The Trolley Problem of Healthcare
Rusha Modi MD MPH
Physician, Leadership Coach | Digital Health Strategist| I innovate transformations in healthcare
“Leadership is solving problems.The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them.”
- Colin Powell
The trolley problem is arguably the most famous thought experiment in all of moral philosophy. There are multiple variations but in its essence, it asks of you how to respond in the following scenario. You are the operator of a trolley it out of control and hurtling down tracks with no way to brake it. The main track has five people tied to the track and will inevitably be killed if the trolley continues. There is a lever, however, that can divert the trolley to a side track, where one person is tied there but will also be killed.
What do you do? Do you pull the lever? And perhaps more importantly, why?
How you have answer the question reflects your particular moral sensitivities. Often, people say save as many lives as possible (utilitarian ethics).
In psychological experiments, most people find it hard to make that decision, however. The active nature of pulling a lever somehow seems more wrong. It appears to violate some internal code many of us have such as a dictum to not trade lives (deontological ethics). This, as opposed to allowing events to unfold "naturally."
Others say let the trolley continue. Humans cannot be compared like numerical quantities.
Would it matter if there were there were different ages o r genders between the two groups? Or if one person were pregnant, for example?
I'm not sure this dilemma. has an actual solution. (Unless you're Captain America, in which case you stop the trolley with your shield and handy super strength). It is is so challenging because it cuts the heart of our conceptions of justice and how far we are willing to make trade-offs with limited information and even more limited resources and time. This is exactly the high calling and challenge of medicine.
The only answer to this situation has always been to find a level of self-sacrifice to avoid any fatalities. But I also recognize , as we previously discussed, that the healthcare industrial complex has weaponized this attitude against providers - thereby hurting more providers and patients in the long term. Perhaps more important is learning how to comfort those who remain in the wake of the aftermath of the trolley crash - what happens after the lever is pulled (or not).
And it is recognizing there will be another trolley problem soon enough in our work as doctors; to not fear that fate but to prepare for it. We can become leaders of courage and wisdom - the two most important virtues of real leadership. It is to know what the right thing to do is and the strength to fulfill that requirement. The fool has neither. The coward lacks courage. The warrior has only wisdom. It is the sage that has both. In fact, the archetypes from mythology (and there are too many to describe here) have a powerful resonance with people and with brands.
I think the setup is a paradoxical lesson in both human agency and humility. True leadership is about empowering oneself and more importantly, others, especially when things are "impossible." Believing anything otherwise would have all of us just sitting in bed all day. But it also must recognize the fragility of human understanding. The trolley problem teaches us the limits of the human condition, and the impossible choices that sometimes have to be made.
The trolley problem has always been and continues to be equally tragic and equally real. Far from being a thought experiment, medicine with numerous examples both big and small with questions about triage and of lives competed against each other. The COVID pandemic was the first time a Trolley problem gained international and contemporary exposure to the entire world.
Here is one of my favorite contemporary philosophers Michael Sandel, who teaches one of the most popular courses ever at Harvard on the ethics of justice, on the Trolley Problem. The whole video is worth watching but start at 9:38 for explicit healthcare references:
Why do I discuss this in this MD Hero course? It is because leadership in healthcare is qualitatively different than other fields. It is rife with trolleys and impossible choices. These decisions leave a residue that compromise even the best of us. We deal, as you all know, with the human life and death, of health and illness and the skills to help people deal with the fragility of the human condition.
But too many of our leaders in our field betray no doubt, not out of clarity but out of cowardice or a cavalier attitude. Tough decision test the best of us, but only if we fully engage with them and not seek premature respite. They have forgotten or never learned why healthcare is a social enterprise unlike any other. This is also one of the primary reasons for the clinician-administrative schism that has engulfed healthcare.
A real leader embraces the calling and weight of moral decision-making and doesn't seek escape.
I encourage you to grapple with the trolley peoples in your career and not skip them in search of simple and facile answers. Recognize with self-compassion that it is hard to maintain the center with equipoise when competing values play for our moral attention. And perhaps, as Professor Sandel argues, evasion is impossible because these trolley problems of ethics are unavoidable as much as they are impossible to answer because we live some form of the answer to these questions everyday.
The price of being a leader is willing to bear this burden when others are not willing or able. Remember, the etymology of "leader" comes from Old English l?dan "to guide, conduct" and "hero" from Proto-Indo-European root Serv(o) meaning "to protect." This exactly maps onto the archetype of the cycle of the Hero's Journey. In other words, these challenges are not distraction from leadership, it is leadership.
It is not easy and many a night you will wonder if you made the right decision. That unease is the price of being a CEO, a doctor, a humanist.
So why do it?
Because medicine, healthcare and society doesn't move forward if we don't. Because the only other option is affected ignorance or frank regression. Because every generation needs people who have the anti-fragility (see lesson on the growth mindset) needed to grapple with the hard choices of life. Because we need cultural and moral wisdom to keep up with the relentless pace of technological innovation that presents ever new and perplexing dilemmas, especially in healthcare.
Because, most importantly, we never fulfill our destinies if we do not. Remember, no pressure no diamonds.
To come into our own, we have to do the hard work of taking on these challenges and making them our own. In doing so, we shift our identities to fully highlight our moral agency. This, in fact, is an allusion to virtue ethics - what kind of people do we become is as much as an important question as what choices we make.
Become what you can and what you must.
Ignite your leadership,