Trolling Noa Argamani: How Low Can We Go?
Prime Minister Netanyahu & delegation heading to Washington on July 22, 2024. Noa Argamani is standing next to Sara Netanyahu - (Amos Ben Gershom/GPO)

Trolling Noa Argamani: How Low Can We Go?

It's crazy that in the middle of such a fateful trip, our Prime Minister had to stop to make this clip in Hebrew, condemning the campaign against rescued hostage Noa Argamani - for accompanying him to Washington.

He said "I'm shocked about the campaign against Noa Argamani - after all the suffering she went through as a Hamas hostage, and then returning to Israel just in time for her mother's death - and with all the difficulty involved, she is now part of an official delegation of Israel to make this important speech in Congress. And now they're saying to her - it's a shame you were rescued. Is there no limit to this trolling? This is the limit - enough!"

My Commentary

The nation of Israel is the most special nation in the world. For better or for worse. If we're talking about our good points - we're a warm, heartfelt and close-knit nation. Only in Israel you'll see two total strangers standing at a bus stop showing each other photos of their kids and grandkids. We have our outstanding tech abilities of course - we're a very skilled nation with plenty of abilities. We also have a rich history and heritage.

But along with all that undisputed potential we have in abundance - it comes with difficulties that we can see now. Alongside our great capabilities we have an endless amount of negative "skills" too. Polarization, division, difficulty speaking in a civil manner, difficulty finding a common goal or common denominator, mutual disdain, and disregard for our fellow citizens. For people who think differently than we do.

I'm trying to find a diplomatic way to say this even though it's a harsh message ... I guess there is no way around it.

Our prime minister was elected through a democratic process. So who cares what you have to say against him? And even if you do have something to say - there are respectful ways to tell us what you think about him.

But protesting during a war (!), bringing foreign money from our haters abroad, trying to take down the government, refusing to show up for duty and encouraging others to do the same, using the hostage families to further your goal - I don't want to get into it too much. Because when you see and hear these things happening in Israel - you actually want to cry.

After all, this is our nation we're talking about. This is our country. This is our future. We have no other country. And we still haven't found the key to see how to connect to one another here correctly - how to rebuild everything here in the correct way. I'm not even getting into what kind of future we're leaving our kids at this rate.

This poor girl suffered so much as a prisoner of Hamas. And now this is an issue on social media? Where her loyalty lies? We have to ask ourselves how much lower we can go in our relations if we're attacking Noa Argamani.

It's difficult for me to even process that we're capable of such evil - even when it comes to a young vulnerable woman who has been through hell. But the truth is that all these things are far more complex than meets the eye.

We're a nation with a history of taking a specific stand, which we've distanced ourselves from. This is why we're seeing all these negative things.

Regardless of all this and us being so far from the perfection we're meant to reach - a good and happy life, where everyone will feel comfortable, where everyone will feel safe. There is not one citizen in Israel at the moment who can claim that all is good. If they are saying that they're lying to themselves. So even though we're very distant from where we're supposed to be - we must not accept these circumstances.

In the name of which democracy is a person speaking for if they're not willing to accept the elected prime minister? If we have criticism there are standard ways to do that. But what we're seeing is not criticism but rather HATE. It's a disgrace.

Between these two sides of the pure good in our nation, and the pure evil on the other hand - we'll have to learn how to grow some new middle ground that will serve as a leverage for our development. But of course not with the current conditions. There is no reality where we should accept that kind of behavior. There is absolutely no justification. There is also nothing beneficial about it - as if it's serving some real purpose. There is only pure hatred and division. And ultimately this damage is felt by all. Especially those dealing with it at the moment. We mustn't agree with it under any circumstances and we have to share all the posts speaking against that behavior.

Anyone who identifies with what I'm saying here - who can convey this onward through speaking or writing - please do so. We should not agree to this behavior in our midst - it's not right. We're shooting ourselves in the foot.

I'd like to take this opportunity to wish the nation of Israel, and the head of our country, Prime Minister Netanyahu, all the best today in Congress. Hopefully this trip will generate good results in the best way possible.

And my heartfelt blessings to the brave and beautiful Noa Argamani - one of the most resilient people on the planet. Hopefully you can rise above all this nonsense, because in the future you will be compensated for all this suffering. This negative experience will transform you into a very, VERY successful person in life. Please only focus on that and disregard all the negative commentary.

And I wish the land of Israel, and the people of Israel success. These are the most important values in my life. I don't say that for the Left or the Right - but in the name of the land of Israel and the people of Israel - which are one and the same. We just have to get through this rough patch of learning how to make it all one.


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