Athena Holtz
Custom Collaborative Book Coaching for Ministry Minded Leaders with White Glove Publishing Solutions
That set me up for a 13-year detour into deception that ended in losing my 20-year-old well respected and wildly successful publishing company. After coming out the other end of that experience, I asked the Lord to show me how I ended up believing a lie was the truth to the point of being willing to give up everything for it. What He showed me was a lesson I am more than grateful to have learned.
He showed me that my lack of follow through to allow Him in to heal my wounding led me into idolatry which opened the door to the enemy in my life, leading me into deception. A false gospel that led to the loss of my marriage, my relationships with my kids, and my successful publishing company. I lost it all, deceived by a con man and his wife who pretended to be godly only to use that persona to steal the work of mine and my husband’s hands, destroying almost every aspect of my life with their toxic and spiritually abusive cultish gospel.
So, I could have avoided that huge loss in my life had I responded to the Lord as He showed me the importance of Him coming into those closed off areas of my life with His healing power. Those unhealed wounds made me vulnerable to deception. My untended to pain enabled me to unknowingly sabotage that incredibly successful business leaving me emotionally broken, spiritually shipwrecked, financially decimated, homeless, broke, and unemployed at age 59.
Praise God, He didn’t let me walk away after that traumatic loss, but instead redeemed and restored me, healing me from all the abuse, putting me back into publishing where He could use my talents to glorify His Name and build up the Kingdom of God.
We certainly can undermine all our hard work in our business if we don’t tend to our emotional health … if we’re not emotionally mature and healthy, then we won’t be spiritually mature and healthy. And that can lead to a whole heap o’ trouble in business.
Just sayin’!