The triumph of victory over the evil
The season of Navratri is just not the time for celebrations and exchange of pleasantries. But also the reason of victory of righteousness over the evil tendencies. This Dusshera, is special because the victory over the pandemic era is vivid. The amount of misery the mankind carried for a couple months is inexplicable, the grief and agony which was instore for many have come to a close end. Here, the energy emanated in the universe doesn't pertain to just Hindu cult. It's more than that. The Shakti is prevalent in all of us and it can be tapped through right thoughts, which will lead to belief, behavior and finally the action.
So Prostrate the MOTHER and receive the abundance from the cosmos through positive Auto talks, Visualization and affirmation. Let the locus of control be internal for all. Tap that energy from within, vibrate it to attract good things and let the manifestation happen on its own course.