The TRUE Law of Attraction
It is Universal Law that absolute love brings absolute manifestation
This is the secret behind why the Law of Attraction fails for most of us..
The key principle is this:
God does NOT create out of fear. He creates out of LOVE for new experiences
The same principle APPLIES TO US when we try to manifest
If you do not love what you have currently
- If you are hating yourself for being fat / poor / ugly / stupid / inadequate
You ARE CREATING FROM FEAR, and WILL NOT be able to manifest your way out of what you condemn
Take a step back.
First, recognize that GOD IS WHAT IT IS
In Exodus 3:14, during Moses' encounter with God at the burning bush, God revealed his name and identity:
"Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh"
This is Hebrew for “I AM THAT I AM”
Therefore, what IS (what you have) is CURRENTLY perfect.
If you don't see this perfection, then you are not vibrating at a high enough level to manifest
Realistically, this unconditional love and acceptance of yourself and your conditions will take weeks to months.
Thereafter, step into your divine creative ability