Prof. Lora Levitchi
Open to Global Financial Transformations roles; Ex SVP Citi; JPMorgan Chase; New York Life; Author/Writer
On a calendar year, a global plan was initiated to install the fear,
The terror of death has penetrated like a hungry octopus, devouring consciences,
Its corrupt tentacles eroded the neurons of the rebels, eager for freedom,
When you believe you are God, the rest of the people seem like body parts to feed demons,
The paradise of nature is soaked in the blood of human hell,
One by one, they, out of automatism, deepen attitudes full of vices
The digital age follows the sinusoid road, knocking at the gates of the largest cities.
Trajectories of the nebulas sit destiny of mankind on roads with sharp rocks,
The young ones, even awake or fall into the depravity of the grotesque show,
The retired ones are looking at pictures of their youth, where they lived passionate love affairs,
If they would have been younger, they would have stood up to fight, the traitors would have been running in their tenebrous grottos,
On a theatre scene, hospitals stumble on their knees,
Cringed to politic, they are spitting statistics that justify the crazy circus,
Death comes in sleep, choking you up, sedated ones are happy they escaped to live the torture of humanity unbalanced.
There is huge excitement, colorful muzzles are thrown in the air,
The sun glitters prudent over Manhattan,
From the center of the world, chaos is spread as molasses over the rich and over the poor,
The strategists, in dangerous financial games, become engaged,
The Chinese, calculated progress, mayor of NY, one of their own want,
One more key from the treasury of the country would reach their pocket lined with bodies.
Flowers from the USA, Spain, India, Greece, Romania, Russia, Malaysia, still bloom,
Their ancestral circuit goes beyond malice, and human stupidity,
The life of nature is not controlled by the huge monitors inclined to grotesque,
Nature does not lie when it says that it represents the divine brought to earthly level,
It got dressed in blooming trains of trees at breakfast,
At noon, it changed with a train of leaves, that in wind, sharpness of their minds is shinning.
The perception of the divine is non-existent among corporatists,
They live with their roots upside down and their heads stuck in the financial rubble of the world,
If one sacrificed his child, the others are following him blinking a lot,
The glasses do not help them to see beyond the glass, the wisdom of the rebels disgusts them,
Therefore they walk as a flock, following their leaders with their backs gilded in gold,
Freedom of money is above the freedom of the soul,
In front of the filled vault: nuns become whores, humbles, covetous, have their skinny backs arched.
To remains man unbrainwashed in a big thing,
Religious and secularist upbringing, close-minded form, but more demonic and dangerous,
Corporate formation wears government formula, quickly dismissing "common sense",
Great cities lose residents, provinces, with fancy townspeople grow,
Sidewalks whipped by a sun that became hot,
Are avoiding the soles of the shoes of beings, that the God blaspheme.
Venom from the media seeps through the streets, filling the canals like molasses.
After one year took off to auction,
Lies in Times Square a Trojan horse Trojan torn apart,
I wished to see him, grazing well-watered grass on a hill,
On the mountains of global conspiracies, foxy eyes of the evil stepmothers,
Are showing off smiles one another in hindsight,
Their happiness lies in as many vaccinated people as possible,
their weight, in gold, in their banking accounts entered
Chinese advertisements, targeting new order acknowledgment,
Covers the ashes of Broadway theatre that is wanted to be revived.
Betrayal starts from the inside to the outside, across the lips reduced to silence,
Belly horse sheltering among warriors also traitors,
Keeping rank in a society essentially forced them,
To step on the corpses, walking through the slaughtered ones, to appear that they made effort to save them,
The monitors announce that the pandemic has come from ruthless nature,
The human and animal species completed became part of the same family.
May 2021, the presidents of the four horizons, talk to people, separated by glass,
Their message suppose to bring a touch of color,
Covering the hideous face of the death that wreak havoc in the last year,
The whole world storm the public places, metallic limousines are showing off on the pavement,
Balkanic and oriental music into the speakers can be heard loud,
For every vaccinated man, the freedom comes dropping the mask from the mouth,
To relax, at restaurants, they are guided by the authorities,
Chubby cops, make grimaces, they are the same that they gave fines.
From the belly of the Trojan horse, hang up crooked legs of the judges,
They make it possible for you to practice freedom under royal magnifying glass one more year
Nobody noticed, escaped from their cages, that mask does not have to wear anymore,
Barbecues sizzled, cold beers are shivering, when they took the place of the bottles of Coca-Cola in refrigerators.
Start the low-quality oriental-like songs, are howling Romanians; start the rap and hip hop, shouted in chorus the Americans,
Let's sing more warm songs of thanks to the President of China, yell the yellows,
At least to dance if printed money made the inflation burden people more,
Presidents polish with gloss their doubles, replicas, more talkative, they explore bondage for those who have enthroned them,
In limbo, the world is stuffed with genetically modified wheat and Netflix movies with the expected outcome.
In the light of the grotesque, grass and flowers grow over the remains of the Trojan horse,
At the speed of his ghost, the world proceeds to push the rock of Sisyphus on the burning heel,
On the road of Golgotha, Christ walks in each year with determined steps,
To show to the hordes of lost people that in the divine exists future and not in the new world plan,
Demons may tear apart your body, important, your soul not to be caught in their pliers.
By Lora Levi?chi, May 16, 2021
Romanian translation:
Pe-un calendaristic an, planul modial, fost-a ini?iat pentru instaurarea fricii,
Teroarea mor?ii p?truns-a ca o caracati?? flamand?, devorand constiin?i,
Tentaculele-i corupte, erodat-au neuronii rebelilor, dornici de libert??i,
Cand te crezi Dumnezeu, restul de oameni i?i par ciozvarte pentru hr?nit demoni,
Paradisul naturii este ?mbibat ?n sangele iadului oamenilor,
Unul cate unul, ace?tia, din automatism, aprofundeaz? atitudini pline de vicii
Era digital parcurge drum sinusoid, b?tand la por?ile celor mai mari cet??i.
Traiectorii nebuloase aseaz? destinul omenirii pe drumuri cu stanci t?ioase,
Cei tineri ori se trezesc ori cad ?n depravarea spectacolului grotesc,
Ie?i?ii la pensie se uit? la pozele din tinere?e, unde tr?it-au iubiri focoase,
Dac? ar fi fost ei ?n putere, s-ar fi sculat la lupt?, de tradatorii ar fi fugit ?n grote tenebroase,
Pe-o scen? de teatru, spitalele ?n genunchi se poticnesc,
Ploconindu-se politicului, scuip? statistici ce justific? circul nebunesc,
Moartea vine ?n somn, sufocandu-te, seda?ii se bucur? c? n-au pe viu tortura echilibrului omenesc.
I-o zarv? imens? afar?, botniti colorate sunt aruncate ?n aer,
Soarele sclipe?te rezervat deasupra Manhattanului,
Din centrul lumii, haosul se ?ntinde ca o melas? ?i peste bogat ?i peste sarac,
Strategii, ?n jocuri financiare periculoase,se angajeaz?,
Chinezii calculat progreseaz?, primar de NY, unul de-al lor ??i doresc,
?nc? o cheie de la visteria tarii le-ar ajunge ?n buzunarul de trupuri blindat.
Florile din USA, Spania, India, Grecia, Romania, Rusia, Malayesia, totu?i ?nfloresc,
Circuitul lor ancestral, maleficitatea ?i prostia umana dep??esc,
Via?a naturii nu este controlat? de pe uria?e monitoare ?nclinate spre grotesc,
Natura, nu minte cand spune c? reprezint? divinul adus la nivel p?mantesc,
S-a ?mbr?cat ?n trene de copaci ?nflori?i la micul dejun,
la pranz, le-a schimbat cu cele de frunze, ce-n vant, agerimea mintii ??i str?lucesc.
Percep?ia divinului-i non existent? printre corporati?ti,
Tr?iesc cu r?d?cinile ?n sus ?i capetele ?nfipte ?n al lumii financiar moloz,
De unul ??i sacrific? copilul, ceilal?i, ?l urmeaz? ?n timp ce m?runt clipesc,
Ochelarii nu ?i ajut? s? vad? dincolo de sticl?, ?n?elepciunea rebelilor ?i dezgust?,
A?a c? merg ?n turm?, urmandu-?i lideri cu spin?ri poleite ?n aur, ce-n soare lucesc.
Libertatea banului e mai presus de libertatea sufletului,
?n fa?a seifului plin: c?lug?ritele devin curve, smeri?ii, pofticio?i, spin?rile costelive ?i le arcuiesc.
A r?mane om nesp?lat la creier e mare lucru,
Educa?ia laic? ?i religioas? b?tu?i ?n cap scornesc, dar ?nc? ?i mai demonic? ?i mai periculoas?,
Corporatista formare, ?mbrac? guvernamental? formul?, lep?dand rapid "common sense",
Marile metropole ??i pierd reziden?ii, provinciile, cu or??eni spilcui?i se ?nmul?esc,
Trotuarele biciuite de un soare devenit fierbinte,
evit? t?lpile de papuci ale fiin?elor, care, pe Dumnezeu ?l hulesc.
Fierea din media se scurge pe str?zi, umple canalele ca o melas?.
Dup?,un an, scos la mezat,
Zace ?n Time Square un cal Troian sfartecat,
A? fi vrut s? ?l v?d, ?ntreg, p?scand iarb? gras? pe un deal,
?n mun?i de mondiale comploturi, priviri vulpi?ine, de ma?tere,
??i arunc? zambete una alteia, cu subanteles,
Fericirea lor const? ?n cat mai mul?i vaccina?i,
greutatea lor, ?n aur, ?n conturi le-a intrat
Reclamele chineze?ti, vizeaz? noua ordine recunoa?tere,
Acoper? cenu?a unui teatrului Broadway ce se vrea re?nviat.
Tr?darea ?ncepe din interior c?tre exterior, traversand buze reduse la t?cere,
Burta calului ad?postea printre r?zboinici ?i parveni?i,
P?strarea rangului ?n societate, eminamente le-a cerut,
S? c?lce pe cadavre, printre sacrifica?i mergand, s? par? c? ?i salveaz? de la pieire,
Sticla anun?? c? pandemia a venit de la nemiloasa natur?,
C? specia uman? ?i animal?,?n c?rd??ie, s-au ?ncuscrit intre ele.
Mai, 2021, pre?edin?ii din patru z?ri, vorbesc la popoare, desp?r?i?i printr-un geam,
Mesajul lor ar trebui s? aduc? un dram de culoare,
Acoperind fa?a had? a mor?ii ce ravagii a f?cut ?n ultimul an,
Toat? lumea ia pia?etele cu asalt, bolizi metalici sunt etala?i pe caldarame,
Muzici balcanice, orientale, la difuzoare la maxim le sun?,
Pentru fiecare om de vaccin ?nsemnat, libertarea vine renun?and la masca de la gur?
La relaxare, la restaurante, de autorit??i este ?ndrumat,
Poli?i?ti buc?la?i, fac grimase, sunt aceia?i ce amenzi, le-au dat.
Din burta calului Troian, atarn? picioare strambe de judecatoari,
Te fac s?-ti mai exersezi libertatea sub lupa roial? ?nc? un an,
Nimeni nu remarc?, sc?pa?i din colivii, masca nu trebuie s? mai poarte,
Gr?tarele sfaraie, dard?ie de frig berile, cand locul sticlelor de Coca ?n frigorifice-au luat.
S?-nceap? manelele, url?, romanii; s?-nceap? rap-ul ?i hip hopul, strig?-n cor americanii,
S? cantam mai vartos cantece de mul?umire pre?edintelui Chinei, strig? galbenii,
M?car s? danseze dac? printatul de bani f?cut-a infla?ia s? ?mpov?reze si mai mult oamenii,
Presedintii ??i poli?eaz? cu lac, sosiile, mai guralive ca ei exploreaz? servitutea fa?? de cei ce le-au insc?unat,
?n limbo, lumea-i ?ndopat? cu grau modificat genetic ?i filme de Netflix cu deznod?mant a?teptat.
?n lumina grotescului, iarb? ?i flori cresc peste r?m??i?ele calului Troian,
?n goana stafiei lui, lumea purcede la ?mpins stanca lui Sisif pe arzand t?p?an,
Pe drumul Golgotei, Hristos ?n fiecare an hot?rat p??e?te,
S? arate hoardelor de oameni pierdu?i c? ?n divin exist? viitor ?i nu ?n noul plan mondial,
Demonii i?i pot rupe ?n buc??i trupul, important sufletul s? nu-l ai prins ?n al lor cle?te.
De Lora Levi?chi, 16 Mai, 2021