Truck Focus Newsletter - July 2022 Edition
Josh Hannaberry CTSP
Husband & Father 1st | Sr. Advisor, Strategic Partnerships | Networking Enthusiast | Transportation Industry Advocate
Friends in the Industry -
Our mission at Truck Focus is simple - to connect transportation industry leaders, to the industry, to help create a pivotal change. Each month, we release an edition of the Truck Focus Newsletter, to help accomplish this goal.
Over the past few months, our industry leaders have continuously stepped up to share their knowledge and create a pivotal impact in the lives of others operating in the transportation industry.
I encourage you to sign up for the Truck Focus Newsletter if have not already done so to receive the full newsletter directly into your email!
To start the July 2022 edition off right, I want to give a huge shoutout to this month's sponsor, The Mindful Trucker!
At The Mindful Trucker, we are passionate about helping your Company and your Driving Force Improve Health, Safety, Wellness, & Driver Solutions, helping you shift gears into the future.
Dana G Smith, the owner of The Mindful Trucker, recently wrote an excellent article "Attitude", which was featured in the July Truck Focus Newsletter.
"Have you ever heard the saying “Attitude Is King“? It’s true. No matter what you do in life, if your attitude isn’t in check, you may very well miss opportunities that are right in front of you.
Attitude can be a positive means in the right context. In the wrong context, it can be something that can ruin your life. But, It’s not just a word. It’s something you have control over and affects us everyday in different circumstances. As humans, we typically tend to be driven to negative responses. Some more than others. You have heard of the saying “Negative Nelly”? There’s a reason why people say that. Take a moment and ask a co-worker their opinion about whether you respond positively or negatively to situations. It may be an eye opener for you. Full Article
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The Importance of Understanding Your Transportation Insurance for New Owner Operators
Todd Goulet, Commercial Lines Account Executive at Leibel Insurance Group
Almost daily I receive calls from Transportation Business Owners, Owner Operators, and Lease Operators inquiring about insurance.
Each call is unique and I always hear stories about their dealings with other drivers and what they pay for insurance and the question: “why is my insurance so much higher in price when I have been driving for over 20 years?” or, “Why is my buddy paying so much less?”
There are many answers to these questions depending on what you have been doing for the past 20 years in the industry and particularly what have you been doing for the past 5 years.
It’s clear to see how backing a trailer should always be avoided; whether due to blind-spots, moving objects, or both, no driver should be left to back without a spotter.
It is crucial that you use spotters! The path behind a backing vehicle is largely invisible to the driver. Spotters should be positioned within the view of the driver and far enough to the side of the vehicle that they will not be stuck.
Use radios! Trying to be heard over the sound of an engine? Try a radio.
Equipping spotters with radios allows them to focus on where the vehicle is moving, not whether the driver can hear them. Keep them charged and test them before use. Full Article
Would WCB Accept This Claim?
Anthony Butkovic,
Bob looked through the windshield of his vehicle in disbelief. His heart pounding so hard he could feel it in his ears. Slowly he looks around.
Trying to make sense of what just happened. His neck hurts and his face feels like it’s stinging.
Bob has just been in a motor vehicle accident. As a driver this is a hazard of employment that can happen.
The question is… Will WCB accept the injuries he just sustained?
To answer this question, we need to rewind a few hours to when Bob first got in the vehicle. Worker Compensation has specific criteria that needs to be met in order to accept “travel related” claims. Full Article
5 Things Not to Do When Terminating Employment
Teresa Kiyawasew, Kiy HR Services
Terminating Employment is Never Easy.
Even when an employee has taken complete advantage of the company and you are frustrated with the way they are treating team members and/or the company, when it comes down to the act of having the conversation, it can be difficult.
It also can be very damaging if not done right. Full Article
The Future is Predictable
Ben Auslander, Vice President of Enterprise Sales at Pitstop Connect
As connectivity in telematics continues to improve, data analytics plays an even more critical role in the future of fleet management strategies.
However, access to more accurate vehicle sensor data is complex and raises the concern of data overload when not harnessed correctly.
Thankfully, fleet managers can combat data overload by choosing the right tools to summarize valuable information to strategize and make impactful business decisions.
Inspector Alan W. Wintermute R.S.E. (Retired)
Inspector Alan Wintermute earned his license as a motor vehicle mechanic after having completed an apprenticeship in Ontario.
The license was later divided into a few designations as the trade became more complex and servicing motor vehicles increasingly required specialized training and experience.
Inspector Wintermute was grandfathered into two of those categories: truck/coach technician and automotive service technician.
The laws governing commercial motor vehicles are not easy to understand and it can take hours wading through them to find anything.?Purchase Your Copy Now
"One of Two" - Part 2
Jeremy Woolward, HSA, CTSP, Safety Officer
“We will add your distinctiveness to our own.” A popular quote from Star Trek, this idea of taking the best of something to make it stronger is not something foreign to industry and safety leaders.
Alberta’s Occupational Health & Safety Act, Regulations, and Code are designed to protect the worker from identified hazards in the workplace. This legislation is vanilla in nature as it applies to most industries across the province. Whether you’re a driver, a server, an operator, or a journeyman, the legislation applies. The OHS Code is more specific when it comes to specific industries, but when you look for transportation, you’ll find that there’s not much there, and what is there is associated with Powered Mobile Equipment. Full Article
Capital Gain Versus Capital Gain Tax
Bo Banner, Banner Wealth
It is important to note the difference between a capital gain and taxable capital gain. A capital gain occurs when the proceeds of a disposition of a property exceed the cost of acquiring the property.
Stories From The Road
Don Taylor, Professional Driver, and Published Author
This book chronicles my thirty-plus years in the transportation industry. Starting as a taxi driver during a transit strike, to driving Long Combination Vehicles, measuring over 120 feet long, weighing over 130,000 lbs. My travels have taken me to all of the lower forty-eight states, and all Canadian provinces except Newfoundland. Some of the stories are quite humours, others are quite tragic. All have had a lasting effect on me.
ComplianceBox - Transport Compliance Made Easy
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MyTrucker Pro
Why use MyTrucker Pro for your business? The aim of MyTrucker Pro is a platform for your business. It is a place to advertise yourself, learn tips from colleagues, build business relationships and get access to products for your business at discounted prices.
Set up a private group for your business and use the internal messaging system. Create a business page or market jobs on our site. Our focus is on building a community for the industry and by the industry. Join Today!
Understanding the Ripple Effect of Creating a Pivotal Impact
Josh Hannaberry, Pivotal Transportation Industry Solutions
Years ago, I received a piece of advice that I believe still holds true to this day. Gordy, the owner of a very successful automobile repair franchise in my home city in British Columbia, invited me up to his office to have a conversation.
The conversation started as any casual conversation could, as I tried to hide the fact that I was nervous just being in his office knowing how successful and impactful of a guy he was. Full Article
Stay tuned, as we release our newest edition of the Truck Focus Newsletter on August 1st, 2022!
If you have not already done so, I encourage you to sign up for our monthly newsletter now!
Until next time, let's create a pivotal impact!
Team Truck Focus