Triplet superconductivity as a DNA-RNA Catalysis mechanism
Jerzy Achimowicz
prof of biology and neurophysiology at Academy of Economics and Humanities AEH
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Preprint · September 2023
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20652.85125
2 authors, including:
Jerzy Zbigniew Achimowicz
Warsaw Medical Academy
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Jerzy Zbigniew Achimowicz* , Malgorzata Gal-Achimowicz**
** Warsaw Medical Academy, Faculty of Medicine Warsaw, Poland
**Independent Researcher
September 2023
Keywords: Information, Coding, Bicoherence, Catalysis, Mechanism,
Superconductivity,Enzyme, Quantum,DNA, RNA, Complex, Transcription,
Translation, Cooper, Pairs, Triplet, Junctions, Qubit, Consciousness,
Morphogenesis,Phase, Coupling,Vibration,Molecular,Biology,Activation,
Energy, Matter, Electrons, Reaction, Tunneling, Brain
Abstract: Cooper pairs are defined as a pair of electrons in a superconductor tha
are attractively bound where both electrons have equal and opposite
momentum and spin. Various experiments and studies have recently been made
in the field of superconductivity, a phenomenon where electrical resistance is
almost no longer in effect or completely disappears from a conducting material
as a result of sufficiently lowering the temperature. When there is a transfer of
Cooper pairs between two superconductingmaterials and coupling of
macroscopic functions between two superconductors occurs (which is called
“Josephson Effect’’) , the resultingjunctions enable the superconducting
materials to become more related to Quantum flux, which is changing of t
Quantum energy state of matter or a substance in such a way that allows shiftin
between alternate Quantum realities which enables various applications and
measurements, for example for the studies about the phases of matter, Atomic
Physics and electronics. The purpose of this article is to present and summarize
a possible mechanism of enzymatic catalysis that would be based and related to
bicoherence of triplet Cooper pairs. Our approach is for the purpose providing
and outliningthe importanceand possiblefurther uses of the applicable
methods we have previously presented in our articles in relation to Quantum
wave functions, DNA transcription and Biocoherence for possible development
of new methods and applications in Biophysics, Engineering, Genetics and
Introduction: The Landauer Principle states that there is a minimum amount of
energy required for erasing one bit of information from a system which would b
defined as “ kBT ln2 where T is the temperature of a thermal reservoir’’ for this
process and “kB is the Boltzmann’s constant’’. [1] For any process of erasing
information from a system, an input as a result of external work is required and
the mass of the erased information is converted back into energy or heat as a
consequence of this process. [2] The concept of the equivalence of mass and
information and the ideal 528 Hertz frequency of DNA resonance for its repair
would have important uses for the improvement of various methods, mainly for
brain imaging, for the studies in relation to the Quantum states of matter and fo
studying the Biological processes in DNA [3,4,5] such as DNA transcription
(copying a certain gene of a DNA sequence to make RNA, which is a proc
performed by RNA polymerase) [6] and DNA translation (the second main step
of gene expression where “the mRNA is “read’’ according to the genetic code’’
[7] and proteins are produced as a result of translation of this reading into “the
strings of amino acid chains that make up the synthesized protein’’). [8]
Materials and Methods: For the studies and improvements in relation to
Artificial Intelligence, it would be very important to know or determine if
creativity can be automated. A famous open prize problem in Mathematics
known as the P vs NP problem asks “whether every problem whose solution can
be quickly verified can also be quickly solved.’’. [9]. Based on the recent
theoretical and experimental conclusions of various studies about DNA and
macromolecules, predicting the oscillatory and non-oscillatory behaviour of DNA
based on Quantum Mechanical models is possible. [10] Therefore, a possib
theoretical statement of ours about DNA would be that DNA can be considered
as an example of an automated creativity as a result of Quantum Mechanical
processes that would have worked like a Quantum computer to cause events an
processes that worked in the formation of mechanistic and Biochemical events
that occur inside the cells such as Glycolysis, “an ancient pathway that evolved
well before oxygenwas present in the Earth's atmosphereand is highly
conserved among living organisms.’’. [11] This espceially makes sense in relation
to the “local (proximity) superconductivityat Physicological range
temperatures’’, a useful approach proposed in 1977 for possible explanation of
“the specificity and high efficiency of enzymes using the analogy of DNA with
quasi one dimensional A1 type alloys’’ [12] and also when the behaviour o
electrons as one entity as a result of Cooper pair formation in superconductivity
is considered. Therefore, we suggest that involving and introducing Bicoherence
as a method of measuring phase coupling in Biological systems and enzymatic
catalysis would be an important and original method for studying DNA, genetic,
cellular and protein related processes.
Discussion: Enzymes act as Biological catalysts that accelerate Biochemical
reactions in the body by lowering the activation energy. [13] Besides the
activation energy and enzyme catalyzed reactions, it is evident from recent
studies in Scientific literature and from our introduced methods, formulas and
approaches in our articles that it is not only the Biochemical, cellular and
enzymatic processes that cause Biological processes such as gene expressio
metabolism, Oxidative-Pentose Phosphate Pathway and Glycolysis to happen
but how these mechanistic processes are happening is also affected and caused
by Quantum effects, processes and interactions. When there is a gap magnitude
between two superconductors and the voltage of one superconducting material
shifts the smaller gap edge towards “the Chemical potential of other
superconductor’’, the maximum energy that can be produced as a result o
electron transmissionthrough hole can be calculated.[14] Temperature
dependent multidimensional tunneling has direct and important effects on
protein dynamics and thermal fluctutations.
Similarly, the mind itself can be a Quantum wave instead of being only a neural
network that is composed from the continous circular electrical activity flow in
the brain which would also be a possible theoretical explanation of why software
codings and robotics in the field of artificial intelligence is problematic and have
a lot of missing gaps for reaching close or equal to human intelligence or human
way of thinking and relating things and events. “Non-computability’’
characteristic of human mind in relation to these mentioned concepts as a result
of Quantum phenomena can in fact be the main reason for “free will’’ [15] and
also for why humans have a different and more evolved state of questioning,
curiosity, creativity and consciousness when compared to a robot or a Quantum
computer uploaded with the input for screening and relating millions of differen
types of data to provide us an accurate result based on the analysis of that input
given to it by a human.
Conclusion: Bicoherence can measure not only the degree of phase coupling of
three vibrations but also the intensity of energy flow between these three
molecules. This way, we know that energy flows without dissipation due to
tunneling of electrons but also the activation energy of a Chemical reaction. In
summary, DNA, tRNA and RNA complexes and the processes they involve a
based on the system of Josephson junctions like a Quantum computer where
each junction is a new Quantum state of matter as described. These triplet state
are possibly the Molecular Biology Qubits which act as carriers of Morphogeneti
information which mechanistically provide individual and global consciousness.
It is expected that our described and defined methodologies will be useful for
improving and contributing to the studies in relation to phase method for
studying the brain, better and more specific diagnosis of mental disorders, for
possible improvements in Biotechnological drug design methods and also for th
developmentof new devices and applicationsthat would have important
potential uses in certain fields of Medicine such as in imaging for diagnos
purposes in Radiology and in Biomedical Sciences . We think that the phase of
triplet superconductive wave function (biphase) may be a major information
carrier. It is well known fact from the theory and practice of digital signals and
images detection and compression.
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