A Tripartite Approach to Cybersecurity: Marrying STRIDE, NIST, and ISO/IEC 27002 for Enhanced Security Measures
The convergence of the STRIDE model, the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, and ISO/IEC 27002 forms a powerful alliance in the realm of cybersecurity management. While STRIDE offers a methodology for identifying specific types of threats, NIST provides a structured approach to managing these threats, and ISO/IEC 27002 adds an international standard for best practices in information security management.
1. Spoofing - Identity Management in the NIST Identify Function and ISO 27002 Controls
Spoofing involves an attacker disguising themselves as a legitimate user or device to gain unauthorized access to information or systems. The NIST Identify function helps counter spoofing by ensuring that organizations have a clear understanding of their assets and the associated risks. This includes managing user identities and network resources effectively. ISO/IEC 27002 supports this with controls for user access management, ensuring that access rights are granted according to a defined policy, and that user identities are appropriately verified.
2. Tampering - Protected Through NIST Protect and ISO 27002's Integrity Controls
Tampering refers to unauthorized changes made to data or systems. The NIST Protect function addresses this by implementing safeguards to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of data. This involves access controls, data encryption, and maintaining the integrity of information processing and communication. ISO/IEC 27002 complements this with controls that focus on maintaining the integrity of information and processing methods, which is crucial in preventing data tampering.
3. Repudiation - Detected and Documented by NIST Detect and ISO 27002
Repudiation threats involve an entity denying the authenticity of their actions. The NIST Detect function plays a vital role in identifying and documenting such activities, primarily through monitoring and detection processes. ISO/IEC 27002 reinforces this with controls on logging and monitoring, ensuring that actions conducted within the IT environment are logged and the logs are protected against tampering, which is critical for non-repudiation.
4. Information Disclosure - Confidentiality and the Protect Function
Information disclosure occurs when confidential information is exposed to unauthorized entities. Under the NIST Protect function, organizations are encouraged to implement measures to ensure data confidentiality. This includes classifying data and enforcing privacy and protection controls. ISO/IEC 27002 supports this by providing guidelines on how to manage and protect sensitive information, ensuring that data is only accessible to authorized individuals.
5. Denial of Service (DoS) - Effective Response Strategies with NIST Respond and ISO 27002
A Denial of Service attack aims to make resources unavailable to legitimate users. The NIST Respond function outlines the need to have response capabilities in place to quickly detect and mitigate these attacks. ISO/IEC 27002 provides guidance on how to manage and respond to information security incidents, including DoS attacks, to minimize their impact and restore normal operations as soon as possible.
6. Elevation of Privileges - Recovery and Continuous Improvement with NIST and ISO 27002
Elevation of Privileges occurs when a user or process gains higher access rights than intended, which can lead to unauthorized access or control over system resources. The NIST Recover function is about restoring capabilities impaired by such an incident and making improvements based on lessons learned. This includes ensuring that systems are resilient against unauthorized access and that recovery plans are in place and tested regularly. ISO/IEC 27002 adds depth to this approach by recommending regular reviews and updates to access rights, especially following changes in employment or roles, and emphasizing the importance of continuous monitoring to detect and respond to attempts at unauthorized access elevation.
The integration of the STRIDE model with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework and ISO/IEC 27002 provides a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach to cybersecurity. Each element of STRIDE is addressed within the context of NIST's structured framework, enhanced by the best practice guidelines from ISO/IEC 27002. This combination offers organizations a robust methodology for identifying and mitigating cybersecurity threats, ensuring the protection, integrity, and resilience of their information systems.