The True Cost of Roy Andersen’s Books
I have written a series of books to share the results and discoveries I made through 25 years of scientific research. I purposely undervalued the price of these books because I wanted parents, and not just educationalists, throughout the world to know of the information they contain.
It was disturbing for me to realize yesterday, that while I had set the price of Bk.2 at 19.99 USD, it is being sold on Amazon for 66.87 USD. Equally, Bk.5 should be sold for no more than 17.99 but is being sold for 66.87 USD -- by some making a quick buck.
What concerns me here is not just the immorality of this, but that it is pushing the price of the books beyond the people I want to reach, for this defeats the whole purpose of enabling more to realize what is really wrong with school and why we much change it in understanding of the developments we can expect this century.
Please, don’t be swindled ! Here is the correct prices you should be able to buy my books on Amazon, although I do sell them cheaper on my website.
The Illusion of Education: How School Designs the Ability of the Citizen 15.99 USD
The Hidden Secrets of Intelligence: Unveiling the Greatest Myth of Our Time 19.99 USD
The Brain Environment Complex: In Search of a New Understanding of Intelligence 19.99 USD
Mediation: Crafting the Intelligence of the Child in Home & School 16.99 USD
Preparing a New-World Education: The Global Citizen 17.99 USD
Memoirs of a Happy Teacher 13.00 USD
Five Ways for Better Grades 9.99 USD
The Illusion of Education: how school designs the ability of the citizen
Five Ways for Better Grades 4.99 GBP
“These are six very important books that should be read by every parent and educator in the world. They represent a real breakthrough in our understanding of what intelligence is and how it develops, and the importance of changing the ways students are both parented and educated. Roy is doing for learning the work that is as significant as was that done in the past by such figures as John Dewey. These are must-reads for both parents and educators alike.”
Prof / Dean Emeritus David Martin Ph.D Gallaudet University Washington, D.C. USA