
There are many digital entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants, part-time and even full-time affiliate marketers who are growing their businesses and increasing revenue quite effortlessly thanks to effective content marketing.
Are you among them?
Would you like to be?
If like me you really are self-made and you don't have the good fortune of coming from a background of influential connections, networking experience or a rich uncle then you're in the right place at just the right time.
I've built myself a very small and tight network of the right people who have made it possible for me to thrive as I continue to support their dreams and visions.
It wasn't about making the most noise online; in fact, anyone who knows me will tell you I am a very private person. I prefer to enjoy my good life underneath all the noise of superficial fancies.
The way I have built and continue to build a very healthy lifestyle business has everything to do with knowledge passed on to me by my mentors.
The biggest of all being the ability to leverage the Internet in a way that adds value specifically to the people I wish to attract.
If you recall, in an older post we talked about the importance of using content marketing as your core strategy for growing your business regardless of industry. It's both an art and a science. You'll do well to "smart-read" that post in case you missed it.
In this post, I want to help you see things from a different perspective. My desire for you is to get into the mind of your dream client and understand what drives them to either buy or not buy your current product service.
Life is about perspective. Right?
Well, so far you already know you want to make bigger profits in your business by the end of the business year. And you also know that something new has to be implemented because what you've been doing thus far, clearly won't get you where you desire to be.
Tell me something I don't know Janette...
Okay. Okay. Switching gears then...
Perhaps the biggest stumbling block for you is the lack of clarity on whether or not investing in some new strategy will really work at this point. Especially since as we all know, content marketing is not microwavable!
It's a long-term strategy that requires planning, patience, and consistency.
We also know it requires high-quality production. The more you choose cheaper options in the quality of your content the less fruitful the entire plan will be.
With all these factors to consider, why should you still invest heavily in this marketing strategy?
The answer is simple...
Because your dream clients will find you faster and make their buying decision sooner when you implement and execute this strategy right.
In essence, I am saying you stand a better chance at building trust, gaining loyalty and cutting down the buyers cycle just from this one move.
And of course, that naturally leads to a by-product of more money in the bank!
Don't take my word for it, take a look at what smarticles are now reporting... They say content marketing is arguably the most important digital marketing strategy available today.
Recent data from Content Marketing Institute backs up this claim and also shows us that brands have been telling their stories to audiences for hundreds of years. So why wouldn't you apply this proven, time-tested method too?
Turn your tiny business into a massive profit machine revenue
Assuming you're excited about doubling or tripling your current monthly income, it's time to shift perspective here and look your marketing efforts from your ideal clients' point of view.
Let's get a little technical and look at what research is showing us when it comes to the needs and wants of our prospects.
What do my buyers want or need?
Keep in mind that content marketing is not a self-serving tactic to solely promote your own brand. In fact, talking too much about your own products or solutions will ultimately hurt your business.
Your prospects and clients would rather connect with you on a human emotional scale. {gasp!} As the marketing saying goes, emotion beats promotion every time!
When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.
Whether you are in the B2B space or B2C space you are still dealing with a living breathing, thinking, feeling human being. On the other side of that business deal is a fellow human being driven emotions.When that individual attaches strongly the emotion of gain or feeling good your offer, you'll always win.
How else can you explain the success of brands like Coca-cola?
Oh, what about this one...
See where I'm going with this?
And the crazy part is, they always use storytelling to make the audience fall in love.
Most big brands know this! They're actually investing a big chunk of their marketing budget on content creation and marketing. But even if you're a startup with zero dollars for marketing, you can still do this!
Does it require time, effort, resources and creativity? sure.
Does it take more time when you're working with a smaller team? Yes, naturally.
But it doesn't matter how limited you feel. Where you are is sufficient enough to begin creating some new ripples that will positively impact the clients you currently have as well as the new prospects that will start connecting with you.
A little deeper into the statistics of what buyers want and need:
This is isn't a guessing game.
We know from Demand Metric that 78% of CMO's believe that content is the future of marketing.
And 70% of your clients would rather learn about your business from an article rather than an advertisement.
Therefore coming back to that pressing question of what is the true love formula that can help you increase revenue and client retention while still serving the needs and wants of your clients across all phases of the buying cycle - it really is a no-brainer.
Effective content marketing that is founded on storytelling and educates, empowers and inspires your ideal clients in some way.
That's how your perfect clients will fall in love with you without even knowing it!
Once this realization sinks in, and I am hoping it's starting to, the next step is to adjust your mindset and learn how to actually plan, implement and execute a good content marketing strategy.
Depending on your niche and budget, things will be quite different. And since all of marketing is really just one big juicy experiment, refrain from finding cookie cutter ideas! Actually, customize your marketing efforts from day one and you will never go wrong.
I can easily help you map out an amazing and effective content marketing strategy that will meet the needs of your buyers whether they are in the early phase, middle or late stage.
Our creative content agency specializes in helping tiny businesses produce massive success and we know how tough it can be to do it all on your own. If you feel ready to talk to see if our process and experience align with your vision, here's the one-click solution.
Getting your ideal client honed down and mind mapping your way into content that will resonate with them and inspire them to action doesn't need to be a painstaking game.
It also doesn't need to be super expensive. But every thriving business that wants to play a winning game online does require this.
There are a few extra resources from my mentors that I will link to at the bottom should you feel ready to dive into the world of producing effective content on your own.
But remember, 62% of companies are already outsourcing their content marketing.
That means they are getting the right people to execute the job so they can produce something high quality that converts well. Why would you want to waste your time doing something you're not passionate about when you could just as easily collaborate with those who can make you shine?
It's all about working smart in our current economy.
Now, Before I bid thee farewell...
Here are some takehome thoughts.
If like me you're the CMO of your business and side projects, let me assure you, content marketing is no longer just a nice option to consider. Especially not for those of us who are self-starters and want to create something for the long-term that produces both impact and income for all concerned.
Therefore your professional service business requires this strategy and technique if you're in it for the big win.
Generating new high-quality leads and promoting your business to the most relevant consumer becomes super easy at a fraction of the cost when content marketing is implemented properly.
I find that the coaches and consultants we work with fast track their business growth authentically as they position themselves as that industry leader, regardless of the chosen niche.
For knowledge-based businesses and especially those of us who are in the business of human well-being and transformation, content marketing is essentially a "free high-value sample" of your knowledge and expertise.
It gives potential buyers a glimpse at the value of choosing you as a partner, mentor or advisor and demonstrates the transformative benefits of your services and/or product. So, if you're not using content marketing in your business or you simply want to growth hack your current level of success, learn more about what content marketing is and get started with this strategy now.
There are lots of resources available on the web for creating content marketing campaigns if you know what you're doing and you have a great team helping you execute. If you would like a little more insight and info on how to get started with a killer content marketing campaign let's have a chat and see what insights and guides I can offer you through my boutique agency.
Lastly, here are a few resources I definitely recommend you dig into plus a PDF downloadable that requires no sign-in. It'll give you all the latest benchmarks and trends for 2018. Even if you're not in the B2B space, trust me, you'll still gather some good ideas for your business.
Extra Resource One: Neil Patel's Content marketing with zero dollars
Extra Resource Two: B2B content marketing in 2018. What you need to know! Click to Download Pdf Instantly.
Extra Resource Three: The History of content marketing
Until the next article or our live chat, I send you love.
May you find peace, bliss, and prosperity.
Scrum Master | PSM, SMAC, SPOAC
6 年Beautifully put together, Janette. A joy to read. I agree you need to connect with your clients on an emotional level. However, you must be genuine as most people can tell when you are not real. When you offer an excellent customer service after a high-value proposition, you can always expect recurring orders and recommendations. Quality beats quantity every time.