Triya Charitra (Charitropakhyan) Are Women Impure Or Really Pure ?
Pushpinder Singh
Spiritual Speaker & Gurmat Kathakar | Marriage Coach | Mental Health & Mindfulness Expert at Samaadh Meditation (Kindly Connect with me, instead of Following me)
Summary: A Woman is more of Femininity and less of Masculinity, that's why on a physical level, she is a Women.
Ek Ongkar Satgur Parsad
Sri Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Purakh Meh Naar ,Naar Meh Purkha, Bujho Brahm Gyani
Guru Granth Sahib Ji: Their Is A Women Within A Man, And A Man Within A Women, Awakened Beings, Understand This As Well.
?Triya Charitra or Chartropakhyaan is a very controversial subject for anyone to talk about, just because of the lac of understanding and lack of acceptance within people with regards to mother nature. Triya charitra is not a subject, based only on women, majorly it is, but Triya Charitra is a state of mind, regardless of the gender. It is a subject widely based on the characteristics of women (concentrating on the mixture of Feminine and Masculine Energies & Emotions within Women) but we need to understand, that every aspect within a human being is a state of mind. Their is a general saying, that we are within the human body and not the human body, a man is more of Masculine energies and less of Feminine energies,?that's why on a physical level he is a man, and a woman is more of Feminine energies and less of Masculine energies, that's why on a physical level she is a Women.?In other words, a man is almost a complete man and an incomplete women within the mind, that's why on a physical level he is almost a complete man, whereas a woman is almost a complete woman and an incomplete man within the mind, that's why on a physical level she is almost a complete women.
Everything and everyone is a state of mind, the sun, the moon, stars, animals, insects, reptiles, fishes and different kind of living beings in the water, plants, flowers, the hell , the heaven, darkness, light, Satyug, Dwapar yug, Tretayug, Kalyug i.e. the four Eras of human evolution, the child, young, adult, the man, the women and even the transgender, are all states of mind, after all its the mind which manifests itself on a physical level, whatever is outside, is inside too, within the mind, frankly whatever is inside, the mind through the body is just projecting it outside.
According to science, there are a lots of Biological and Psychological differences in between Men and Women, their way of thinking, behaving, body, strength, weakness etc. are very different from each other, both are opposite creations of mother nature, as mother nature is created in opposites, that's why it's in perfect balance, which is widely not being understood by majority of the people. In fact one of the most powerful laws, which attracts Men and Women towards each other is Law Of Attraction, as Law Of Attraction is based on attraction of the opposites. So if Men and Women are constantly getting attracted towards each other, that clearly indicates that Men and Women are opposite creations, they contradict each other, that is why they compliment each other.??
The Mind and the Body are totally submerged into each other, and as said that its the mind which manifests itself on a physical level, the mind converts itself into physicality. Few examples to understand that how the Mind and the Body are submerged into each other are as follows: The Mind is formless, and its this formless mind which converts itself into a physical form, if the mind is weak, in reaction the body will become weak as well, if the mind is sick, the body becomes sick too, if the mind is powerful, the body becomes powerful or strong as well, if the mind is unstable, then it destabilizes the body as well. The mind which contains ego, that ego can clearly be viewed on the face of an egoistic person, the mind which contains anger within itself, that anger can clearly be viewed on the face of an angry man etc. These are just few examples through which we can understand, that the mind and the body are submerged into each other, and?it's the mind which manifests itself on a physical level or converts itself into physicality. We also need to understand, that whatever the human body is made of, it needs it on a regular basis too, Few examples are: The body is made out of food, it needs food, it’s made out of water, it needs water, it’s made out of air, it needs air, it’s made out of sex, it needs sex etc.
The body is actually a physical mirror of the mind, whatever is going on within the mind, it clearly displays it on the body, the body is a physical reflection of the mind. If we observe, then we will clearly be able to understand the indications, that if the action is done by the Mind, then the Body reacts and obeys the command of the mind, and whatever the body eats, drinks, views, senses, speaks, hears, smells etc, on the level of memory, the mind will react by registering it within itself. Though the mind is the commander of the body, the body is also the adviser of the mind, the body is dependent on the mind for memory and information, the mind is also dependent on the body for external information to be stored within itself, because the mind does not have its own sensory organs, like the eyes, ears, nose etc. So in short, whatever the mind does, the body reacts and whatever the body does, mind reacts, as both are submerged into each other, the action and reaction of each other, is due to each other.
Their are lots of?differences in between Men and Women, on the level of Biology, Psychology, Energies, Emotions, Mind and its process of information, the way the brain works etc. In short, Men and Women are way apart from each other. One of the main difference resides in the situation of the Kundalini power located at different Chakras, from where the power of thoughts or memory arises from within them. The Mind is the creation and creator of Maya (Qualities residing within a life, resulting in illusion), though the Mind and Maya are very different from each other. Everything is Mind, Mind is a cultivation of memories, Mind is activation and deactivation of chakras too, Mind is the Soul and the Lord as well, Mind is knowledge and ignorance too.
The body which is flesh, is born out of food and it requires food for its survivability. There is a lot of difference in between the strength of a man and a woman, a woman's creation is quiet delicate due to which she has less physical strength when compared to a man, hence her requirement of food is less when compared to a man as well, less food she eats due to less requirement, less quantity of food gets digested within her body, less the duration of digestion within the body, then less heat will increase within her body, if less heat increases within her body, then lesser amount negative emotions (Internal Fire Of Maya) will increase within her mind as well, because the mind and the body are in sync, if lesser amount of negative emotions will increase within her mind, then less the impurity, if less the impurity then more the purity within her mind, if more the purity within the mind, then more the purity with her body as well, as mentioned above, that whatever goes on with the body, the mind gets affected and whatever goes on within the mind, the body gets affected.
Internal fire of Maya ie. Positive and specifically Negative emotions are totally connected with the temperature of the body, and temperature of the body is connected with the Digestive system. The creation of a Man's body is quiet harsh and hence he has much more physical strength when compared to a women, due to which the requirement of food for a Man is more when compared to a Women, more quantity of food he eats according to his requirement, then naturally that same quantity of food gets digested within his body, if more the duration of digestion within the body, then more the intensity of heat will increase within his body, if more the intensity of heat increases within his body, then more the amount of negative emotions (Internal Fire Of Maya) will increase within his mind as well, as mentioned above, that the mind and the body are in sync, if more amount of negative emotions will increase within his mind, then more the impurity, if more the impurity then less the purity within his mind.?
It is due to this identification only, Emotions are split into Feminine and Masculine Emotions, if the intensity of Negativity within an Emotion is more, then it is Masculine in nature, and if the intensity of Negativity within an Emotion is less, then that particular Emotion is Feminine in nature. As said, its totally connected with the body temperature, Men's body temperature is more, hence higher intensity of Negative Emotions belongs to Masculinity and temperature within a Women's body is less, hence lower intensity of Negative Emotions belongs to Femininity. In simple words, the Women is much pure on the level of the Mind and Body when compared to a man.?
This is exactly why Masculinity is Toxic in nature, though it majorly does not prove out be so toxic within Men because Men are well equipped to handle it, but after a certain extent, it turns out to very very Toxic within Women because women are not at all equipped to handle it. Now Masculinity does not mean Men, neither Femininity means Women, Masculinity and Femininity are primarily divided into Energies and Emotions or also known internal fire of Maya within the Mind, which burns a human being from within, resulting in Mental pain and sufferings. Though Masculinity & Femininity are divided within the creation as well, few examples are: Non-Veg Food & Alcohol are Masculine in nature, whereas Vegetarian food is Feminine in nature, the Sun is Masculine in nature, but the Moon is Feminine in nature etc. Whatever contains more heat, hence more Negativity is Masculine in Nature, and whatever contains less heat, hence less Negativity is Feminine in nature.?The division of Feminine Energies or Emotions are as follows,?
(1) Kama Vasna (Sexual Desires) (MALE PROMINENT or MASCULINE ENERGY) The most corrupted level of energy, having the maximum intensity of heat within the Mind when compared to other Masculine Emotions and Energies, its also the distributor of different Emotions, as it Manifests itself into many different Emotions.?
(2) Ahankaar (Ego) (MALE PROMINENT or MASCULINE ENERGY) The second most corrupted level of Heat, Energy or Emotion within the Mind.
(3) Krodh (Anger) (MALE PROMINENT or MASCULINE ENERGY) The third most corrupted level of Heat, Energy or Emotion within the Mind, as well as it's majorly a shadow and an outcome of Ego.
(4) Lobh (Greed) (MALE PROMINENT or MASCULINE ENERGY) Lowest amount of heat and corruption within Masculinity, as well as it is an outcome of Attachment.
(5) Moh (Attachment) (FEMALE PROMINENT or FEMININE ENERGY) The least corrupted level of Heat, Energy or Emotion within the Mind, though it is the mother of all the Energies or Emotions, as it even gives birth to Ego, Anger, Sexual Desires etc.
(6) Ninda (To Defame) (FEMALE PROMINENT or FEMININE ENERGY) Less corrupted level of Heat, Energy or Emotion within the Mind, as well as its a shadow or outcome of Ego.
(7) Chugli (Bitching or Gossiping) (FEMALE PROMINENT or FEMININE ENERGY) Less corrupted level of Heat, Energy or Emotion within the Mind, as well as its a shadow of Ego.
(8) Eersha (Jealousy) (FEMALE PROMINENT or FEMININE ENERGY) Less corrupted level of Heat, Energy or Emotion within the Mind, as well as its a shadow or creation of Ego.
(9) Dwesh (Grudge) (MALE PROMINENT or MASCULINE ENERGY) High corrupted level of Heat, Energy or Emotion within the Mind, primarily its a creation of Anger, Hatred, Enmity etc. which are all outcome of Ego.?
(10) Pratishodh (Revenge) (MALE PROMINENT or MASCULINE ENERGY) High corrupted level of Heat, Energy or Emotion within the Mind, primarily its a creation of Anger, Hatred, Enmity, Grudge etc. which are all outcome of Ego.?
(11) Vair (Enmity) (MALE PROMINENT or MASCULINE ENERGY) High corrupted level of Heat, Energy or Emotion within the Mind, primarily its a creation of Anger, Hatred, Grudge etc. which are all outcome of Ego.
(12) Bhou (Fear) (FEMALE PROMINENT or FEMININE ENERGY) Less corrupted level of Heat, Energy or Emotion within the Mind, its mainly a creation of Attachment and Enmity, indirect creation of Sexual Desires & Ego. It's also a creation of the Unknown.
(13) Ghrina (Hatred) (MALE PROMINENT or MASCULINE ENERGY) High corrupted level of Heat, Energy or Emotion within the Mind, primarily its a creation of Anger, which is an outcome of Ego.
(14) Sandeh (Suspicion) (MALE PROMINENT or MASCULINE ENERGY) Very high corrupted level of Heat, Energy or Emotion within the Mind, as well as its a shadow of Ego, in many cases its an outcome of Sexual Desires or Sexual Fantasies and majorly, its an outcome of Lies.
(15) Udaasi (Loneliness) (MALE PROMINENT or MASCULINE ENERGY) High corrupted level of Heat, Energy or Emotion within the Mind, primarily an outcome of Attachment & secondary a creation of Greed.
(16) Kutark (Arguments) (MALE PROMINENT or MASCULINE ENERGY) High corrupted level of Heat, Energy or Emotion within the Mind, as well as it's a creation of Ego.
(17) Dimbh (Fake) (FEMALE PROMINENT or FEMININE ENERGY) Less corrupted level of Heat, Energy or Emotion within the Mind, primarily its a creation Ego and secondary an outcome of Lies.
(18) Jhoot (Lies) (FEMALE PROMINENT or FEMININE ENERGY) Less corrupted level of Heat, Energy or Emotion within the Mind, primarily its an outcome of Ego and it's a creation of Fear, Greed or Attachment, depending on situations.
(19) Kapat (Cheating) (FEMALE PROMINENT or FEMININE ENERGY) The most highest corrupted level of Heat, Energy or Emotion within the Mind, within the category of Feminine, as well as it's an outcome of Ego, Lies and in some cases Sexual desires.
(20) Swarth (Selfishness) (FEMALE PROMINENT or FEMININE ENERGY) Less corrupted level of Heat, Energy or Emotion within the Mind, as well as it's an outcome of Attachment and Greed.
(21) Krurta (Cruelty) (MALE PROMINENT or MASCULINE ENERGY) Very high corrupted level of Heat, Energy or Emotion within the Mind, as well as it's an outcome of Ego.
(22) Ghrina (Disgust) (FEMALE PROMINENT or FEMININE ENERGY) Less corrupted level of Heat, Energy or Emotion within the Mind, as well as it's an outcome of Ego or in some cases Attachment.
There are many more negative Emotions within living beings, the Emotions which are mentioned above are just few examples, through which we can understand the difference in between Masculinity and Femininity within the mind, which decides whether the Mind (Soul) after entering the womb of the Mother, will manifest itself in the form of a Man or a Women. If the Mind is Masculine Prominent, which is more of Negativity and hence more of Masculine Emotions, then after entering the Womb of the Mother, the Mind will manifest itself into a Boy, and if the Mind is Feminine Prominent, which is more of Positivity and hence more of Feminine Emotions, then after entering the Womb of the Mother, the Mind will manifest itself into a Girl. There are many more aspects of the Mind manifesting itself into a Male or a Female body, as it also dependent on the parents of the child, specially the father, but overall that is a different perspective.
We also need to understand, that how a Woman is superior, when compared to a Man in many ways. As said, that a Women is more of Femininity and less of Masculinity, and Feminine Energies or Emotions are more of positivity, majorly these Positive Feminine Emotions are responsible to take control over Negative Masculine and Feminine Emotions and convert them into positive, in other words, its the internal Positive Women within the Mind which takes control over internal Toxic Man. For the sake of understanding, these are few examples: 1) Sheel or Susheel (Morality or Gentle), 2) Sayyam (Patience), 3) Sharam (Shame), 4) Nirman (Humble) are the four most powerful positive qualities or Emotions, and none of them are Masculine, infact all of these qualities are Feminine. These four feminine qualities convert the Negative Masculine qualities to positive.
?For the sake of understanding, these are few examples: 1) Kaam Vasna (Sexual Desires) which is Masculine in nature and it's the king of Negativity, it is mainly controlled by Contentment, Morality, Shame & Patience, and three of these qualities are Feminine. 2) Ego is Masculine in nature and it is controlled by Humbleness, which is again Feminine in nature. 3) Anger is a Masculine in nature and it controlled by Patience, which is again Feminine in nature. So these are few examples, through which we can understand that how positive Feminine Emotions, control and convert negative Masculine Emotions into positive.?
We need to understand the Kundalini power and the Chakra system upto a certain extent, specifically the 4 lower Chakras, in order to understand the difference in between Men and Women on the level of Energies. If the Kundalini power is situated in the second chakra from the bottom i.e. the Swadistana, the Mind will manifest itself in the form of Male. If the Kundalini power resides in the lower chakras, then more the negativity and hence more Masculinity within the Mind. Majorly a man's thoughts and imaginations arise out of the second Chakra, that is why, majorly a Man's mind is either Sex oriented or Ego oriented.
Feminine Energy, specifically within a Women resides in the fourth Chakra, the Aahat Anahat Chakra, also known as the heart chakra, thoughts and imaginations from within a women majorly arises out of this particular Chakra, that's why, majorly a Women's Psychology is Emotions oriented, specifically Attachment oriented, in contradiction to the thought process and the Energy center, where the Kundalini power resides within Men. More the Kundalini power resides in the upper Chakras, then more the positivity and less the toxicity ie. Masculinity, hence less the internal fire of Maya and less the impurity.
Usually Feminists have a complain, that throughout history, Women never got a proper opportunity to become a Spiritual Guru. Feminists want to compare themselves with Men and compete against them, as the the whole concept of Feminism is based on Gender equality. On each and every level of life, Men and Women contradict each other, that is why on each and every level of life they compliment each other, that is why they do not need to compete against each other, that's how Mother Nature has created them. Becoming a Spiritual Guru is totally dependent on the level of wisdom which a Spiritual being attains, anyhow GURU is a state of Mind, and this particular state of mind is not a child's play, one needs to reach and attain this state of Mind. Femininity is Intuition and not Intellect, and Women are more of Femininity, hence they are more of Intuition, that is why they cannot reach that same depth of knowledge which a Man can reach, infact they do not need to reach that level of knowledge either, the sole purpose of self realized spiritual knowledge is to attain liberation, and they are capable enough to attain liberation without gaining such levels of knowledge.?
To understand this process in a much more better manner, we need to understand that how does self experienced or self realized knowledge come out from within. Every human learns from his own mistakes, those mistakes are usually an outcome of Negative Emotions (Maya). Within Men, Negative Emotions ie. internal fire of Maya is more, then it is very natural that he will commit more mistakes on the Spiritual path, if they commit more mistakes, then Spiritual hurdles and sufferings will be more as well. If more the sufferings caused by more mistakes, then more the opportunity to learn from those mistakes, more the learning, then more the knowledge, as learning results in gaining of knowledge, That is why Spiritual knowledge which comes out from within is known as self realized knowledge too, because a spiritual being realizes his own mistakes, learns from his own mistakes, and learning results in gaining of knowledge. In other words, knowledge which has been attained through realizing one's own mistakes, hence self realized knowledge. The bottom line is, Men have more opportunities to learn from their mistakes and gain more Knowledge.
Within Women, Negative Emotions ie. internal fire of Maya is less, then it is very easy to understand that she will commit less mistakes on the Spiritual path, if she commits less mistakes, then Spiritual hurdles and sufferings will be less when compared to Men. If less the sufferings caused by less mistakes, then less the opportunity to learn from those mistakes and hence less the knowledge.
A Child’s Biology and Psychology regardless of the gender, is almost identical when compared to a Women’s Biology and Psychology, Few examples are: The facial and body hairs are almost absent within a Child and a Women, their skin is quiet soft, their voice is upper pitch and soft toned, their features are quiet delicate, the strength and diet of their bodies are less when compared to Men, their facial and body construction is quiet delicate and weak when compared to the construction of a Man. Infact their are lots of similarities in between their Psychologies as well, Few examples are: A Women and a Child seek protection or shelter because their construction is vulnerable, they would love to be pampered and cared quiet delicately, their nature is quiet submissive or all accepting, the level of jealousy within them is quiet similar, the level of Knowledge within them is less when compared to Men, we can say that they are more of Intuition and less Intellect, they get attracted towards materialistic things quiet easily, the difference is that, a child gets attracted towards toys and Women gets attracted towards shopping etc. A women’s Biology and Psychology is created in such a way, that it needs to stay like a child her whole life in order to have a peaceful life, she is nothing but a fully grown up child, though this balance and algorithm are changing rapidly in today’s generation Women?because Women up to a lot extent have moved towards Masculinity.
These similarities in between a Child and a Women are an outcome of Feminine Energies within them, a child is Feminine prominent too, regardless of the gender, just like a Women. The Kundlini power within them resides in the same energy center, the Heart Chakra. Their thoughts and imaginations, emotions, energies etc. arise from?within the fourth Chakra ie. Aahat Anahat Chakra.
Woman by nature are very unpredictable and complicated to understand, one of the main reason is that Women are more of Intuition and not Intellect, and Intuition cannot be understood, it's not even supposed to be understood, if Intuition is understood, then it does not remain Intuition any longer, it becomes Intellect. Exactly in the same way, Women are not meant to be understood as well, they are meant to be cared, cherished, loved, pampered, protected, and specifically Intellectually guided like a child, just like Intuition needs to be guided by Intellect. One more reason behind their complicated creation is the level of purity within them, just like the Creator (God), the Sadhus, the Saints, the Gurus etc. are complicated to understand as well, and its due to the purity and the depth of Wisdom within them, due to which it's quiet hard to understand them. Same rule applies for a Women, its due to their purity, the depth of Intuition exists within them, due to which its hard to understand them. Infact apart from their Psychology, their biology is a complicated creation as well, just because they are far more better and sophisticated technology when compared to Men, their body is far more sophisticated technology, that is why they can bear a child and Men cannot.
The bottom line is, a Women who is Feminine prominent, is much pure when compared to Men, their impurity is less, their spiritual hurdles are less, their mistakes and suffering on the spiritual path are less, due to which, opportunities to learn from their mistakes are less, due to which self realized knowledge which needs to come out from within them is less and hence not so deep when compared to Men, due to which their path towards spiritual Bliss is easy and their liberation is much more easier and faster when compared to Men.
These are the positive aspects within Women from the subject Triya Charitr or Chritro Pakhyan, but it’s the law of mother nature, that wherever positivity exists, their negativity will exist as well. A Women has about 405 different kinds of characteristics, including negative and positive, and because of the Negative aspects and characteristics within Women, this subject, Triya Charitra is?so controversial.
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