Triumph Over Disaster – The Way Forward Globally

Triumph Over Disaster – The Way Forward Globally

Life isn't always easy.

We all have curve balls thrown at us.

The question is how you deal with it.

As a Business person, Mentor, Coach and Speaker this is the main issue I challenge clients on.

As we approach the New Year do not focus on what you do not want.

Start looking at what it is you really want.

What we focus on is what we get.

Triumph Over Disaster

The biggest difference between winners and losers is their ability to cope with adversity.

Life is going to throw issues/problems in your path. Sometimes the challenges will be physical, other times they will be financial. Sometimes they will be difficult people, or a natural disaster like a fire or earthquake, but sooner or later, life challenges each of us. And here's a key point:

Our response to "small" challenges is a much better predictor of our long-term success than our response to the so-called "disasters" in life.

Disasters are big! We cannot deny or avoid them; we MUST deal with them. When our home catches fire or an accident puts us in the hospital, everyone understands that we MUST deal with these things.

It is no accident that Winston Churchill described the Battle of Britain as "their finest hour." When emergencies strike, we rise to the occasion.

The real test is with the "termites," the "little things" that are so easy to ignore. Things like paying our bills and living within our means. Things like managing our weight and staying fit. Things like time for loved ones, for rest and renewal.

These things are not dramatic and they are not urgent. We can delay taking time for our kids. We can neglect our health for a long time before obvious problems occur.

Recently I saw a biography of Donald Rumsfield, and one of the points they made is that he "moves toward problems/issues; he never turns his back or walks away." That is a sound strategy!

Lean towards risk

High achievers in life expect challenges. They know that as they move forward in life, problems will occur. Unexpected things will happen, and they maintain an attitude of optimism, humour, strength and resolve in the face of difficulties. They know that as they become ever more successful, the size and complexity of their problems will grow. How could it be any other way?

So, here are a couple of keys to solving issues/problems:

  1. Expect difficulty! This is no surprise; it is not "unfair" or unusual. Life is complicated. Get good at it.
  2. Keep a buffer around the edges of your life. Maintain a "reserve" of extra time, savings in the bank, and a bit of energy to handle the unexpected.
  3. An attitude of optimism and enthusiasm is essential.
  4. View difficulties as "challenges" or "learning opportunities" rather than as problems. How we talk about our difficulties makes a huge difference in how we handle them. Words matter!
  5. "We get by with a little help from our friends." Have a team of cheerleaders, experts and colleagues to help you understand and over-come any problem.
  6. Be proactive. Take care of problems while they are small. Preventive maintenance is good for your car, your relationships and your heart.
  7. Learn from every experience and (try) not to have the same problems twice. Learn from difficulties, make changes, and move on. Never repeat the same life-lesson!

The key is understanding how life really works, that challenges are how we learn and grow. Life is about what we learn and what we learn to do. Expect "interesting" situations. Taking them in stride builds your confidence. Never fear trouble; expect to triumph over it!

Life is all about learning and change, the day we stop learning and changing?is the day we stop living and being successful!

"Reach Peak Levels of Performance in All Areas of Your Life"

The publication below is the most comprehensive and advanced on personal success and achievement ever developed. It's a publication for lifelong success and peak performance. No matter what industry you're in, or what your goals are, this publication will help you get ahead in life.

`Growth Blueprint for the Business and Individual`

`Growth Blueprint for the Business and Individual`

289 pages of excellent information for your success.

Have fun, learn heaps, and enjoy every step of your journey!

Life is fun; life is hard work, but just look at the success you will?have?in life.

Dr Colin Thompson

What are your goals and growth plans??

“An Investment in Learning, gaining Knowledge and Skills Pays the Best Interest for You”

Colin Thompson

Sharing successful information from many sources for your success.

Amir El

CEO & Founder | Webintelligency - Competitive Strategy Maverick - Market Research & Competitive Analysis Services

2 年

If you study the Japanese management philosophy based on the Zen practice, you would know by now that most of the good habits you mentioned in your beautiful article relate to the notion of Zen. Never look away from trouble and problems. Seek them and treat them as soon as possible..


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