TRIZ Basics book
TRIZ Basics book

TRIZ Basics book

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New TRIZ book published.

Vladimir Petrov. TRIZ Basics. Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. Kindle Edition. Amazon Digital Services LLC. 2020. – 804 p. ASIN: B081D6VGFJ

Vladimir Petrov. TRIZ Basics. Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. Paperback. Independently published. 2020. – 795 p. ISBN: 9798622683022

This is a tutorial. It is enough to master TRIZ at a high enough level to solve most types of problems.

This book is devoted to the systematic presentation of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ). It details methods for formulating non-standard problems and ways to solve them, laws of system evolution, method of forecasting development of system, structural analysis and synthesis of system, systems modeling methods, methods to identify and resolve contradictions, methods of detection and use of resources.

The theoretical material is illustrated by many examples, problems, and graphical material (approximately 300 examples and problems, and approximately 400 illustrations). It describes more than 300 concepts. Material for independent work is provided at the end of each chapter.

The book is intended for students of engineering disciplines. It can also be useful for engineers and inventors, scientists, university professors, and those who solve creative problems.


Reviews 1

 Vladimir Petrov’s “The Basics TRIZ” is the resource and reference book that many teachers of TRIZ and students of TRIZ have needed for many years. In addition to all the classical engineering disciplines, Petrov presents examples of TRIZ applications in a wide range of disciplines including business, government, and software/systems which are neglected in most other texts. Petrov is well known for his work in application of TRIZ to modern systems engineering, and his insights show strongly in the sections on function analysis both chapter 3 on Systems Thinking and chapter 5 on Su-Field Analysis.   The English translation is very good—Yeoh Teong San should be complimented for finding a good balance between colloquial and academic language that makes the book suitable for a great variety of audiences.

Each reader will need to construct a personal path through the rich resources of “The Basics TRIZ.” A few suggestions:

  • TRIZ Beginners: 7, 2, 4                  
  • TRIZ Practioners who are facile with beginner tools: 3, 4, 5, 6
  • TRIZ teachers: All
  • Historians of TRIZ and other innovation methods: 1, 2, 8, 9

The exercises at the end of each section are very well-constructed, to help the reader learn to apply the concepts of that section to his/her own circumstances.  I recommend the exercises to the reader – try them all, not just the ones that look familiar!

Many thanks to Vladimir Petrov for “The Basics TRIZ.”  It will help the entire TRIZ community advance their understanding of TRIZ and their ability to apply TRIZ to local and global problems of technical, social, and environmental improvement. 

 Ellen Domb, Ph.D. 

Founding editor of The TRIZ Journal


 Reviews 2


Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) is becoming more and more accepted as an intimate part of Systematic Innovation approach within corporate engineering culture. Samsung, General Electric, LG, Hyundai Motor Company, Siemens – just several of those that have been deploying and using TRIZ for years.

 The readers have a really unique opportunity to learn and experience TRIZ from the most genuine source – TRIZ Master Vladimir Petrov, one of the closest associates of the TRIZ founder G. A. Altshuller.

 The book represents a complete guide on so called Classical TRIZ – the core of the methodology that is the foundation of the problem solving phase. Very detailed and exhausting explanation of the tools, furnished with compelling and diverse examples and case studies, make this book a must for both beginners and experienced TRIZ users.

 There are very few books that have a comprehensive, all-embracing approach towards TRIZ; usually they focus on some selected tools and elaborate on those. The book of Vladimir Petrov differs from other books giving a methodical, logical and enlightening presentation of the material, underlining the relations and interconnections among different TRIZ parts. This deep understanding is the result of many years of experience of the author in both practical application of the methodology and extensive teaching.

 The TRIZ Basics is one of the best in the series of TRIZ books of Vladimir Petrov that is dedicated to various TRIZ tools and the applications of the methodology. The book can be effectively used at the universities and educational institutions as the material on innovation and creativity.


Sergei Ikovenko, Dr-Eng, PhD, TRIZ Master, 

Professor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Tufts University, USA),

Ex-President of the International TRIZ Association

Chairman, Council of Methodology and Expertise, International TRIZ Association (MATRIZ)

Reviews 3

 I am very glad to recommend a new book by Vladimir Petrov, Ph.D, TRIZ Master: “The Basics TRIZ”. The undeniable value of the book is that it is written by Dr. Vladimir Petrov, one of those who joined the earliest efforts to develop TRIZ. He was not only a student of Genrich Altshuller, the founder of TRIZ, but his close associate who actively participated in the development of key principles and tools of TRIZ and who is engaged to TRIZ developments and activities around the world these days.

TRIZ emerged in the middle of 1950s as an attempt to create science of invention: to replace a random, chaotic and unpredictable process of technical creativity by a structured and knowledge-based approach to support generation of successful inventive ideas on demand. Such attempts led to successful results, and today everyone can learn and use TRIZ to successfully create new inventive solutions whenever they are required.

Today TRIZ is a complex discipline which addresses many innovation topics: from finding patentable solutions to specific design or manufacturing problems to understanding driving forces of innovative development of products and markets and forecasting future products and technologies. Modern TRIZ includes many tools, and those which form the central TRIZ framework created under guidance of Genrich Altshuller are known as “classical”. Although there is a rich selection of TRIZ literature available today, books that present a compete overview of classical TRIZ concepts and tools and do it in a way easy to understand are still in great demand.

The book starts from describing how technical inventions were made before TRIZ, explains main principles behind TRIZ development, and gradually moves a reader from understanding the key concepts of TRIZ towards learning its classical tools.

Special attention in the book is focused on the TRIZ Trends of Systems Evolution and how they can be used in practice, which remain one of the areas of research by the author.

Another advantage of the book is that many classical TRIZ concepts are clarified from the point of view of current trends. The book is richly illustrated with over 300 examples explaining principles and solutions presented.

I would like to recommend this book to both TRIZ newcomers as well as advanced practitioners of TRIZ who are willing to deepen and broaden their knowledge of TRIZ and its origins. 

Valeri Souchkov, TRIZ Master

Founding partner, ICG Training & Consulting

Enschede, The Netherlands

Reviews 4


The topic of the book by V. Petrov seems to be highly relevant due to the growing need for an effective methodology ensuring the achievement of strong innovative results. Until relatively recently, innovation was based on organizational methods such as Six Sigma, Lean, QFD, etc., and methods of psychological mobilization of creativity like Brainstorming. However, since the 60s of the last century, in the Soviet Union there was created the science of innovations, called the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving – TRIZ. Today this applied science is widely used in the US, Europe, Asia, Latin America, Russia and around the globe. The world’s largest companies, such as General Electric, Intel, PepsiCo, Samsung, Siemens, etc., have adopted it. The basic approaches and tools of TRIZ described by the author of the book provide many strong innovative solutions.

 Objectives and content of the book

The main objective of the book is the systematization of an extensive collection of TRIZ materials in the form of a textbook for engineering students, as well as managers, engineers and scientists working in various fields. The following sections of the book are devoted to achieving this goal: Trends of Engineering System Evolution, TRIZ Database, Substance-Field Analysis, Algorithm of Inventive Problem Solving (ARIZ), Subversion Analysis, and Methods of Systematic Analysis and Synthesis.

Technique of Value Engineering is described separately. This method was successfully integrated into modern TRIZ. This technique analyses both the technical, economic, and business aspects of innovation process.

Another purpose of the book is to help readers in enhancing their personal creativity, social activity and defining their role in a team. The following sections of the book are devoted to achieving this goal: Tools of Creative Imagination Development, Theory of Creative Person Development, and Theory of Creative Team Development.

 Scientific and methodological approach

 The author deeply analyzed various TRIZ methods of system analysis, new engineering solutions, and system development forecasting. The author also used statistics from numerous innovative projects in which he actively participated. V. Petrov draws special attention to the instrumentality of the approaches and recommendations presented in the book. The book has many examples (about 300), training problems and illustrations (more than 350). At the end of each chapter, there are problems for self-practice.

All modifications and innovations in the TRIZ tools, proposed by V. Petrov, have been intensively practically tested in numerous projects, performed by the author and his colleagues for the world's leading companies.

 Practical value

 The methodology described by the author has been successfully tested. Hundreds of real products and processes were improved using this methodology. The book readers will significantly increase their creative effectiveness in various innovation projects, plying TRIZ.


 A number of approaches and recommendations, presented in the book, are quite new. It is necessary to emphasize the author’s multi-year efforts to systematize Trends of Engineering System Evolution that is the theoretical basis of TRIZ.


 In general, the book is written on a high professional level. It is great that it will be published and find its way to the minds and hearts of readers.


Simon S. Litvin, PhD, TRIZ Master

CEO / President, GEN TRIZ, LLC, Boston, USA

Chairman of TRIZ Master Certification Board

Vice President R & D, International TRIZ Association (MATRIZ)

Member of Altshuller's Institute for TRIZ Studies

Member of the European TRIZ Association (ETRIA)

Reviews 5

Dear Readers,

It is an honor and a great pleasure for me to contribute this forward to “The Basics TRIZ”, written by my teacher and friend Vladimir Petrov.

TRIZ, a Russian acronym that is rendered in English as the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, was developed in the middle of the last century by the Soviet inventor and science-fiction author Genrich Altshuller (1926-1998) and his colleagues. Nowadays, TRIZ is practiced all around the globe and is an essential part of the innovation culture at a number of world class corporations, including Samsung, General Electric, LG, Siemens, Intel, Huawei, and many others.

Vladimir Petrov is a former student and co-worker of TRIZ founder Genrich Altshuller, who conferred the title of TRIZ Master on Vladimir. In my opinion, Vladimir Petrov is one of the most experienced, knowledgeable and productive TRIZ practitioners and developers in the world. Many TRIZ topics and tools, including Trends of Engineering System Evolution and Algorithm of Inventive Problem Solving among others, have been significantly enhanced by his developments.

Having myself been an active member of the TRIZ society for many years, I can clearly observe the profusion of tools and methods that have been “reinvented” recently by researchers and practitioners who are not familiar with the classical TRIZ developed in the Soviet Union in the twentieth century. This is likely because many of the classical manuscripts written by TRIZ pioneers are available exclusively in Russian. Even though some recent papers contain links to the early Russian publications, these publications have never been translated into any other languages.

In “The Complete Book of Classical TRIZ”, Vladimir Petrov has selected and described TRIZ classical tools, providing a unique opportunity to read about these tools in English. Not only will you be able to study these classical TRIZ tools, but you will also learn the logic and thinking process behind these tools.

Among the various theories, techniques and methods for boosting people’s creativity and making the problem-solving process more efficient, TRIZ is distinguished for its very systematic approach. At the Global Technology Center of Samsung Electronics, we have a number of full-time TRIZ experts who apply this theory in very challenging projects within the company. We use the analytical TRIZ tools described in the book for clarifying problems that urgently require solutions. Then we apply problem-solving tools, also described in the book, to generate innovative ideas and develop feasible solutions for our customers. In the entire structure of Samsung Electronics, there are more than 40,000 engineers who have experience with TRIZ through training seminars and project development. In saying this, I wish to emphasize once again the value of reading “The Complete Book of Classical TRIZ”. With it, you will learn TRIZ tools, which have already proved their effectiveness in a wide range of projects in many of the world’s leading companies.

For readers already experienced in TRIZ, this book is a valuable collection of classical TRIZ tools, algorithms and examples.

Finally, I would like to extend gratitude to Vladimir Petrov for writing “The TRIZ Basics” and hope all of you, the book’s readers, will make use of what is to be found on its pages. 

Enjoy reading!


Oleg Feygenson, PhD, TRIZ Master,

President of the International TRIZ Association,

Principal Engineer at Global Technology Center of Samsung Electronics,

Suwon, South Korea.

Reviews 6

 Review of the book ?The Basics TRIZ? by Vladimir Petrov 

The ability to find nontrivial solutions, systematically generate new concepts, and create intellectual property rapidly becomes crucial to achieving competitive advantage and leveraging the intellectual potential of companies. The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) is an important factor in helping organizations manage these challenges. TRIZ is regarded today as the most comprehensive, systematically organized invention knowledge and creative thinking methodology known to mankind. The TRIZ Master Vladimir Petrov, one of the leading and most famous developers of TRIZ, is sharing in the ?The Basics TRIZ? his deep knowledge and comprehensive experience in the inventive methodology. Professor Petrov, internationally regarded as an outstanding expert in the field of system analysis, concentrates in the first place on two major components of TRIZ – the evolution laws of technical systems and the inventive algorithm ARIZ. This approach conveys the fundamentals for the proper and efficient use of all TRIZ tools and methods. With more than 300 examples and exercises the author teaches the essential skills necessary for non‐trivial systematic inventive thinking. The book can be useful both for the newcomers to TRIZ and for the seasoned inventors and R&D engineers. The ?The Basics TRIZ? is perfectly structured, well‐illustrated and written in a clear, comprehensible language that makes it also very recommendable for students and engineering educators.


Prof. Dr.‐Ing. Pavel Livotov

New Product Development and Inventive Problem Solving

Head of the Lab for Product and Process Innovation (PPI) 


Reviews 7

 It is my pleasure to write a review on the “The TRIZ Basics” by Vladimir Petrov.

The uniqueness of this book is that it systematically covers all main topics of TRIZ, which includes not only well-known TRIZ tools such as Trends of Engineering Systems Evolution, ARIZ and Su-Field Analysis, but also Methods of Developing Creative Imagination, the Theory of Creative Personality Development and the Theory of Creative Group Development, which are less known to TRIZ community.

Being well-structured and supplied with a number of good examples and quizzes for independent work, this book represents a comprehensive TRIZ textbook that can be recommended both to those who are just interested to know what TRIZ is and to those who are already somewhat familiar with TRIZ tools.

Additionally, TRIZ Knowledge Base, which is also included in this book, makes the book useful even for experts who can use it as a TRIZ handbook.

I would like to express my gratitude to Vladimir Petrov for this book, which will be useful for students studying TRIZ, for their teachers, and for professional practitioners of TRIZ.


Oleg Abramov, Ph.D., TRIZ Maste

Reviews 8

 “The Basics TRIZ” is not only about TRIZ. It’s also about another way of thinking! More structural, more systematic, more logical.

It helps you to solve not only engineering and inventive problems but any kinds of problems you face all the time in your everyday life! To solve them in the most effective way.

The material in the book is very well structured. It leads you step-by-step through the exciting world of creative thinking. A lot of interesting practical examples illustrate the material and help you to better understand it and to improve your skills in problem solving.

The book will be useful both for beginners and advanced experts.


Andrey Efimov, PhD, TRIZ Master,

Moscow, Russia

Reviews 9

 Author of “The Basics TRIZ” Vladimir Petrov is practicing TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) since 1972. He was among the group of initial TRIZ lecturers that established training courses in St Petersburg Public TRIZ University. Although Mr. Petrov successfully accomplished several hundreds of projects, applying TRIZ in various areas of technology for multi-national corporations, his current research focuses on TRIZ education. From year 2014, he is professor of Plekhanov University of Economics in Moscow, Russia. 

Mr. Petrov authored several books for mastering TRIZ from initial to advanced levels, and finally integrated his teaching techniques in “The Basics TRIZ”. The book provides to learners both big picture of modern TRIZ theory and wealth of exercises and questions facilitating deep understanding of the theory and practice by guided reviewing process based on hundreds of questions. 

The book is useful both for TRIZ instructors and students. It helps to students to understand the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving and think like a leading innovators by introducing systematic innovational thinking and multiple TRIZ tools. In this book, author is carefully explaining classical TRIZ aspects, developed by TRIZ founder Genrich Altshuller, and his personal modern views, developed based on decades of his experience of applying TRIZ for innovations in major technological fields (Mr. Petrov led and accomplished more than 400 of Inventive Problem Solving Projects applying various TRIZ tools). Instructors and experts in TRIZ field will appreciate highlights on key TRIZ concepts, review questions and assignable problems. The book is based on several revisions of textbook on Theory of Inventive Problem Solving as part of “Algorithms for resolving of nonstandard innovative problems” course. This revision is substantially improved the original textbook for better teaching and learning process.

 Valeriy Prushinskiy, TRIZ Master


Reviews 10

 The Theory of Solving Inventive Problems (TRIZ) is the most effective universal tool that modern engineers can use to develop solutions to eliminate disadvantages and improve engineering systems (ES). More than half a century has passed since the first publication of TRIZ, and time proved its viability and practical applicability. A sufficiently large community of practical engineers, theorists and trainers made TRIZ widely accessible for understanding and use all over the world.

The book “The TRIZ Basics” by TRIZ Master V. Petrov is the next and very timely step for spreading knowledge about TRIZ in the world and its practical application. Despite the fact that it presents the personal author's understanding of classical TRIZ and a large number of his own views, the book will fully acquaint the reader with the fundamentals of TRIZ. It should be noted experts in specific fields of engineering systems can challenge some of the examples cited by the author. But it should be understood these are only illustrations of methodical approaches to solving problems. They were chosen according to the principle of ease of understanding by a wide area of readers. Only real authors of the used examples can respond to claims about their correctness.

We hope that the book “The TRIZ Basics” by V. Petrov will occupy a worthy place in the library of people seeking to increase their creative potential in working with engineering and, possibly, with other complex systems. It will be able to fill up the lack of full-scale TRIZ publications.

 Yury Fedosov

Ph.D., TRIZ Master

Ex-President of the International TRIZ Association


 Reviews 12

Vladimir Petrov is a student and associate of the founder of TRIZ, G. S. Altshuller; who devoted almost 50 years of his life to the development and promotion of TRIZ. G. S. Altshuller conducted periodic seminars on TRIZ training. I was trained on TRIZ for the first time back in 1982.

In this book, Petrov outlines the basics of classical TRIZ, the main concepts, and its tools. The examples as provided illustrate the presented material, making it understandable to a wide range of readers including engineers, students and even high school students.

This book is recommended for self-study in TRIZ, and for use by teachers to prepare a course of lectures on TRIZ.


Lev Pevzner, Ph.D., TRIZ Master


Theory of Inventive Problem Solving – is a new technology of creativity, in which the thought process is not chaotic, but organized and well-managed.
G. S. Altshuller

Dear reader,

This is a textbook based on the "Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ)".

This textbook provides knowledge and skills in formulating and solving non-standard problems, predicting system evolution, and development of creative thinking.

This book contains an introduction, 8 chapters, conclusion, and appendix.


Introduction. It describes the purpose and structure of the book, as well as recommendations for its effective use.

Chapter 1 is devoted to conventional problem solving techniques. Initially, the focus of invention is shown in engineering. It describes the advantages and disadvantages of these techniques, as well as its inherent method of trial and error, psychological inertia, and absence of inventive approach. The various types of psychological inertia are shown, along with ways to overcome it and the need for inventive thinking (TRIZ thinking).

Chapter 2 describes the general idea of TRIZ. This is a bird's-eye view of TRIZ. This chapter outlines the TRIZ postulates, levels of invention, structure and functions of TRIZ, components of inventive thought and the ways of their development, algorithm for application of TRIZ tools, and TRIZ development in the world.

Chapter 3 is devoted to systematic approach. It gives the basic concepts of systems approach, definition of system and technical system, hierarchy, functions, and needs. The basic principles of systems approach, its tools, functional approach, complex-structured approach, sequence of development of new systems. Examples of the development of new systems, concepts and principles of systems. Comprehend one of the simplest tools of systems approach - system operator.

Chapter 4 is about the laws of systems as stated by G. S. Altshuller and author of this book. It details each of the laws, patterns, and lines of development of technical systems (TS). A method for predicting system evolution has been developed by the author, along with an example of a particular TS forecast.

Chapter 5 is devoted to structural analysis and synthesis of system, which G. S. Altshuller named as Su-Field analysis.

Chapter 6 presents the Algorithm of Inventive Problem Solving (ARIZ). It includes definition of all types of contradictions, Ideal Final Result (IFR), and process of solving problems using ARIZ. Particular emphasis is given to the logic of ARIZ. This is prior to consideration of Practical ARIZ and ARIZ-85-B. Details of Practical ARIZ was developed by the author of this book.

Chapter 7 is dedicated to TRIZ Knowledge Base which includes: methods of resolving contradictions, different types of effects (physical, chemical, biological, mathematical), standard inventive solutions, and resources. This chapter describes in detail each of these tools, as well as their applications.

Chapter 8 details the methods of development of individual and group. These include methods of inventive thinking development, Theory of Creative Personality Development (TCPD) and Theory of Creative Group Development (TCGD). A review of the methods of Development of Creative Imagination (DCI) and detailed review of Size-Time-Cost operator (STC) and method of Modeling Little People (MLP). TCPD and TCGD are briefly described.

It concludes with recommendations for the effective use of TRIZ tools for improving knowledge and skills of TRIZ along with testing of skills in the application of TRIZ and development of inventive thinking.

Appendix 1 – text of Practical ARIZ.

Appendix 2 is devoted to analysis of problems.

Appendix 3 provides links to the main sites of TRIZ.


This book is an introduction. It introduces the reader to the basic concepts and tools of TRIZ. The information contained in this book is sufficient to obtain the general knowledge and application of TRIZ.

The book is written in a sequence which is recommended to master TRIZ.

Each chapter begins with a description of its structure and purpose. The elements of this structure are discussed in subsequent paragraphs and sub-paragraphs.

It contains a search system in the form of an index and detailed table of contents for ease of reference and quick search of contents within the book.

The theoretical material is illustrated by many examples, problems, and graphical material (approximately 300 examples and problems, and approximately 400 illustrations). It describes more than 300 concepts. Material for independent work is provided at the end of each chapter.

The book is intended for students of engineering disciplines. It can also be useful for engineers and inventors, scientists, university professors, and those who solve creative problems.


Good luck, dear reader, in the development of a much needed and fascinating science of TRIZ.


In conclusion, we would like to quote in this section, the thoughts of a great English philosopher, the founder of English materialism, the founder of empiricism, Lord Chancellor under King James I, Baron Verulam and Viscount St. Albany Francis Bacon [January [22, 1561 - April 9, 1626].


Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider.
Francis Bacon

Table of Content

Reviewers: 2


Reviews 1 3

Reviews 2 5

Reviews 3 7

Reviews 4 9

Reviews 5 12

Reviews 6 15

Reviews 7 17

Reviews 8 18

Reviews 9 19

Reviews 10 21

Reviews 11 23

Reviews 12 24

Abbreviations 25

Acknowledgement 26



1.1. Introduction 3

1.2. Trial and error method 4

1.3. Psychological inertia 8

1.3.1. Use of special terms 9

1.3.2. Parametric representation  10

1.3.3. Tradition  12

1.3.4. System of values 13

1.3.5. Principle of operation  13

1.3.6. Form   15

1.4. Lack of systems thinking 16

1.5. Independent work 18

1.5.1. Quiz 18

1.5.2. Topics for reports and abstracts 18

1.5.3. Assignment 19

Chapter2. OVERVIEW OF TRIZ  20

2.1. What is TRIZ? 21

2.2. Levels of invention 22

2.3. TRIZ functions 28

2.4. TRIZ structure 28

2.5. Using TRIZ tools 34

2.6. Inventive thinking 36

2.6.1. Quality inventive thinking 36

2.6.2. Methods of inventive thinking 38

2.7. TRIZ in the world 39

2.8. Quiz 41


3.1. Basic definitions of systems approach 44

3.1.1. Systems thinking 44

3.1.2. System   45

3.1.3. Function  48

3.1.4. Process 52

3.1.5. Flow   54

3.1.6. Hierarchy 57

3.2. Systemacity 61

3.2.1. General concepts 61

3.2.2. The lack of systematization  64

3.2.3. Evolutionary development 64

3.3. System operator 65

3.4. Accounting for effects 71

3.5. Systems approach to design 71

3.5.2. System analysis 73

3.5.3. Analysis to identify disadvantage 74

3.7. Independent work 88

3.7.1. Quiz 88

3.7.2. Topics for report and abstract 89

3.7.3. Assignment 89


4.1. General information 92

4.2. Law of S-curve evolution of systems 94

4.2.1. General information  94

4.2.2. Envelope curve 96

4.3. Structure of laws of technical system evolution 98

4.4. Law of building systems 100

4.4.1. General considerations 100

4.4.2. Law of completeness of system components 101

4.4.3. Law of flow conductivity 111

4.4.4. Law of minimum coordination of system components and parameters. 113

4.4.5. Construction of new system   115

4.5. Laws of system evolution 116

4.5.1. Overview   116

4.5.2. Law of increasing degree of ideality 117

4.5.3. Law of increasing degree of controllability 135

4.5.4. Law of increasing degree of dynamicity 146

4.5.5. Law of transition to micro-level 153

4.5.7. Law of increasing degree of coordination  165

4.5.8. Law of convolution – deployment 175

4.5.9. Law of balanced development of system components. 188

4.6. Laws of technical system evolution – G. Altshuller 190

4.7. Forecasting of technical system evolution 193

4.7.1. Main concepts of forecasting 193

4.7.2. Forecasting with TRIZ  195

4.7.3. Analysis of system level evolution  196

4.7.4. Express Forecasting 199

4.8. Examples of express forecasting 200

4.8.1. System definition  200

4.8.2. Analysis of level of system evolution in the laws of technical system evolution  201

4.9. Independent work 205

4.9.1. Quiz 205

4.9.2. Topics for reports and abstracts 206

4.9.3. Assignment 207

Chapter 5. Su-Field analysis 208

5.1. Concepts of Su-Field analysis 210

5.2. Basic configuration 213

5.3. Types of Su-Field systems 215

5.3.1. Su-Field model for fields 215

5.3.2. Types of Su-Field systems for measurement and detection.. 219

5.4. Elimination of harmful interactions 246

5.4.1. Trends of elimination of harmful interactions 246

5.4.2. Elimination of harmful interaction by introducing S3. 249

5.4.3. Elimination of harmful interaction by introducing S3 = S1, S2 or modifications 253

5.4.4. Elimination of harmful interactions by introduction of substance S3 = S1', S2', and field F2 261

5.4.5. "Pulling" harmful effects 263

5.4.6. Elimination of harmful interactions by introducing F2. 264

5.4.7. Elimination of harmful interactions by introducing S3 and F2. 267

5.4.8. Elimination of harmful interactions by introducing S3, F2, and F3. 268

5.4.9. Elimination of harmful interactions between substance and field by introducing S2 and F3 270

5.4.10. Elimination of harmful interactions between substance and field by changing S1 on S2 and introduction of F3 273

5.5. Finding the desired effect 275

5.6. Law of increasing degree of Su-Field 277

5.7. Independent work 282

5.7.1. Quiz 282

5.7.1. Topics for reports and abstracts 283

5.7.3. Assignment 283


6.1. Inventive situation and inventive problem  286

6.2. Concept of contradiction 290

6.2.1. General concepts 290

6.2.2. Administrative Contradiction  291

6.2.3. Technical Contradiction  292

6.2.4. Physical Contradiction  293

6.2.5. Methods of resolving Physical Contradiction  296

6.3. Ideal Final Result (IFR) 305

6.4. Use of IFR  308

6.4.1. Conditions of problem   308

6.4.2. Solving problems 311

6.5. Path to solution ideas 317

6.6. Logic of ARIZ 320

6.7. Practice on logic of ARIZ 328

6.8. Concepts and definitions of ARIZ-85-C  369

6.9. Structure of ARIZ-85-C  378

6.9.1. Overview   378

6.9.2. First part 381

6.9.3. Second part 382

6.9.4. Third part 382

6.9.5. Fourth part 383

6.9.6. Fifth part 383

6.9.7. Sixth part 383

6.9.8. Seventh part 384

6.9.9. Eighth part 384

6.9.10. Ninth part 386

6.10. Part 1: Analysis of problem  387

6.10.1. Basic concepts and structure of first part of ARIZ  387

6.10.2. Formulation of mini-problem   392

6.10.3. Identification of conflict pair 394

6.10.4. Formulation of Technical Contradiction  399

6.10.5. Selection of conflict pair 404

6.10.6. Intensify contradiction  406

6.10.7. Formulation of model of problem   407

6.10.8. Su-Field model of problem   410

6.11. Part 2: Analysis of model of problem  415

6.11.1. Basic concepts and structure of second part of ARIZ.. 415

6.11.2. Determination of Operating Zone 419

6.11.3. Determination of Operating Time 420

6.12. Part 3: Determination of IFR and PC  424

6.12.1. Basic concepts and structure of third part of ARIZ  424

6.12.2. Formulation of Ideal Final Result – IFR  425

6.12.3. Intensified formulation of IFR  426

6.12.4. Formulation of Physical Contradiction  428

6.12.5. Formulation of IFR-2 430

6.12.6. Application of system of standards 431

6.13. Part 4: Use and application of SFR  434

6.13.1. Basic concepts and structure of fourth part of ARIZ.. 434

6.13.2. Application of MLP  437

6.13.3. Step back from IFR  441

6.13.4. Application of transformed SFR  442

6.14. Part 5: Use of Knowledge Base 448

6.14.1. Basic concepts and structure of fifth part of ARIZ  448

6.14.2. Application of system of standards 450

6.14.3. Use of problem-analogy 450

6.14.4. Use of standard transformations 451

6.14.5. Use of technological effects 454

6.15. Part 6: Change and/or change the problem  455

6.16. Part 7: Analysis of method to remove PC  462

6.16.1. Basic concepts and structure of seventh part of ARIZ.. 462

6.16.2. Checking solutions 463

6.16.3. Assessment of solution  465

6.16.4. Determination of novelty and sub-problems 466

6.17. Part 8: Application of obtained solution 467

6.17.1. Basic concepts and structure of eighth part of ARIZ.. 467

6.17.2. Coordination of obtained solution  468

6.17.3. Use obtained solution for a new purpose 470

6.17.4. Use ideas of solution  471

6.18. Part 9: Analysis of solution 474

6.19. Practical ARIZ 477

6.20. Independent work 493

6.20.1. Quiz 493

6.20.2. Topics for reports and abstracts 494

6.20.3. Assignment 494


7.1. Inventive principles for resolving contradictions 500

7.1.1. System of inventive principles 500

7.1.2. Principles for eliminating Technical Contradiction  501

7.1.3. Methods for eliminating Physical Contradiction  506

7.1.4. Use of Table for Eliminating Technical Contradiction.. 510

7.2. Technological effects 519

7.2.1. Physical effects 521

7.2.2. Chemical effects 524

7.2.3. Biological effects 527

7.2.4. Mathematical effects 530

7.3. Resources 535

7.3.1. General concepts 535

7.3.2. Classification of system resources 536

7.4. Application of system for a new purpose 553

7.4.1. General concepts 553

7.4.2. Identification of properties 554

7.4.3. Use of identified properties 555

7.5. Standard Inventive Solutions 557

7.5.1. Overview of standards 557

7.5.2. Algorithm of application of standards 574

7.6. Independent work 576

7.6.1. Quiz 576

7.6.2. Topics for reports and abstracts 577

7.6.3. Assignment 577


8.1. Methods of development of creative imagination (DCI) 582

8.1.1. General concepts 582

8.1.2. Review of methods and techniques of development of creative imagination.. 584

8.1.4. Method of Modeling Little People (MLP) 607

8.2. Theory of creative personality development 619

8.2.1. Worthy Goal 619

8.2.2. Work plans 621

8.2.3. Work efficiency 621

8.2.4. Technology problem solving 622

8.2.5. Ability to take a punch  623

8.2.6. Effectiveness 623

8.3. Theory of creative group development 624

8.4. Literature 625

8.4.1. Methods of development of creative imagination  625

8.4.2. Theory of creative personality development 628

8.4.3. Development of creative groups 629

8.5. Independent work 630

8.5.1. Quiz 630

8.5.2. Topics for reports and abstracts 630

8.5.3. Assignment 631


Recommendations on use of TRIZ tools 635

Recommendations for improving knowledge of TRIZ 636


Appendix 651

Appendix 1. V. Petrov. Practical ARIZ (text) 652

Appendix 2. Problem Analysis 667

Analysis of problems using logic of ARIZ  667

Analysis of problems using Practical ARIZ  674

Appendix 3. TRIZ Sites 694

Index 695

Author's TRIZ book in English  702

About autor 754





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