Director of Outreach at Quendra Multimedia and at the La MaMa Trojan Women Project
THE TROJAN WOMEN PROJECT at La MaMa Umbria International, is preparing to receive LITTLE AMAL whose WALK will pass through SPOLETO on Tuesday 14 September on her way to Assisi.?
Sara Galassini & OnniJohnson are pulling the final strings of Laura Bertolomei’s beautiful flock of puppet birds and training them to happily fly together to welcome LITTLE AMAL.
LITTLE AMAL’S WALK is a multi-national arts event led by playwright Amir Nazir Zuabi and the Good Chance Theater in England.?AMA, a 9 foot tall puppet representation of a Syrian child created by the Handspring Puppet Company, is walking from the Turkey/Syrian border to Manchester, England in search of her mother.?Over the course of five months walk through various countries, she will be greeted everywhere she goes by local artists and community members.
(Laura Bertolomei - puppeteer artist)
The Walk will draw attention to the ongoing migrant crisis, and the need for immigration reform world-wide.??
On Tuesday September 7th, over 20 international artists, many of them refugees hosted in Italy, will gather at LaMaMa Umbria International and dive into a creative journey during which they will collaboratively build a celebratory event to welcome Little Amal on September 14th?in Spoleto.
(Onni Johnson and Sara Galassini)
When Amal passes through Umbria on her way to Assisi, she will stop at LaMaMa Umbria International. In the beautiful outdoor spaces that for the past thirty years have welcomed international artists of all kinds, Amal will be welcomed with Birds and a Choir, an event for a chorus of singers, puppets, and dancers from the local and refugee community, many of whom already participated in a Trojan Women Project workshop, in 2019 with Onni Johnson and Sara Galassini.
Supporting our participation in the??Little Amal’s Walk, The La MaMaTrojan Women Project is?raising $7500 to cover costs for artists and materials. Will you and your friends consider making a donation?
A. To donate by mail??
Make your check payable to “The Field”?
Write “The Trojan Women Project” in the memo line?
Enclose your name, address and email, so we can send you an acknowledgement of your gift
Mail to:??The Trojan Women Project
Church Street Station - PO BOX 1058 New York, NY 10008-1058
B. To donate online
Follow the directions to make a secure credit card donation
LITTLE AMAL and all the artists of the La MaMa TROJAN WOMEN PROJECT thank you with all their heart
We are deeply grateful to our partners :
Rete Sai?- Coperativa il Cerchio?-?
Elisabetta Trupia for helping us meeting and assembling a large group of refugees in Italy
Claudio Scarabottini and the Choir of Associazione Bisse for their musical contribution?
and of course at La MaMa Umbria, to David Diamond, Filippo de Capitani & Adriana Garbagnati for keeping things running smoothly –?
Our deep thanks to our Italian producers Ludovica Tinghi and Roberto Roberto??and to all the generous supporters that are helping us to making this possible.
The Trojan Women Project is a sponsored artist with The Performance Zone lnc. (dbo The Field), a not-for-profit, tax-exempt, 5Ol(c)(3) organization serving the arts community. Contributions to The Field earmarked for The Trojan Women Project are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. For more information about The Field contact The Field, T5 Maiden Lane, Suite 906 New York, NY 10038, phone: 212-691-6969. A copy of our latest financial report may be obtained from The Field or from the Office of Attorney General, Charities Bureau, l20 Broadway, New York, NY 10271.