Triunfo do Brasil contributes to research on yerba mate with high caffeine content

Triunfo do Brasil contributes to research on yerba mate with high caffeine content

Yerba mate is a plant known for its high caffeine content, even surpassing coffee in concentration. However, some industries, such as energy drink manufacturers, require even higher levels of this bioactive compound in their formulations. Understanding these market demands, the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) has been investing in the development of new yerba mate genetic materials with enhanced caffeine content.

Triunfo do Brasil, one of the largest organic yerba mate producers in the country, plays a key role in this process. Three years ago, the company allocated one hectare of its plantation in S?o Jo?o do Triunfo, Paraná, for the development of these new varieties, under the supervision of Embrapa. The goal is not only to increase caffeine content but also to ensure the standardization of this characteristic in the leaves.

Triunfo's team recently spoke with Ivar Wendling, the lead researcher in this study, to better understand the project's goals and current progress. Continue reading the article for more details.

Research on High-Caffeine Yerba Mate Species

According to Ivar Wendling, a forestry engineer and Ph.D. in Forest Sciences at Embrapa Florestas, the genetic improvement research for yerba mate focused on caffeine content has been ongoing since 2001. “In yerba mate, there is significant variation from tree to tree. So, we began studying the productivity, disease resistance, and chemical composition of the leaves from over 800 trees,” Wendling explained.

From this vast sample, 15 trees with the best chemical compositions were selected, and 15 clones were produced via vegetative propagation, an asexual reproduction technique that multiplies parts of a mother plant to generate new individuals.

These 15 clones were planted in Triunfo do Brasil’s fields three years ago and have since been cultivated using the best management techniques, with the goal of continuously increasing caffeine content. Triunfo’s technical team is responsible for the plant care, following Embrapa’s guidance.

Chemical Composition of Yerba Mate

Wendling revealed that research indicated about 75-80% of a yerba mate plant's chemical composition is determined by its genetics, while the rest is directly influenced by environmental factors, such as climate, soil, fertilization, pruning techniques, and area maintenance.

“We still don’t know everything, but the research has shown that if we plant these clones in more shaded areas, they will produce a bit more caffeine. If we give them a bit more nitrogen, their caffeine content increases as well. So, this project combines both genetic and environmental factors,” Wendling noted.

Research Advances

To further improve the genetic material in terms of caffeine content and consistency, Embrapa’s research is entering a new phase.

Wendling explains that plants with desirable traits are now being cross-bred. “We are crossing a ‘mother plant’ with a ‘father plant,’ both with desirable characteristics. From this process, a seedling is created, and we begin the selection process. This process takes 10, 15, or even 20 years before we can have new materials that can be tested and improved further.”

Contribution to the Industry

The development of new yerba mate genetic materials with higher caffeine content and more standardized chemical compositions will directly impact how industries perceive and use this plant.

Higher caffeine levels in yerba mate contribute to the production of energy drinks, teas, and other products. “Currently, energy drinks, for example, contain much more sugar than caffeine, which is the actual energy-providing component. So, an energy drink made with high-caffeine yerba mate could have a healthier and more genuinely energizing composition,” Wendling said.

Additionally, the ability to purchase standardized yerba mate batches could also attract industry interest, as buyers would know exactly what they are acquiring.

Triunfo do Brasil: Innovation and Quality in Yerba Mate

Triunfo has always been forward-thinking and focused on developing and innovating in the yerba mate market. It consistently supports scientific initiatives and, in addition to contributing to the advancement of Embrapa’s research, Triunfo will be one of the first yerba mate industries to offer these improved genetic materials and batches to its clients in the future.

Learn more about our company on our website.


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