True Election That Matters
And now the election!
How hard must this truly be? We have lived and seen loved one’s die, riots in the streets, false witnesses brought about and from every corner of our world and nation. We have observed and many lived the fight against freedoms and the rights of the wicked being demanded; we have all observed the lists of the lustful – along with the protection and fencing of those who desire wrong against right, and of the abuse of the elderly, of the on purpose leaving without – pulling out and leaving beloved ones behind – even their NATO partners solders left behind.
We have observed the pure evilness upon the world, and we all know very well, concerning leaders of other nations walking away, as well as, the leader of our great nation stepping aside after their lies became to observed. Daily they came on media – all of them, demanding we believe them “or else!”
We all have came to acknowledge such a true genocide attack not against simply a nation, but the entire human race; with continued demands of further on purpose reduction of the entire population by a year not far off.
Is it not remember that, “To gain the entire world and everything within it, but to lose your spirit and soul separated away from the only ever One True God!
Example unto all the world!
Awaken this morning; realizing that I myself awaken not perfect; yet already made perfect only through and in the blood of Jesus Christ; The Word of God, and expressed imagine of the Father; who too always has been, is and shall always remain the only True One Living God Almighty! Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
Because He lives so too do I now in this world, not because of myself being nor becoming perfect; for God knew and knows that only when what is perfect comes than what is not perfect shall be no more!
While within my own knowledge of both good and evil; I must acknowledge that evilness is all around me, even dwelling within this human body; for the proof of such evil; remains within each and every individual; through each one’s own abilities of turning evil or remaining good upon their own choose each second of their human life!
It does not matter what others do nor-present as evil being called good or good being called evil! What matters is my own as with each one’s own; direction in desiring to seek the Only One which is Good and Righteous! No other thing and no one else matters, In each one’s own individual seeking between that which is good or that which is evil!
It does not matter, who nor how many, tries to press their own desires of either good or evil upon another!
For we each individually, truly know without a doubt when what we do is evil or good! No one has ever performed evil without themselves knowing what they are doing is evil, no one ever!
As neither has anyone ever performed good, without knowing that what they are doing is good!
Bpth being performed “ON PURPOSE!” “PERIOD!”
Everything in between, matters not at all; there is and always shall remain either evil or good….. it is when one acknowledges that they themselves will not be made perfect, until He who has always been Light and Perfect without any darkness ever being within Him, nor can darkness ever enter into Him; comes, that one is made perfect through and in that One which is perfect…. The Lord Jesus Christ ALONE!
Now when what is perfect does come, that which is not perfect is made perfect in and through and only ONE, Who is perfect!
God Himself, from the ending even until the beginning of all things, has provided His Way, Truth, and Life, for that which is not and shall not become fully perfect until that He who is perfect comes!
So therefore. what can the best of mankind do to remain good and fulfilled in joy and happiness and hope and faith until the One Who is Perfect returns?
To acknowledge first that God is, and that He rewards those who first seek after Him and His Kingdom and His Righteous; transforming their own minds even into the mind of Christ, The Word of God, that God who is perfect provided for “ALL” mankind to accept and receive through Himself, His Word, who is the same as God, Who truly is God!
For not one other ever has nor does nor ever will have the Power provided and required to enter into a man, with His Spirit and to forgive that man from their sinfulness brought about through evilness in acceptance from the first man ever; Only God in Himself and through Himself has such Power of forgiveness of sins; and of entering a man in and through Himself, His Word, The blood freely given of His Only begotten Son; Jesus, who is the Word of God made flesh, for each and all of mankind to surrender all of themself and everything of this life; “for the better life!”
Jesus Christ is the Light and Life!
First elect Jesus as your own personal Lord and Savior, than cast your vote for the better of what the world truly has to offer.
It is truly only when an individual decides to humble before their Creator, The Creator of ALL things without not one thing ever created which has ever been created without Him within it!
God Almighty!
That in repentance of our own sins, and truly turning from our own evil acknowledged desires and ways; that one shall located God where He is; knowing that He is everywhere and not far from not one, not one….
In each one’s own individual desire for good over evil, becomes that individuals repentance and surrendering of everything that one knows of both good and evil, and allowing God to remove their own sin away from them; filling that one with His own Holy Spirit, and at once transforming that one’s spirit and soul into Himself where He is in order to show His Glory and Wisdom and every invisible attribute of God Himself to that one!
“No other way!” “PERIOD!”
Now in this world and this life remains both the knowledge of both evil and good; if one decides evil, evil shall be their reward and everything that goes along with evilness shall be their own destroying factor all the days of this life, and forevermore!
All who decides and diligently seeks after Good, God, in and through God’s provided Way, Truth and Life; Jesus Christ, The very Word of God! God shall surely do and perform His Goodness toward any and all who seek acknowledgement of good over acknowledgement of evil!
For not one has ever done either without themselves knowing what they are doing is either evil or good….. the very acknowledgement of evil and good!
Which God Himself, has placed upon the soul of all mankind and written upon the hearts of all mankind…
No wonder the evil so desires to remove God, His Word and His Holy Spirit away and out of everything possible; using every means he can in order to do so!
For without God, who is His Word towards mankind, Jesus God’s only begotten first Son, as flesh yet as Filled with God’s own Spirit; continues to offer to all mankind to become, ”just as He is so are we in this world!”
Bringing about the understanding, that while no one, not one, shall ever become perfect until He who is the only Perfect One, comes!
Your vote surly matters, first your vote for God and ALL He has, is and shall remain revealing, simply until He can no longer be located. Surly that day approaches soon er than ever before.
For it is when God’s Holy Spirit is revealed for ALL mankind and His Spirit is revealed now and shown too all, that each one must decide rather that which is perfect or that which is not, shall be their own individual acceptance for this life and forevermore hereafter!
“There truly I no excuse now!”
So, the will is within each to either become that which is only, either evil or good, leaving not one with an excuse when each one individually stands before their Creator, “When He returns,” yet already Him knowing the heart of each one!
How blessed is that one when His Master returns, finds him doing what the Master Builder, the Potter of all clay, the offered Savior and Ruler and Judge over, and of the entire world and all ever which dwelt upon it and every creature ever created everywhere; He Who is the Only Perfect One, returns….
The evil of this world truly has been shown: once each one believes and accepts and transforms their own mind into the mind, the offered acknowledgement of He who is Perfect, The mind of Christ, believes and accepts Him and His Holy Spirit; “acknowledging how the enemy of God, has desires and been able to remove God’s Spirit desire out of all religions.”
Because evil knows where Good is, Evil “MUST” vanish, because darkness can-not be in the same space as Light.
The Word of God, Himself declares, “that unless one is born again; that is of Spirit and mind; that one can never enter into the kingdom of God! Yet complete Salvation, redemption and deliverance of God who is the Only perfect One; is offered to all mankind!
So, this day, acknowledge without doubting, All who already acknowledge God as Perfect and the only Perfect One; to surrender all of this world and this life, for the better Life and World!
Even the new heavenly and the new earth already created for all who shall trade in their own desire of that what is deception of good but evil; and that one shall be forgiven and redeemed and delivered into the very Kingdom of God!
Yet acknowledge while remaining in this life and this world; that which is the seen becomes that which no longer is the reward of the Righteous “IN Christ Jesus!”
Yet that which is not perfect shall not be completely made perfect until that which is perfect comes! Only in one’s own acceptances of God, His Word, His Jesus, My Jesus now, God’s Holy Spirit, shall enter and that which is un-perfect is made perfect here and now and forevermore!
“This is the difference!”
Between the one who is made perfect and the one who remains evil!
Accept God, The Only Ever One God, God is One…..
In accepting God, accept ALL of Him and His Kingdom within you; freely offered and freely given!
“He said to them, “did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?”
So, they said to him, “we have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit.”
Acts 19:2
John 17
Hebrews 11
Romans 7
Simply, Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and all other required, shall enter into each and each shall become reborn and God shall call each son and daughter of the Only ever One who is Good and Perfect.