(Trinity / Tri / vortex) math,,, (Code of ((Creation)/(Conduct)/(Construct)) an the) (Code of Resurrection) Made simple,

(Trinity / Tri / vortex) math,,,

(Code of ((Creation)/(Conduct)/(Construct)) an the)

(Code of Resurrection) Made simple,

I think for therefore I am contentious of contentiousness,,,

(Particular - Matters:)

Infinite I have an accounted unto but 4 numbers

9 - 1 - 3 - 6,,,

The Bible pattern of number is maintained mostly at,,,

1 - 3 / 1 - 6 / 1 - 9


If you really look everything is 3D like 12 months 1+2 or even the 30 days,,

inclusive after doing the Fibonacci sequence up-to 21 after the 13th codex back to it's route number 3,,,

Golden ratio if like a sentence you add the numbers up leaving the 1. like a full stop after a sentence you get 1.3


6+1+8+0+3+3+9+9=39 so 9+3=12 so 2+1=3

So In keeping the 1 full stop we get 1.3

30 minutes in half an hour 3

60 minutes in 1 hour so 6

360 minutes total in half an hour so 3 + 6 is 9

an double this into 1 hour is another 1440 add numbers 9

For laughs:

1 min = 60

1 hour = 3600

1 day = 86,400

1 year (365 or 6 days) 31,536,000

astronomical year 365.25= 31,557,600

leap year = 31,622,400

Adding up:



18 so 9

18 so again 9

27 so again 9

18 so again 9

(You an me)_

Jesus out stretched 2 hands unto 1 body I owe I owe,,,

Jesus had 10 didgets on 2 hands I see I see,,

Jesus had 10 didgets on 2 feet we see we see,,,

Jesus had 2 ears unto 1 head I know I know,,

Jesus had 2 legs unto 1 body I know I know,,,

Jesus had 2 feet connected unto 1 body I know I know,,,

Head Neck again body

It takes 2 bit an a bit in-between for fun for adult fun,,,

I know I know

I have 2 man nips an a belly button I know I know,,,

I have two eyes yet I dream with them closed I know I know,,,

3 senses affront of your face??

Sight smell taste??

3 holes 2 nostrils an mouth the list is eternal,,

Divide your age by 1.1 then please add 1.6 for age relations this way it does not get to strange or depraved,

How difficult is 1+1=3 Even to child birth creation???

alike 9 months of birth?

Cannot forget 1 (man) + (woman) = 1 (baby),,,

Usually unless your (doubling) or (tripling) up on (creation),,,

A complete sleep cycle takes an average of (90) to (11)0 minutes, with each stage lasting between (5) to (1+5) minutes.

or 9 an 1 an 1 in 5 to 1+5=6

Would the 6th stage of sleep not be death,,,

Another usual 3 ratio men - usually take care of woman wile woman cares for child or

Has seen this in reverse also but point 3 retains

I pefare to try split all works as parental parties for a more well rounded child,,,

Characteristics of people:

(Introvert) - (ambivalent) - (Extrovert)

Also in church:

(Atheist) - (Agnostic) - (person of faith)

(Prophets) - (Preachers) - (Pastors)

3 stages of life country laws,,,

some (666) (6 to 12 to 18) or (6 - 3 - 9)

some fibinacci,





8+5 (13teen) (1 an 3 also a clue in the word Teen),,,

13+8 (21 so 2+1) is 3

All matters have -

(Top) - (Bottom) - (Sides)

Pound coin an paper also jokes,,,

Spin a pound coin upon a table as a child an planets Turus you'll see within,,,

Never raced in life than???

Marks - Set - Go !,

Set - Marks - Goal !,

Some watch sports an still forget 3 strikes your out rule LOL,,,

rule of 3 also with jokes:

English man

Irish man

Scottish man walks into a bar ouch!,

I killed it never was the joker...

Half a day is 12 hours so 2+1 again 3

an a Full day is 24 hours so 2+4 again 6

lastly add these numbers total numbers together an we get 9 also LOL,

An Like the angles of a shape leading back to the number 9 the

Lastly now add 9 - 1 - 3 - 6 you get 1 into 19 or infinite,

Do one more add up again this time you get the origin of all matters 1,,

Like the grounding light of all creation,

These 4 numbers are within the creation of every matter upon the planet also handy if you want to make quite the machines,,

Tiss the code to all creation an all reality if people could see in more 3D,,

Today alike the 7 chakaras

I today had a thought nope 7 senses also,,,

An the 7 days a week

(So also 3 matters in the 7 zone),,,

Cannot believe I missed that simple one!

1 ) sight

2) smell

3 ) taste

4) touch

5 ) hear

6 Intuitions instinct insightfulness,,

gut feeling would be an intuition. a gut reaction would be an instinct.

7 foresight's imaginings,,

Today was painting new flat could already imagine what it would look like before painted as had an idea in minds eye,,,

1 is also the origin of all numbers an if you add up 9-1 -3 -6

Hydrogen 2+1 ratio

Oxygen 2+1 ratio

Within : (H20) / Water

All numbers also end in but 1,,,

1,3 golden ratio

3 also in every of every matter

6 fill's in blank as a bit naughty many this day it's fun time after weekly works,,

7 weekly matters

9 infinite,,,

Gods Laws not churches are way more fun also to follow,


((13))-'''(((laws of)))(((reactions))),,,-((1.3))Total)

(Dark - Matters Manifest),,,-((3))

(self / distraction - Indulgent / temptation - Negative / Frustration)-((6))Total)

(taking Bad reactions),,,-((3))

(Light - loving - Contentiousness)-((3))

(Trust / focus - faithfulness / purpose - gracious / mindfulness ),,,-((6))Total)

(giving good reactions),,,-((3))

For what you 

((reap you sow / Karma / full circle /,,,)-((3))((6))



(Total 31 words / LOL)

(If difficult follow the 6. 1 .6 of reactions)

(Positive) - (neutral) - (Negative)

(Light) - (Dusk/Dawn) - (Dark)

(Day/Dawn Twilight Dusk/Night)

Civil Twilight

Nautical twilight

Astronomical twilight

Technically 7 areas within a day cycle,,,

((Yup Trinity Everywhere)),,, ((Code of Conduct)) ((3 an 3))

So if your giving good thing's whether to a loved one or in life's works an disciplines,

You'll also receive good thing's but the same comes around when you are doing bad things as many should know your all one family -(all family.,,,)

The origin 3 laws still beats all mans an always will,,

Now the 12 laws of all science an matters still come back to but 3 now that is an interesting one,,

Could go on as this list is endless,,,

Alike months name but 1 months that does not have any of the numbers in the sum of the whole 9 - 1 - 3 - 6?

With this you all have Godly wisdom in your life's pursuits:


For those in knowing the bible what Jesus did mean by a man or woman that is divided by themselves:

2 divided 3 is= 0.66666666666

1 divided 3 is= 0.33333333333

3 divided 3 itself is all in unity of mind 1 whole

(Not one whole)

There are but still 12 total months in a year,

So again 1+2= 3

try numeracy at it's most basic levels

36 5


31 January


28 February 2+8 days = 1 an 1


31 March was 3 an 1 days


30 April 3+0 = 3


31 May 3 an 1 days???


30 June 3+0 = 3


31 July 3 an 1


31 August 3 an 1


30 sep 3 +0 = 3


31 October 3 an 1


30 November 3+0=3


31 December 3 an 1


36 5

Just for a laugh (1) year,

(3 6) (5)

total 3 numbers

3+6= 9 in first 2

5 will also add upto in total 3+6+5 = 1+4 = 5

in a 1 in 3 ratio,

Right there I see 1 3 6 9 an 5 LOL,

The odd one out when added,

Still making one whole year total,

leaping 366,

7777 1 month 28=1 now add 3 days to (31)


12 months = 3

That's this year done,,

Within India they have 6 weather systems:

Vasant Ritu: Spring.

Grishma Ritu: Summer.

Varsha Ritu: Monsoon.

Sharad Ritu: Autumn.

Hemant Ritu: Prewinter.

Shishir or Shita Ritu: Winter.

(It's an emergency) (America 911)(England 999)

(Lets leap year) (366)

Alike 12 planets they were 13 but one got demoted,,,

Now they have demoted to 9,,,

I did like this ratio Golden:














13 planets but forgot we are also 3rd rock from the sun,,,

Now that's golden,,,

Just because something is a bit smaller does not mean it has no part to play,,,

Alike bodies you would know if something is missing,,,

We orbit the Sun at a distance of about 150 million kilometers. This number is actually an average, since we follow an elliptical path. At its closest point, the Earth gets to 147 million km,

1+5 =

1+4+7 = 12 so 1+2 is 3

An any which way you shape an angle out if done in equality it leads back to 9 as it's route number which is within the 3 s spectrum of any math code,,,

All foundations starting an ending at 1 funny enough,,,

Are people still blind to the truth???

Are you a 666 not all there in mind

or can you see every matter of the week???

Try adding 9 + 1 + 3 + 6 than try Adding 1 + 9 = 19

Now last time 1+ 0 = 1

an we see all creation started at 1

The post under this is still getting longer as stated I could go into this quite literally forever,,,


(Jesus Origin Motivational)

I felt I should re-write as I would say it as a fact this way:

(Scientifically speaking)

motive teaching: The Mind changing life speech....:

Watch your thought for they will become,

Watch words for they will become reality,

Watch your action's for they are a manifestation of words,

An watch your action's for they do indeed become Habit's,,

''For what you reap you sow....'' ( Full Circle Karma) ''

An Habits become Character/you become,,,

An your purpose will always be,,,

Legends are indeed only developed in mind,,,

Change mind change life...

Why just go to grave wasting life within detraction's an temptation frustrations?

Tiss it not more Logical to live wile alive?

In matters of love?

There are many ways to reach your goal the secret is to find something you love to do an stick at it whatever the cost...


By controlling your focus of attention and the way you interpret life. What happens in your life does not determine how you feel but how you feel is only the result of how you are using your own minds focus an as a result the body will follow

No matter what happens in your life you are in control of your own state of mind.


How one was able shaped particular matters:

Name in birth an nick-name: In number: (Mr Andrew Daddy)

Every (1,)(000) years on:

7th of the 5th is also 12 = 3,

1986 =24=6

together = 9

A1 N14 D4 R18 E5 W23 = 65

D4 A1 D4 D4 Y25 =38

M13 R18 =31 so 3+1= 4



= 103 so 1+0+3 = 4

so 44 above

An 44 in Andy

A1 n14 d4 y25




1986 so



4 + 2 = 6

So in name an birth I Am numbered 616,,,,

Add my name up one more time we also see 1.3 Golden Ratio,

Like Jesus an the 12 disciples inclusive himself the number was??

6+(1)+6 is 7 in 1.3 golden ratio / 13 total,,,

or 1 in 3 whichever way you also wanna say...

Of total sum,,, (1 . 1) (1.)3 + 7)

Jesus Disciples pic thing funny ehh,,,

When two do become 3 yey

infinite 3 s,,, I did say it was easy,,,

A (1_1) <(Smile)

So just for laughs

(1.3) +(1.3)+(1.3) = 3 unto 9,,,

For the ultimate trinity matrix for creations,,,


For the untimely in Resurrection math code,,,

6+(1)+6 is 7 in 1.3 golden ratio / 13 total,,,

or 1 in 3 whichever way you also wanna say...

Of total sum,,, (1.)(3 + 7) = (1 . 1)

A (1_1) <(Smile)

Or even (1.1) + (1.1) +(1.1) = (3.3)

alike reality,,,

Lets do it again:

(3.3) + (3.3) + (3.3) is 666 or 18 which is (9) Infinite,,,(333)

I am made of Carbon so are you try this upon particular matters,,,

(Say carbon 12)

'''For this truth I did sayeth unto you before,,,

For my child is now in the heavens and now also the father before thee,,,

'''For also I stand before and between my wife and my mother,,,

I too the son must return after my father for again at the appointed time,,,


The true and most simple code of codes,,,

For even the code of conduct,,,

(1.3) (1.6 )(1.9)

(616) (ratio 1.3) = 7) (1.3 + 7)=(1.1) so 1.1 (3 times)???

(3.3) + (3.3) + (3.3) so (333 and 666) (is also 9) (in relativity)

That simple for you too are made of C12

Just as to is planet you are standing upon,,,

No need to change selves unto matters at all you are also a created being by definition so also can come back unto creation itself,,,

Point retain no such thing as death,,, fact to retain mind contagiousness,

Why is this not but simple truth???


And for my children there will be no death for before and after:

(Death no such thing simple relativity of also relatives)

Since time begun for all creation also creation to be within creation itself,,,

How to remove death from equation,,,

If all relativity is indeed possible,,,

Matrix film you are a battery of light also,,,

multiply 3s unto 9,,,

And you to can be eternal

Mind body soul

Mind full contentiousness

Electric light matters,,,,

Purity of love,,,

Definitive and relativity,,,

Mindful of matters

love light contentiousness

mind full love

Retain past life memories,

Open all minds doors also and see,,,

You may to remember past lives,,,

Also why many so called Prophets never retain yet I do,,,

Mind full contentiousness,,,

'''For this truth I did sayeth unto you before,,,

For my child is now in the heavens and now also the father before thee,,,

'''For also I stand before and between my wife and my mother,,,

I too the son must return after my father for again at the appointed time,,

''''the self overfilling Prophecy and the feed back loop,,,

(relativity also relatives) (are as one)


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