In the True Light the darkness of the evilness is being shown
“For the revelation provided to me for other’s as well as myself. “
“In the True Light the darkness of the evilness is being shown; yet only in and around the outer areas in the sky’s and in the hearts and souls of those who are prepared, “shall” God’s Revelation be so revealed!”
“As God’s Holy Spirit is being poured out upon all mankind as never before! God’s Own Love is rushing after the ones who need to gather into the Light.”
“Therefore, if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.
Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Therefore, God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:1-11
“Knowing this also, that while many continue to strive and claim their own victories and successes, without efforts from themselves. Knowing that what they are doing and performing is truly not of their own, but piggy backed off of the wisdom and knowledge of other’s.”
“Knowing of their requirement of self-seeking and laboring into personal relationship with God, yet, sledding along only upon the faith of another.”
“Knowing of God, yet never truly allowing themselves to get to know God, in His Word, His provided Savior created from His Word, He named Jesus and sent into the world.”
“Even so, may their own self-proclaimed successes, be recognized, by both themselves and other’s leading them into repentance and bringing them into the truth of their own labors and efforts in succeeding in and through God’s Holy Spirit, themselves.”
“God, has placed His Spirit in the temples not made by man’s hands; He has shown Himself to the entire world; even in the moment of the darkest season throughout all of the history of mankind!”
“Darkest, because it truly is at this time in space and time, which is ushering in the latter rains and the seasonal scriptures within their own completeness observed and acknowledged by “all” mankind.”
“There remain so many rushing into the outer darkness trying to hide themselves; yet there is no place God is not!”
“The Ark, The Temples, where, God’s own Spirit dwells now!”
“Not hiding from not one; only in Loving calling out all over the earth, within the sky’s as HIs Word is being revealed Word by Word!”
“For all which has always been, remains today, as the shadows of darkness, may have tried to hide them, yet because these are truly Gods Light, His Light shines through all the darkness, revealing Himself in the very same manners and ways as he has always been, remains and shall forevermore be.”
“New insights and mysteries, which God Himself has hidden within Himself until now, are being revealed as never before, being blanketed by His angels and His Spirit over the entire world of darkness. Shining ever so brightly through every darkness matter throughout all history, even cutting through the strongest strong holds of every enemy of God ever put into place.”
“Man has brought darkness to a Light Fight, and where the Light shines, so shall all the darkness be burned away, the coverings of darkness and the acceptances of darkness. For where the Light of God’s Holy Spirit Shines there shall remain no darkness at all.”
“Now revealed as, and acknowledged by All who know the Lord and His Power over all things, over both the righteousness in Him, and all the darkness never of Him, nor can ever be within Him.”
“The revelation of the manifestation of the son’s and the daughter’s, He calls His own.”
“For the acknowledgement that even after prayers and supplications, from and of God’s people and His Spirit’s performance within individuals, these never stop – although the individual may at once return to other operations. God’s help never ends nor does it ever stop, the ending of all things, pertaining to goodness and Goodlihood, God’s Spirit continues operating in and for His children, those He calls friends.”
“Prepare and make ready; for the days of shortness are truly being revealed, in order for the elite in Christ Jesus to enter into the manifestation of God’s creating them to enter into; that the harvest rushing back out of the darkness after realizing that in the darkness only greater evilness can be located!”
“Even now, in each individuals own acknowledging that without God in it, there is never a lasting it at all. No matter whatsoever it may be.”
“Son’s and Daughter’s listen to the Voice of God; open the Word of God; He has placed upon your souls and written upon your hearts!”
“Prepare, for the hour is coming and already is near; as God’s Word is being revealed in His Power and His Glory!”
“Just a short time ago, a matter of time and space, so much has been revealed, all which has been explained and expressed outward, from the very mouth of God Himself, in the Form of His Own Word, He named Jesus.”
“The signs and wonders in the sky’s, the revelation of His Words being and coming about quicker and more suddenly than ever before.”
“As time and space itself, are drawing to an ending, yet within the now, but surely being revealed to all mankind, of the destruction of evilness and the Light of God, burning away every darkness being revealed.”
“Wickedness has been exposed and evilness “shall” not prevail; as the Victory of Jesus’ death becomes greater in Power before all creation!”
“As the true and truth of God’s never ending never stopping victories of revelation and performance being completed, even while His own, may move forward towards even greater and holy entering into His never-failing love and performance within their own lives.”
“Stop looking for and seeking the returning back to as it was, for yesterday truly is gone; today is the hour for those “IN” Christ Jesus, to stand firmly in their individual placement under the shadow of God’s Victory from His Victory, in and through the blood of Jesus Christ!”
“Today is the day of salvation for all, who know not our beloved Savior, God’s very Own Word made flesh, that He named Jesus!”
“Humble before The Almighty One God, and prepare for His Glory coming upon the entire earth!”
“For remember and know, “that you “IN” Christ Jesus, are created for just such a day and hour and season such as this!”
“God picked “you” and He picked “me…”
“Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is “God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.””
“Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.” Philippians 2:12-15
“For the true manifestation, of God, within His people, his children of every age and of every back-ground, culture, and race, these now are coming into their own knowledge of “who thy truly are in this world.”
“As He is, so are we, in this world!”
“Not of our own doing, but in God’s Word, which has never stopped performing, even while they may have been sleeping.”
“The very calling out by name from God, to each individual is now, being revealed in His Great Power and Might, and His own are rising up everywhere upon this earth, knowing and understanding their own true value, freely provided and freely given within them, as Spirit Filled believers, not in their own power and might, but in God’s Spirit.”
“Stepping out of the darkness, and into His glorious Light, in and through God’s never-ending Words continuing even while many were sleeping.”
“God is not ashamed of these, nor shall they be ashamed to call Him their own God, openly and everywhere they find themselves. Because it is God’s never failing and never returning voided Word, His Spirit He Himself has placed within His Temples, that truly acknowledge Him and His never-ending workings of already completeness within Himself, provided by Him, and now operating and flowing outward from their own bellies.”
“O, blessed be the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Blessed be “our Father,” Blessed be His Holy Spirit, for from Him has all things come and to He shall all things return!”