True Happiness Means Being True to Myself - My Monday Affirmation Reflection
Victoria M. Parham
Life Coach ★ Self Help Course Developer ★ Podcast Host ? I Help Women Become a Better Version of Themselves
I consciously avoid using external influences to make myself happy. I understand fully that true happiness comes from being true to myself.
Being true to myself means living my truth, according to what I believe. My beliefs are grounded in my morals, and I use my conscience as a guide. I trust my intuition and I follow my gut.
My principles help me to work through both the favorable and unfavorable circumstances in my life. I sometimes make tough decisions that are necessary for my own happiness. Some decisions that may cause unhappiness today can lead to happiness later on. I trust my instincts about what to do, regardless of the impact today.
When my conscience is clear, I feel peacefully at ease. I leave my nervous tendencies in the past. I avoid relying on the opinions of others to drive my decisions. Although seeking advice is helpful, I only do it to gain perspective.
Sometimes, I catch myself being stubborn in my thinking. I remember my responsibility to make mature decisions. Even when others are unhappy with my choices, I refuse to change my mind.
My decisions are based on my natural inclination towards happiness.
Today, I continue to search for happiness in every aspect of my life. I know that it is a work in progress. Situations change and cause me to make difficult decisions. But I am justified, as long as I remain true to myself. My truth regarding my happiness is what matters.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- When have I allowed the influence of others to change my moral position?
- How can I ensure that my decisions are geared towards my happiness?
- Why do I sometimes allow outside forces to influence me into making unfavorable decisions?
Wishing you much success on your journey to Becoming Happier, be sure to checkout my latest video on Instagram titled: Are you Happy with the Person in the Mirror?
Until the next time!