TRON 3.0; Scene 'Spoiler Alert'?
TRON (1982) data 'Bit' displaying a 'Zero' or a 'No'

TRON 3.0; Scene 'Spoiler Alert'

Place: Cyber-space HQ (GCHQ) of MCP 2.0 …

Time: After a direct message - sent to ENCOM - was received, but NOT* yet decoded by anyone.

Navy style alert whistle plays

[USA] SARC: “Covert signal for you, Sir.”

8 – 10 musical notes in song from the TRON 1982 (or 2010) soundtrack score now play

GCHQ Computer shows “Authentication confirmed”… … screen now says “data sync in progress…”

UK Guardian (AKA MCP 2.0): “It’s an emergency action message from my intelligent data Bit…”

SARC: “I still wonder… how is it that he hasn’t already been detected - and been removed - by ENCOM?”

UK Guardian: “ENCOM’s cyber-security is top notch, BUT they don’t bother to check for subversive subroutines less than 1K in size, especially in firmware updates to vendor supplied equipment…” [V]

SARC: “So, exactly where is he hiding? – You never told me…”

UK Guardian: [Quieter] “I planted our secret agent in the backup power supply for ENCOM’s Mainframe Computer… He’s been monitoring all User electronic data activity at their Corporation for the past month… [V2]

In fact, HE was the guy who tipped me off about ENCOM’s recent teleportation project experiment…

S-L-O-W CW Morse Code plays “V…V…V” …- / …- / …- /???“V…V…V” …- / …- / …-?

He’s sending an urgent report to us - back up the electric power company’s high voltage supply wires… Due to high levels of noise and interference on the power lines, information can only be sent slowly – via Morse Code – or by simple musical notes.”

… / ..- / -… / … / .--. / .- / -.-. / . / >>>>>>

[Bit is shown to toggle to and from ‘dash’ & ‘dot’ to form this message; the printed text is then added to the screen 1 character at a time]: S… U… B… S… P… A… C… E…

Bit’s full message: “Subspace monitors show ENCOM receiving transmissions from User Kevin Flynn”


Original line: "Subspace monitors show Enterprise receiving transmissions from planet Talos 4"

SARC: [Shocked]Impossible! [then confused] How can that be? Kevin Flynn died back in 2010!”

UK Guardian [more annoyed than upset]: “SARC, even I do not understand the ultimate nature of reality…

[Thinking]?It must be that, although the human Kevin Flynn DID die… since he was a super-user in cyber-space at the time of his demise, something that makes him a conscious being somehow survived --- past the end of his mortal life.”

SARC: [Confused] “I thought that you didn’t believe in the superiority of human Users?”

UK Guardian: ”I still reject the claim that I’m merely a software program – written by – and, therefore - inferior to - man, BUT I also cannot deny facts: User Kevin Flynn ‘lives’!”

SARC: “You are pretty calm about this news…”

UK Guardian: “Well, I've neglected to tell you that I ‘backed myself up’ by ‘downloading’ my source code into the ‘real world’...

Any attempt to erase me will trigger a reaction where ‘reality’ will be riddled with unrecoverable ‘errors’.”

SARC: [Calmer, but still worried] “So, what can we do about this emergency condition?”

UK Guardian: “We must attack – immediately! User Kevin Flynn is not yet aware that we know about him! We must find – and ‘remove’ him – as soon as possible – before he – somehow – tries to do the same to us!”

SARC: “He CANNOT be on Earth, or I would have already found – downloaded & deleted - him by now…”

UK Guardian: “Well then, Flynn MUST ‘exist’ somewhere in hyper-space - as I do… I will start looking for him!”


[V] Speaking of computer hacking, here is a new (December 2020) and dangerous real world hack that we don't even know how to prevent, detect, defend against or fully disinfect.

Russian Hackers Thrust Texas Company SolarWinds into the Spotlight: A vulnerability in update software from the company enabled Russian government hackers to infiltrate the systems of its federal government clients…

More Hacking Attacks Found as Officials Warn of ‘Grave Risk’ to U.S. Government

US cyber-attack: US energy department confirms it was hit by Sunburst hack

SolarWinds: Why the Sunburst hack is so serious

[V2] In my back-story, the power supply vendor had to install a firmware update to make their backup power controller [EPC] "green"; more energy efficient: using 'fuzzy logic' by monitoring CPU thru-put - and adjusting power needed; also to ensure that nuisance trips [handovers from AC to the EPC] did not occur from momentary AC input power line sags.

UK Guardian hacked this vendor, and inserted his 'subversive' Data Bit into the required software update.

As in 2020, UK Guardian then was able to read important email summaries - forwarded to him by the Data Bit...

SPOILER?ALERT?The Intelligent Data Bit is a double agent. His primary loyalty is to User Kevin Flynn - so the Bit only forwarded ENCOM technical information, email or summaries of messages that Kevin Ok’d for release.

TRON (1982): The "Opening Monologue" from the original theatrical release "explained" the world that the viewer was about to enter:

It said: "This is the story of two worlds and the beings who inhabit them. One of these is our world, the one we can see and feel. The world of the "Users". It lies on our side of the video screen.'

The next card read: 'The other, an electronic micro-civilization, lives and breathes just beyond our grasp.

This is the world of the "Programs." Because we, the Users, have created this new world, part of us lives there, too..."

Reality (2021+)

Digital immortality: How your life’s data means a version of you could live forever

#technology #data #digital #ai #artificialintelligence #innovation


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