True leaders are not born.
SGR’s 10 in 10 Note – January 8, 2025
True leaders are not born. They learn to be leaders by doing the work. They make mistakes, learn from them, and get better. They compare notes with colleagues and counterparts, and put what they learn from others to use. Sometimes they fail, but they always get back up. Leading is a big responsibility. There is no easy path. There is always more to learn. And you cannot do it alone.
It was with those things in mind that we set about developing the program for our Servant Leadership Conference 2025. ?We wanted a conference that would inspire you, after all inspiration can feed the soul, increase enthusiasm, and spur new ideas. That is no small thing. But we wanted to go beyond inspiration and provide practical tools to help you turn inspiration into reality.
From This Week's 10 in 10
We know this is a difficult time for cities. Foot traffic has slowly returned to downtowns, but they may never be as bustling as they were back in 2019. Crime and homelessness remain issues that toppled mayors in last November’s elections, while federal aid is not likely to be as robust as it was in former years.
Forecasts powered by machine learning are proving to be faster and cheaper to produce than conventional methods — and more accurate, too.
Pandemic-era lab, school, and daycare closures threatened the careers of people in “up or out” professions. Employees benefited from the opportunity to frame these productivity lapses as temporary and out of their control.
Featured Open Recruitments This Week
Check out all of SGR’s?Executive Recruitments?and share them with anyone in your network who might be looking for their next opportunity. ?
The TLG’s Innovation Tours are one of the most popular features of the conference. This year there are four tours, including the Glendale System of Care Center (SoCC), an innovative collaboration between the Glendale Elementary School District and the City of Glendale. It’s designed to provide comprehensive, community-based services for children and adults. Get the tour details and register today to secure your spot.
Read the entire 10 in 10 online.