TRON 3; scene: ‘On the Other Side of the Computer Screen’; part 1

TRON 3; scene: ‘On the Other Side of the Computer Screen’; part 1


Long 'flying' zoom into cyberspace – very similar to the scene in the 1982 original film “Kevin Flynn beam’s into cyber-space”

Quorra again drives her TRON (2010) ATV – with some upgrades since back then;

A long fluctuating QPSK 3D data stream rushes by her… See 2D photo above; [scene below is very similar to the 1982 original film’s scene]

Quorra: Do you think we can merge with the data stream, Bit?

Bit Yes.

Quorra: Uh-oh… [2] Recognizers --- and [3] battle tanks!

Bit: yes - yes - yes - yes - yes!

Quorra: Bit, enable deflector shield!

Glowing pretty blue large transparent bubble appears around the ATV - as it accelerates away from the trouble…

One tank scores a direct hit on the ATV; shield collapses; vehicle is thrown around - and tumbles a lot - until Quorra recovers control...

Quorra: [sort of talking to herself] Direct hit; shield obliterated… [worried and upset] Bit, get us out of here – send emergency distress code; immediate extraction is required!

Bit: dot - dot - dot = = dash - dash - dash = = dot - dot - dot

A glowing ‘hollow’ extraction “tunnel” opens in front of them…

One Recognizer almost squashes the ATV as it rushes by - and starts to fade out [as seen in the 1982 movie]

Also similar to scenes with the DeLorean time machine car in the 1985 movie “Back to the Future”

ATV exits cyberspace – ATV and Bit fade out… transition to Quorra all by herself - moving at 88 MPH - right to left - inside ENCOM’s 15 by 60-foot teleportation chamber…

Quorra’s motion slows down a lot, BUT she hits the solid end wall hard!

Sam and the real Quorra, in their white “bunny” suits, rush into the chamber…

Sam: [checking vital signs with his wrist mounted tricorder and smart data gloves]; [upset]: She’s dead!

[real] Quorra: [examining the “body”; shocked and upset] You… you killed me!

Lara and Yori [said together as a “duet”]: Sorry !

Alan [from TRON and Yori's cyberspace lab]: Computer; end simulation!

ENTIRE background [such as the cyberspace lab] and ‘pretend’ characters disappear; all that’s left is a SIMULATION of the horizontal cylindrical teleportation chamber... and the real-world characters.


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