True Evilness Being Revealed
“A message given to me, from the voice of God, which I do know, and He alone shall I hear and follow after, no other voices shall I follow, because Greater truly is He who dwells within me, then all others, individually or jointly coming against God.”
“Even though,” Hate is being projected by the high powers of evilness not towards each other but downward towards those whom they truly look down on!”
“Those called by God, Himself, to be Hi9s son’s and His daughter’s, in manifestation, those who are not willing to be moved, those who long deeper AND GREATER relationship between the Lord and themselves, unwilling 100% to give into the projected evilness, so many have bought and been brought into in these latter days.”
“They are yelling out false statements of racism trying to get buy in from individuals and groups that haven’t truly had a problem with racism their entire lives!”
“Who made them rich and powerful?” (This is the time for the mirrors to be brought out), Yet, the highest levels of the rich and powerful are spreading false lies downward. Because as long as they can keep those whom they look down on, fighting one another; They can usher in their power grabs and bring about their lies as truths; calling evil good and good evil!”
“They have thought up an agenda which is destroying the United States of America causing and trying to cause a great dividing of the people in order to hide their lawless performances and those of their own families!”
“They are on purpose, seeking to bring forth their man made religions, forcing through opening areas of flood gates of like minded other’s to enter into and to rise against “In God we Trust!””
“They are doing it right in front of the entire nation! Because they truly believe they are above others!”
“So deceived have they themselves, become, that they, themselves, now believe their own foolishness, evilness, and hatred, accepted by themselves; “Just as it has been written!””
“If their own great restart is so good; let them perform to the standards of leading by example:”
“Let them take just half of everything they have and turn it over to the poor! Not tax payers Money but their own! Let them go at once and with draw from their banks totals of just half and lead by the examples they are lying to people that they desire to hand out and make everyone in our nation! Example has always been the proof of the Truth!”
“Let the rich and powerful, move out of all but one of their homes handing them over to poor families; not say they want to, but doing it; showing it on the media!” “Where their own lies have become projected outward, while the Truth in every matter is concealed.”
“Oh, foolish people, have you now observed for yourselves, all which has been written by God, being the greater fulfillment over every projected evil and lawless action being forced outward, fulfilling the very Word of God, before all creation.”
“The proof of exchanging the lies for the Truth, till not being able to be fulfilled, because of God’s persistent never changing Word, of His children becoming the manifested within Himself, upon this earth, greater and more powerful then all else.”
“Just as it has been written!” “Period….”
‘Let’s all wait for the ice cream and respect the people, people, to lead by their own examples!”
“In and through their own fruit presented so does the Truth be revealed.”
“No one is even asking these liars for everything they have; just perform before the American people as you are saying you want to do. Don’t just put a scarf over your shoulders and act like you are caring about another group of individuals!”
“Do and give and divide so those who are following you so dearly can see and know that you are for real!”
“What is and has been and continues being seen of the wicked, is the homeless, hungry, naked, and lacking of so many, all who have been brought in on the behalf of the evilness and lawlessness, seeking power over not only them, but all others.”
“One fact that is known and no matter what else comes out of it all or from it! Man made creates and accepts for themselves, the harm and hurt, the suffering and even death of others, these proving the fruits of evilness only.”
“These, their actions, shall be released and has been and will continue to do just what it was created by man to do: those who give funding are the very ones pressing everyone else on what they need to do, while millions from what they are saying are dying from what they funded, offering, and destroying daily.”
“No different than the same, wanting to defund the peace makers, the peace provides; what do you really “fact checking” and believe is going to happen as the pressing for evilness over good, continues to catch on by those trusting the very high level individuals and groups who have joined together to come against all which is good and proper and right living standards!”
“How many more must die before the nation and the world declares enough from these evil forces and the people, who are following after them!”
“They have fenced themselves off and placed guards around themselves; yes to protect them and their own riches as they laugh and continue to gain more riches and power over enslaving not one race but trying to enslave all races!”
“Still just as it is written, so also, is it coming true.”
‘There is One who told of such a day and hour! “THE GOD IN WHOM WE TRUST AMD HAVE ALWAYS TRUSTED!””
“The same God everyone’s mothers and fathers prayed to, and theirs and theirs; now they are telling you God is not good enough any longer!”
“Yet one must be blind and can not think on their own any longer; in order to follow after a sick and desiring evilness which is being offered and pressed and forced upon all mankind!”
“When these old and truly evil ones are gone; who do you think their plan on running everyone else? Haha those they try so hard to make you look away from of their evilness; their own children and their children!”
“Stop being foolish people!”
“Awaken to what is happening around you and stop buying into any of their lies and evil ways of open boarders and locked down everything else! Of giving you $1400.00 of your own money while thousands to others and millions and billions to other countries and people while so many right here could be helped! Why?”
“Well you decide with your minds wide open and your eyes and ears seeing and hearing the truth of this evilness upon the earth as never seen before!”
“Repent and call out to God!”
“Because there truly is only the One God! the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit! Return to God and see both His and your enemies be crushed under the real Way, Truth and Life which has been freely given to us each!”
“Stop buying into these corrupt and lawless people’s agendas!”
“Reveal evil as evil, and good as good, minister once again the entire Word of God, be the Light God created us each to be, in this hour, and in all thing and at all times, return to God, in prayer and in meditation.”
“Become the One’s, who the Son sets free, and become free in-deed, in actions and within the turning each one of our own selves, back towards God.”
“For God’s Word, has always, is and shall always be fulfilled!” “Period….”
“Truly rather we each our on God’s team, or the enemies team, God’s Word is being fulfilled, within us each.”