A Troubling Rise In The Number
It was definitely a first Monday of the month with the drop-ins, phone calls and emails, and fortunately I was able to keep everyone's questions answered and needs fulfilled. Unfortunately, since all of this nonsense started after our POTUS was elected, I've been noticing how people have become more 'issy' and demanding, which of course is likely being triggered by unspoken internal fears which is visible in their demeanor. While on the phone today, I couldn't help admitting my having to keep my lips zipped most of the time, but there've been instances when others have poked the hornets nest just a few too many times, and later wishing they hadn't.
I found it quite interesting today after attempting to call my particular Ward's Councilperson who is John Jaszewski. It was definitely the first time in quite a long while where I'd called someone's cell phone with it continually ringing until I heard a beep of some sort. Hmm....Now why would he not have some sort of message being given, and especially when knowing he's representing a Ward in our City? It certainly makes no sense to me whatsoever.
The reason I placed a call to him, was to give him a little history on a listing of mine a gentleman purchased who's planning on building a showroom/shop for the gas fireplaces he sells and installs. The property I'm speaking about is located at 2708 - 19th St. SW which is right across the 'highway' from Anderson's Market out on the SW side of our City. Unfortunately we have to get the zoning changed from Z2 to Z3 for him to be able to build it, which only makes sense because there are other properties close-by which are also zoned Z3.
Well, there's always got to be a fly or two in the ointment which happens to be some residents within 200 feet of the property who'd signed a petition against it, and likely because there are some silly rumors being passed around that Kwik-Star is planning on building a convenience store on that site, which I personally know is not true because that less than one acre parcel is too for their normal built-outs. Unfortunately, because the percentage of nay-sayers reached a threshold, there can't be anymore than one City Council Member going against that change in zoning, and they're meeting tomorrow night.
Because I've been very familiar with that property for more years than I care to admit, I can't think of any better use for that property than what my buyer is proposing. If any of you have time tomorrow, take a few moments out of your day and drive past 2708 -19th St. SW, and I'm sure you'll agree that it's definitely time for that house and those building to be torn down and something more pleasing to the eye built there. As I've said many times, first impressions are the lasting ones, and I'm sure many people coming to Mason City from Clear Lake and farther, have been given bad impressions whenever seeing it.
What I believed to be the most interesting about those who signed that petition, is the fact that the bulk of them live on the other side of the 'highway' and most wouldn't even be able to see the new structure from their properties, and only because there are existing buildings blocking their view. As far as I'm concerned, someone's got a bur under their saddle and/or a visible vein of jealousy.
With that said, I do hope our City Council Members can see past someone's personal issues, and approve the change of zoning on that parcel. I'm definitely coming more fully into the understanding that it's Hell to get things approved in this City unless you have enough money and/or pull to railroad it through. We'll see what takes place tomorrow night, and you can be sure I'll be reporting the outcome back to all of you.
I happened to read a scholarly article today which spoke about something that's been taking place in the minds of many which even include some of my immediate family members, it's called 'Cognitive Dissonance', and believe me, there's been a troubling rise in their number, and without taking count over this past decade, I dare say I'd encounter someone with Cognitive Dissonance perhaps every other day, and most of them are either propagandized unskilled workers, alt-right Christians and a noticeable number of our elderly.
Just the other day an eighty-something woman I've known for decades, flatly said to me, “I wish people would leave him alone and let him do his job.” Yes, she was talking about our POTUS. Unfortunately I couldn't keep it zipped because I actually said to her, “I thought you had more brains than that.” Well, I doubt she'll be darkening my door again anytime soon, which is fine by me because I have no time for propagandized people who just won't take the time to fact-check and stop watching those fantasy-filled news feeds. I used to think the bulk of our older generation was filled with wisdom. Definitely not anymore. How sad is that?
Tonight's One-liner is: It's better to offer no excuse than a bad one.
original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2025/03/03/a-troubling-rise-in-the-number/