TRON 3.0; Scene 3.0
TRON 3.0; Scene 3.0?-- Published on May 11, 2017; updated 8/2018
Movie Screen Text Message … On the other side of your [computer] screen….
Place: TRON’s *own* Cyber-laboratory?????
Time: Just after Scene 2.0
Yori is standing in a clear vertical tube; She's being scanned top to bottom...
Yori: “Is this really necessary? I have work to do! Our new Time Crystal ‘calls’ to me!”
TRON (2018): “Just a few seconds longer… security scan is 97% completed…Okay; you’re clean; no viruses found.”
Yori: “I didn’t even leave ENCOM HQ (1) It‘s not like last year, when I made that surprise appearance at Comicon.[in San Diego, CA] ”
TRON: “Yes, Yori, you WERE a?BIG?hit – BUT I told you (2) never?use a public Wi-Fi – even to send out a selfie!”
Yori: “I know; I know…?I was just so happy to finally meet my ‘idol’ - actress Cindy Morgan – that I had to post a photo of us together! You know, I?loved?her in that movie comedy - Caddyshack [1980] !”
[Shows off her iPhone 14 screen saver – that ‘selfie’ photo of Yori – and actress Cindy Morgan --- together]
TRON:?"Morgan ? *(3) [Manly] Yes;?[[but]] I like [[it]]?her?too --- BUT I had to do a ‘Factory Reset’ to clear whatever virus you picked up... I STILL can’t categorize it; it may be Russian or Chinese in origin…
You know that you were overdue for your Monthly check-up… *I* have to be quick scanned?-every-?day, so don’t feel like you are being personally picked on…
As you just heard in our Meeting, out in the ‘real world’, ENCOM was somehow hacked 3 times in about one minute last week, so we all must be very careful around here! … For example, it sure seems like Quorra was compromised in hack #2… The Users must get to the root cause of these problems quickly… as those humans say, something is rotten in the State of Denmark…”
Yori: “I understand – the need for heightened security – and about how they must find that hacker ASAP...”
?TRON: [Looking at his check-up records] Yori, You DO still have a Java patch to install, but we can wait on that…”
Yori: “Good; those updates take?for-ever! … …
TRON, look ! The Time Crystal (4) that we ordered finally arrived! My technicians tested it, but they can’t seem to get it to work…”
Insert a .GIF of a Floquet Time Crystal here; it’s a clear, shimmering, rainbow speckled, one inch cube
TRON: [looking at it in its protective ‘bubble’] Amazing! Until 2012, scientists thought that this device could never be made! It was only in the year 2016 that the first crude time dilation diode was fabricated out there - in the real world.”
Yori: “Yes, and now we possess the world’s largest Floquet Time Crystal ever created.”
TRON: “A *real* Perpetual Motion Machine –at least in cyber-space – is finally possible!”
Yori: "You know, this little cube’s production cost was $17 million... (5) Back in 1982, you could make an entire science fiction movie for that price!"
TRON: "Let's hope that ENCOM earns an adequate profit from our investment.”
Yori: “I’m sure that we will get good results - someday. As with our matter tele-porter, I know that?that it will take years for our universal information system to be perfected…?For now, we will use it to scan for hyper-space ‘radio’ messages. The Professors' suggestion [in Scene 2.0] to look for extra-terrestrial signals is a great way to test it out!”
TRON: “Yes. It should work well as a data detector... “
Yori: “Look ! I found the problem! (6) The cube was inserted into its receptacle upside down! Someone should have added a note to check that the polarization of the crystal matched that of our interface adapter !"
TRON: “Great work, Yori ! You found what human technicians missed !
[Thinking] You know - it will be a game changer when those two new ENCOM hires complete their PhD work - and fabricate a Global source of?useful information...?It’s too bad that the [USA] Defense Department has classified all time technology research! Except for us here at ENCOM, no one will ever know about the ability we will have to create an effective path to understand the fundamental nature of – and purpose for - our Universe.”
End Scene
(1) ENCOM sent Yori to Comicon back in 2019 to show off the Corporation’s [then new] self-contained, haptic, holographic, “display” projection system – that allows her (or TRON) to “appear” in “person” at any location on earth.
?As you can guess, this publicity stunt was a BIG Hit for science fiction fans – and for Corporate shareholders!!
(2) Hackers are using hotel Wi-Fi to spy on guests, steal data
(2) Don’t connect your iPhone to an 'open' network – It could break your Wi-Fi
(3) You Tube Video of that 1979 Irish Spring Soap TV commercial:
Manly Yes Highlighted?dialog is also from a real?1980 Irish Spring soap TV commercial; sorry, no Cindy in this one!
(3) Actual dialog: “Manly, yes – but I like it too” --- becomes ---> “Morgan, yes; I like her too, but…”
(4) TRON 3.0; Time [Crystal] Technology; an article about real devices - by Stephen Salgaller on May 13, 2017
(4) Google’s ‘time crystals’ could be the greatest scientific achievement of our lifetimes
(5)?Yori is right, of course: ? TRON (1982) Budget: $17 million
(6) On-orbit in 1990, the NASA Hubble Space Telescope was found to be faulty; the root cause was that its primary mirror was machined wrong:
Metering [measurement] Rod "B" was inserted into its receptacle jack upside down; this caused a 1.3 mm over-extension in the machining tool, and a 1/50 inch spherical aberration error to be made in the 92 inch primary mirror.... Again - The cause for the machining error was that Technicians assembling the null corrector inserted a test metering rod between two lenses in the device upside-down...
Data Detector:
A new quantum sensor is capable of analyzing the full spectrum of radio frequency and real-world signals, unleashing new potentials for Soldier communications, spectrum awareness and electronic warfare.
Army researchers built the sensor, which can sample the radio-frequency spectrum — from zero frequency up to 20 GHz — and detect AM and FM radio, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and other communication signals.
The Rydberg sensor uses laser beams to create highly-excited Rydberg atoms directly above a microwave circuit, to boost and hone in on the portion of the spectrum being measured. The Rydberg atoms are sensitive to the circuit’s voltage, enabling the device to be used as a sensitive probe for the wide range of signals in the RF spectrum.
Time Crystal; 2022 news:
"Impossible" Time Crystal Could Hold Secret To Quantum Computing Revolution
Bending the Laws of Physics: Time Crystals “Impossible” but Obey Quantum Physics
Time crystals 'impossible' but obey quantum physics
Two Time Crystals Have Been Successfully Linked Together For The First Time