True friend picks you up when others pull you down

True friend picks you up when others pull you down

Basically how do you differentiate between true friends and the fake ones? It's all simply in the actions. The key to understanding someone's emotion, is observation. Observe their actions and crack the patterns. All that you have read about a good friend in quotes or poems - "A good friend is worth a whole library", "a good friend guides you in the right direction"etc, it's all true. These quotes have been said by highly experienced people, and they are not just some sentimental statements. They are truth.

There is obviously clear difference between a true friend and a fake friend. If recognising fake friends was that easy, then no one would ever get betrayed, right? But there are some things that a fake friend does, that a true friend will never do - If you said something hurting, unknowingly, a true friend will come forward and tell you. But a fake friend will not. A fake friend will go to others, and tell them how you hurt him. A fake friend would never take the initiative to help you with your problems. A true friend would help you to solve your problems, even before you ask him.

A fake friend never cares about hurting you. A true friend does. A fake friend never tells you when you are wrong. He relishes when you experience failure. A true friend pushes you towards your goal and always in right direction. A fake friend might as well push you off a cliff. A true friend apologises after hurting you. A fake friend will say that he did not hurt you and you are just over imagining thing. A fake friend never says sorry after hurting you.

A fake friend would never try to save his friendship with you. A true friend would keep his ego aside, and will come forward to save his friend and friendship. A true friend will always stop if someone else is badmouthing you. And he will come and tell you about it. But a fake friend won't mind even if someone is talking rudely about you. In short, fake friends just don't care.

In case you ever meet a fake friend, and realise that he is just trying to drown you, smile at him, shake his hand and say,"You've done enough destruction my friend. You have ruined me enough. Now let's change ways. I don't care if it's your fault or mine, it's time to lead to different ways." After that, walk away, and never look back.

Some one wants to spend their quality time with you, hang out with you irrespective of your madness. Keep them, never let them go. They are your true friends. Apart from this, a few more virtues they possess - Commitment - You may meet after years, but your bond remains timeless. They have stood by you every time. Period. Your Mom knows them - Irrespective of the age you became friends, your mom knows them. They know your parents, relatives and other friends.

No Expectations - They don’t have any wish list from you. You forget their birthdays, no problem. They are still your friends when you have re-lived your life with them - They know about your school phase, college phase, committed phase, break-up phase and are interested to know even the little insignificant details of your life. Road Trips - You have been on a road trip with them at least once. The trip was great, mostly because of their company.

You remember them on your bad day - You confide all your problems with them. They are your agony aunt, therapist, wingman and they will be whatever you want them to be. You come first - They can sacrifice their self respect, ego and even break their principles for you. You like rock music, they don’t. But they never let you know this. They may fight tooth and nail with you for small things, but losing to you is a win for them.

When you take a moment to think about your friends. How many friends do you have? How many of those friendships do you think are reciprocated?Ask this questions to yourself to determine whether someone is really your true friend. Would this person make your list of top five best friends? This circle of friends is the smallest, consisting of only one or two people. These are your most intimate relationships that you maintain daily. Can you be vulnerable with this person? Sharing means caring.

If a person lets you in on their secrets, it probably means they like you. And if you want to be liked more in certain relationships, open up.They know all the details about your love life, your most cherished childhood memories, and all those embarrassing stories that you wouldn’t share with just anyone. They want to know you to your core, not just on the surface. How much emotion do you express when you’re around this person? If you tend to hide your true feelings around someone, they’re probably not your true friend. People with high-quality connections express more emotion with each other, and they express both positive and negative emotions.

Has your friendship overcome challenges? Think about whether you and your friend have ever overcome any conflicts. How does your relationship respond to change?It refers to how flexible your relationship can be to accommodate change. Can you be active and creative with this person? Strong friendships empower individuals to develop creative ideas and act on them. Do you and your friend inspire each other? If not, then perhaps you’re not as close as you thought.

Are they Always There For You? Friends who are always there for you, both in times of need and happiness, is a good sign of loyalty. If you find yourself in a terrible situation, a ditch, with no way out, a good friend will be one of the first people in your life to offer their support and help towards your problem – even before your family in some cases. Whether this problem is financial, emotional or otherwise, a truly great friend will put the state of your well-being above their own, purely because they care about you.

Finding people who are authentic can be a difficult feat, especially if you’ve always been let down by others. True friends are those who don’t live life purely for their own self-interest, but take pleasure in seeing you happy and well. Do they Bitch About You Behind Your Back? A true friend is not two-faced; they won’t slate you behind your back, because they have values which they adhere to, and because you’re an important person to them.

Are they the Most Genuine Beings on the Planet? They don’t succumb to the idea that money, looks, rank and accreditation is everything.They don't think they are better than anyone. An authentic friend embraces their own flaws, as well as yours. Being with them feels like having weight off your shoulders; you can comfortably be yourself and speak your mind. Are they Present During Your Struggle and During Your Success? They don’t pick and choose which time to enter your life like they’re at a pic’n’mix sweet shop.

Do they make you feel happier and more alive, not drained and stressed? After seeing them, you feel more rejuvenated, vibrant, and excited about life.To know if you have a true friendship with someone, just pay attention to how you feel after meeting up with them. A real friend will make you feel good about yourself and life. Do they allow you to have other friendships without getting jealous and possessive?

Real friends feel confident enough in your friendship that they don’t have to resort to jealousy and trying to control your life. They give you freedom to pursue other friendships and activities in your life, because they know that your friendship is rock solid. They realize that you don’t have to be in their company 24/7 in order to validate the friendship.You have so many inside jokes and funny memories with them that you’ve lost count.

You have such a close relationship with them that you’ve spent countless hours together just being silly and laughing about nothing, and in turn, you’ve created so many unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime. Beyond Practical - True Friendship is an emotion that begins when practicality ends. They take the liberty to help you without you asking them even if it means their own misery.

Pride - When you succeed, they are more happier than you. When you fail, they are still proud of you. They never miss an opportunity to flaunt your friendship whether its putting you on their WhatsApp DP or defending you behind your back. Let you go - If letting go would make you happy, they would certainly do it. Not because they stopped caring about you, but because sometimes loving you means letting you go. True Friends are real stars in your life, but in their life you are a superstar. Cheers!

ajay vaishnav

Rajasthan Technical university, Kota

1 年

The truth when there is no one to help you out you find yourself with a new ability and confidence that's worth more than having some friends!

ajay vaishnav

Rajasthan Technical university, Kota

1 年

What about fake friends??



