Troubleshooting Liquid Sucrose
Greetings All!
Experiencing issues of microbiological contamination of your liquid sucrose??Seeing shortened shelf life after receipt into your facility??Mold and yeast values not at acceptable levels??Here are some simple guidelines I have shared with liquid sucrose users over the years to self-evaluate conditions that are most likely to cause micro issues.
10 Key Issues to Troubleshoot Micro Issues in Liquid Sucrose
·????????Confirm certified trailer wash by requiring accurate and timely trailer wash certificates.
·????????Confirm previous loads transported in trailer meet previous hauled commodities guidelines and whether a conversion wash was required.
·????????Assure Certificates of Analysis (COAs) from producer accurately reflect micro results compliant with your specifications.
·????????Affirm that all employees tasked with taking samples from the inbound trailer have been properly trained to draw sanitary samples and practice sanitary handling methods.
·????????Assure that sanitary sampling method and materials are clearly documented and provided.
·????????Define your sanitary receiving process.
·????????Review your sanitary handling and storage processes assuring defined parameters are followed such as storage temperatures, frequency of handling and storage tank cleaning, eliminating any dead spots in transfer and handling lines and tops of storage tanks, adequate sanitary air exchange in the headspace of the storage tank (proper CFMs, black lighting, Hepa filtration).
·????????Confirm effective Clean in Place (CIP) process to assure correct pressure and velocity. Throughout the entire transfer, handling, and storage process.?
·????????Routinely verify CIP frequency to determine CIP cycle to continue to be effective.
·????????Perform routine process control effectiveness checks by performing ATP swabbing of various points within the handling and storage process.
The following provides a step-by-step process of reviewing your liquid sucrose handling and storage process to assist in identifying possible areas contributing to a liquid sucrose product or performance issue.
Liquid sucrose is typically either received from a vendor or produced at the users’ locations.?Liquid sucrose is extremely susceptible to microbiological contamination; therefore, it requires specific handling practices to prevent the introduction of microbiological sources during receipt, production, storage, and transfer.?Environmental and personnel practices also present key opportunities for the contamination of liquid sucrose directly or through processing practices and equipment.?
The following areas of handling liquid sucrose should be reviewed and analyzed to determine if best practices are employed and to identify opportunities for improvement.
The first step in analyzing the liquid sucrose handling processes is to discuss with the receiver the current conditions of the state of the liquid sucrose and understand receiver’s expectations for the performance of the liquid sucrose.
Possible Issues Encountered:
·????????Out of Specification microbiological results.
·????????Operator mishandling of sampling.
·????????High microbiological results while in storage.
·????????Process engineering opportunities resulting in incomplete cleaning and handling resulting in high microbiological specification results.
The next step is to review/analyze the components of the process of receiving/production of liquid sucrose through the storage and to the end-use steps:
Receipt of Liquid Sucrose
Analyze the current receiving state of the liquid sucrose to determine compliance to microbiological specifications.
·????????Samples are taken from the delivering vessel and analyzed as compared to specification.
o??Analysis of the liquid sucrose is performed to determine current compliance to specification.
o??Delivering vehicle is examined to assure all equipment and unloading processes meet parameters to deliver liquid sucrose in specification.
o??Receiving equipment at user is examined to assure all equipment and loading processes meet parameters to deliver liquid sucrose compliant to specification.
Review the current handling and processing equipment from receipt of liquid sucrose to storage to the end use.
·????????Review Key Parameters.
o??Temperature of liquid sucrose.
o??Make-Up Air (Use of UV treated air and Hepa filters).
o??Cleaning Schedule of storage and process piping & equipment.
o??Inventory Turnover Schedule.
o??Analysis of liquid sucrose at the point of use.
o??Process piping and process flow.
o??Storage conditions.
o??Employee practices.
o??Auxiliary equipment (CIP process, make-up air filtration and treatment, etc.).
·????????Review the liquid sucrose analysis results with receiver.?Provide detailed information about areas of opportunity aligned with sugar receiver expectations.?Include information regarding:
o??State of liquid sugar compliance to specification upon receipt.
o??State of liquid sucrose compliance specification at the point of use (therefore determining any changes to original product throughout the handling process).
o??Identify any process, equipment, or operational issues that can be attributed to introduction of microbiological contamination.
o??Identify any environmental conditions that may contribute to microbiological issues.
Hopefully these key indicators can lead you to either a solution or the source of your liquid sucrose micro contamination issue or at least provide you with ample background information to consult with your liquid sucrose supplier to aide in resolving any issues.
#quality #quality assurance #liquid sucrose