The Trouble With Tribes
Someone referred to the group I still see and he has not in years as a "Tribe." That's his right and how he feels. I was never tribal. Occasionally I fall in with a good group. There are three on my job who when we are together we are like The Beatles.
Technically the Velvet Underground because our "Ringo" is female. Having a supervisor who famously could break up The Beatles- she has a bad habit of moving people who work well together.
God forbid we harmoniously work together. Sometimes people place me next to others who may not like me. In theory we will learn to come together. Well, this isn't The Defiant Ones. I refuse to waste time beating a dead horse.
Somehow in a so called "Tribe" if there is someone I don't like- in reality they are offended by my existence- I am treated like the one with the problem. Everyone should be willing to help each other. There should not be group think or a hive mind.
I have worked in environments that felt like cults. It is nowhere you want to be. Hiring people with low self esteem so the boss will feel like the king of his castle- who needs that?
Sometimes I am accepted by groups. Sometimes I am not. It always depends on the individual and have you forgotten: I was taunted by groups? My father set the market. He berated me and other adults followed suit thinking I enjoyed being harassed.
I stand alone. There is never loneliness in my life unless I am in a group of people who could not care less whether I am there or not. In a case like that: cut your losses and go home.
Make like Daniel Kaluuya and Get Out. Tribes or the perception of a group who accepts me reminds me of Malcom X. There is a plate in front of me with nothing on it. Just because we are at the same table does not make us diners.
I hope you have good relationships. I have a few. There is no need to feel you must be accepted by everyone in a group. Have you had a job where everyone was great? Normally they are mostly good and you have to deal with the riff raff occasionally.
If someone does not like you because you question them- they are not your friend. Another reason I did not attend college was not wanting to join a fraternity. They can do good. They can also taunt students who are going to class trying to mind their business. I had enough of that in high school and this behavior continues perpetually.