A true business #transformation in an unlikely place - #McKinsey #BCG #Bain
North Pole - 10:00 am – June 20th …
Alabaster: “Sir, we have an issue … as you know the level of ice melting is truly alarming”
Nicholas: “This is indeed an issue and I am getting worried for these very nice small islands in the Pacific Ocean.” Nicholas still remembers the letter he received from a little girl who was living with her family on the Nuatambu Island. She did not ask for any toys for her or brother, just a home for the 11 families who lost their houses as a result of rising seas and erosion …
Alabaster: “Well, yes and I feel really sorry for the families but our issue is closer to us actually … as a result of the ice melting, we are having serious disruptions to our production lines and this could impact our deliveries for the end of this year – we may miss our deadlines thus impacting more than 11 families”
Nicholas: “This is very alarming, what do you suggest?”
Alabaster: “For big issues, I know few people who could come up with brilliant ideas”
Nicholas: “Sounds promising”
June 22nd - The Strategy Consultants (MBB)
The big 3 came to the Nordic Poles for running their analysis with their unique methodologies and “intellectual properties”… but also their best teams.
Since the business is so “prestigious”, the 3 firms proposed to run their analysis and provide their recommendation “pro bono”.
In the following days, the consultants applied a MECE framework (Mutually Exclusive and Completely Exhaustive) in order to come up with the problems and the potential solutions to meet the looming deadline but also avoid a repeat of the issue.
July 1st – Presentations of first conclusions to the management team (Nicholas, Alabaster, Bushy Evergreen, Pepper Minstix, Shinny Upatree, Sugarplum Mara and of course Wunorse Openslae)
All consultants are pretty much presenting similar ideas with few exceptions …
Indeed the ice is melting as a result of “global warming” affecting the supply chain and disrupting the productions. The melting process cannot be revert quickly thus having to get on a transformation journey for Nicholas’s business.
One team of consultants were very creative and offered to implement David Keith’s “geoengineering scheme” in order to offset the warming effects caused by rising levels of greenhouse gases. The scheme sound very interesting but lots’ technical issues had to be resolved plus what would be the other consequences of producing and dispersing fine droplets of sulfuric acid in the stratosphere.
When hearing this, the other consulting firms were smiling politely and believed that these consultants found the right road but took the wrong directions …
The world is changing and people start seeing the issues and are acting but this will not resolve the immediate issues.
I. Changes to the production lines
Since most of the production activities are taking place in the North Pole, the melting ices have a dramatic impact to the end deliveries (not to mention, extraordinary costs for sustaining the activities in such location without even reviewing the employees’ wages)
The consultants recommend to source the production from different locations in the world (ideally with low wages in order to have a positive business case) to limit the activities taking place in the North Pole. Effectively this “special firm” should move from a “manufacturing company” to a “Brand development company”. In order to help their “special” client navigate the transformation, the MBB consultants offer to bring Phil Knight (founder of Nike) to the North Pole in order to share his experience with the OEM (original equipment manufacturers) in China, Indonesia or Vietnam …
II: From an antiquated ordering system to a fully digital solution
As part of the reviews, the consultants also pointed out that the management of the orders was very archaic … the customer services were managing manually incoming letters and recording the requests in several big inventory books. Although the entries were following a very sophisticated process (being correctly sorted per product types and sizes), it was nevertheless taking weeks if not months before having a production plan in place which was able to match the demand.
The consultants also noticed that this system resulted in very high inventories and “undelivered” items due to last minute changes of customers’ “wishes”.
They suggest to move to a fully digitalised ordering system which would reduce dramatically the time to process the orders and furthermore would allow better flexibility in the production line. On top of this, the use of Artificial Intelligence could help Nicholas and his team to anticipate earlier what their clients will ask for …
The consultants are offering to bring the management team to make a pilgrimage to Silicon Valley. They would be more than happy to set-up a breakfast in Buck's of Woodside with Mark Zuckerberg and/or Jeff Bezos.
III. A new headquarter
Since the ice at the North Pole is getting thinner, the consultants are also offering a radical change … To move the firm’s Head Quarter to another offshore jurisdiction which could also offer an excellent business environment to operate in with very interesting tax benefits: the South Pole …
The biggest benefits though come from the melting cycle taking place in the Antarctic region which does not have the same regular melting cycle than in the artic. Recent studies have also shown that the Antarctic region is melting away at a slower pace than the Arctic region and is made of a stony bedrock.
All in all, the Antarctic is providing the ideal environment for Nicholas’ business to pursue its growth in the 21st century within a changing environment, not to mention that Nicholas’ employees won’t have to be worried about meeting polar bears … instead Penguins could be rather entertaining …
The consultants feel that their analysis and furthermore some of their solutions are directionally correct...
IV. A new delivery approach
Finally the current delivery approach brings lots of risk without any space for delays while delivering the items to the clients. Thanks to Albert Einstein, we know that since Nicholas and his “lorry” have a mass, they cannot travel at the speed of light … thus having to resolve the “travelling salesman problem”. In this problem, a salesman has to plan a route through a number of cities. He has to start and end at the same city and visit every other city in between just once, while minimising the distance he travels. If we replace the salesman with Nicholas, then Nicholas’s problem is a variant of the Travelling Salesman Problem.
The “brilliant consultants” acknowledged that they have left the resolution of Nicholas’s problem opened. To be fair with them, the Travelling Salesman Problem is known to be NP-Complete, which means that there is no known efficient algorithm that always returns the optimal solution in a reasonable time…
The consultants are offering an alternative linked to sourcing the productions in different geographies around the globe. The business should follow the example of E-Commerce which are Driving New Regional Distribution Hubs. This could be discussed with Amazon who are seen as the “best in class”.
Nicholas is getting worried with the consultants’ ideas and wonders if they will soon offer to use a fleet of drones to deliver in the chimneys the orders …
The consultants can see that Nicholas and his team are getting very uncomfortable with all their ideas … they were expecting such outcome and anticipated it.
While reviewing the financials, they also realised that Nicholas’ business has little if any income … it seems that all the “employees” are working for free … truly unbelievable from a consultant perspective … in order to fund the whole business transformation, Nicholas will need to find some cash …
To find Cash, the consultants brought the investment bankers (JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch) at no costs for Nicholas in order to come up with ideas …
Right after arriving to the North Pole, the investment bankers started doing some data crunching and building up different business cases in a fire drill …
Although the bankers were getting ready for a “beauty pageant”, it sometimes seemed as if they were checking whether or not the current opportunity is below the bar!
After wrestling with their spreadsheets and assumptions, they were finally ready for the “bake-off”.
August 1st – The bankers’ solutions
VI. An IPO to fund the transformation programme
“Santa Inc” has an amazing brand value which, actually, is very difficult to value as it is not consolidated under one organisation (which is yet to be set-up – Bankers have some ideas to that too). According to Brand Finance the Santa Claus brand is worth over 1.6 trillion dollars whereas the Apple brand is roughly value at 100 billion dollars. One needs to also recognise the massive and recurring impact to any GDP when comes the holiday seasons …
Although the brand is very valuable, there is a need to get a source of revenue, the bankers believe that Santa Inc should receive royalties from any firms in the world using commercially the names … one being Coca Cola …
JP Morgan has already drafted a prospectus based on the projection of revenues and furthermore potential profits …
The bankers really feel that they have found a new “gold mine” with a share price which will easily outperform the “bitcoin” story with less volatility … they are overly enthusiastic with the prospect of running such IPO …
Nicholas and Alabaster are having a smile as they both know that the trademark red suit is not down to the soft drink's long-running advertising campaign but from the Bishop of Myra who was wearing a red suit in the 4th Century… They do not want to offend the bankers and let them continue their “beauty contest”.
VII. A merger with the “Easter” corporation
The bankers are also very creative and believe that a merger between Santa Inc and Easter Inc would bring lots of benefits … The consultants were also very excited with this idea.
There will be benefits of scale for producing the chocolates but also cost savings – since Nicholas could leverage the Easter Corporation production line … the “Easter” corporation have different production peaks than Santa Inc thus great benefits.
On top of this, the Easter Corporation could benefit from Nicholas’s newly created “brand development” capabilities …
After all, there would be no Christmas if there was no Easter …
In August, after having finalised all the reports, the bankers and the consultants left the North Pole – feeling that they have clearly made a positive impact…
Nicholas and his management team have requested to have some times for themselves in order to further think about all the great propositions and ideas which were exposed to them … they mentioned to the consultants and bankers that they will come back to them in September …
September 1st – A prestidigitator in the room
Since some bankers were not able to keep their ideas for themselves, some rumors were spreading in the market (some even said that this was done on purpose in order to prepare the IPO …).
Elon Musk heard about these rumors and learned about Nicholas’s issues. He could not resist the urge to come up with his solutions and his plans to resolve Nicholas’ problems.
He is ready to bring all his assets (Tesla, SpaceX, the hyperloop, ...) and his best engineers to the North Pole in order to resolve Nicholas's issues ...
After all, Elon and Nicholas are in the same business - they are both selling "dreams" and make the "unthinkable" happen ...
But all this would be another story ... there are serious issues to be dealt with in the arctic as a result of what we are doing ... Since everyone seem to think that "digital transformation" will resolve all the issues of Insurers and Bankers, could the same be true for Nicholas and his team?
What would you do? Looking forward to your comments and ideas
Enjoy the holiday season for now ...
Do not hesitate to contact me if you want to have some discussion? I would be more than happy to support you and your organisation.
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