The Trinity Connection
The Correlation of Worlds
River and Brooke ransacked books and newspaper cuttings while busying themselves with the board of mystery. Ziggy was in his favourite place, River’s bed! He watched the two humans eagerly. Brooke paced the room while holding an astronomy book. River stared at the board and then would intermittingly replace a pin or news cutting.
“I’m telling you River it’s got something to do with the eclipse.”
“The eclipse happens every so many years Brooke. These things have been going on for decades even centuries.”
“Well perhaps the eclipse is magnifying the supernatural entities that are already here.”
“Brooke the crop circles were first recorded in 1478. Was an eclipse happening then?”
Brooke searched the book. She smiled. “A-ha.” She threw the book on the desk and pointed to the page, “Yes.”
River brushed the hair out of his eyes. “It’s too simple. That’s not it.”
“Tut. You just want it to be complicated River. Perhaps it really is that simple.”
River was just about to reply when...
“River, Brooke, lunch.”
Brother and sister put their pens and books down, sighed and proceeded out the door. Followed closely by Ziggy. The two entered the kitchen as their mother was stirring something over the cooker. Lifting the copper pan off she brought it over to the table. “Here you are.” She said proudly while plopping green goo into bowls for them all. Brooke pulled the breadbasket closer between her and River. While River pulled the butter to them also. Staring into the green goo River bravely asked, “What is it?”
Their mother sat down and unfolded her napkin, placing it on her knees then smoothed it down before answering. “Cabbage, broccoli and spinach surprise.”
“What’s the surprise?” Brooke queried anticipating her brother’s question.
“Taste it and you’ll see.”
Brooke and River glanced at each other and took a gulp before taking up the spoon.
“APPLES!” They both exclaimed.
“Ta - dar! Surprise.”
“Apple soup?”
“I know amazing isn’t it? Eat it up while it’s still hot. It’s full of goodness you know.”
River and Brooke took another bread roll each. They ate their apple soup with bread, lots of bread, lots and lots of bread AND butter. When they had finished their mother inquired if anyone wanted seconds. River and Brooke raised their hands. “No, no, no we’re full thanks mum.” Eagerly replied River while Brooke was already out the door putting her coat on.
“Where are you going?”
“Teddy’s. Bye mum.”
Ziggy stood wagging his tail at the door eager to escape also.
Their mother shouted after them as the pair bundled themselves out the front door. “Don’t let Ziggy get too muddy or he’ll be having a bath with you as well.”
“Will do Mum. Bye.” Shouted Brooke as she quickly shut the door.
Ziggy was already half way down the road as River and Brooke fumbled with their helmets. Ziggy knew the way to Teddy’s house very well; he always got treats from Teddy.
Teddy was River and Brooke’s friend. The three companions went to school together, stayed at each other’s houses, spent holidays together. But more importantly they investigated the crop circles and the other strange phenomena together. The three friends were a trinity of investigators.
However, when racing off to one investigation after another Teddy could not always keep up. He was a rather stout lad and very well built. Strong and sturdy was Teddy. His father was the local policeman, Sergeant Jacobs, and his mother came from a family of bakers. As such Mrs Jacobs now ran her family bakery and worked in the baker’s shop. The day’s cakes that had not been sold found a good home in the Jacob’s house. All three enjoyed cakes and all three looked the same, father, son and mother, definitely all came from the same mould. Teddy was particularly fond of his mother’s chocolate éclairs, though cream doughnuts also held a loving place to Teddy.
Teddy and his father had an interest in not only cream cakes but also in remote controlled models. Model cars, helicopters, planes and boats. Their garage was a playground for such things. Teddy was particularly fond of the Ferrari Testarossa model. He was playing with it on the empty road outside his house when River arrived. Teddy was sitting on the kerb with his legs crouched up towards him. He was shaking the controls violently. He was so engrossed with the remote controls and car he had no idea River was behind him.
Teddy moved the control right but the car went left. He then moved it to the left and the car went right. Teddy gave the remote a shake and tried again. In the mean time Brooke joined her brother and the two stood behind Teddy watching him get more and more frustrated.
Teddy tried the control and car again. He moved the control forward but the car went back. Just then Teddy jumps as Ziggy had come to say hello and gives Teddy a big sloppy dog kiss. Teddy turned around while patting Ziggy. “Em, how long have you two been there?”
“Long enough Teddy.” Answers Brooke.
“Having trouble Teddy?” River asked while walking towards the car.
“This stupid thing has a mind of its own.”
Suddenly the car starts to spin round and round. It then drives itself out of sight and into the hedgerow. Teddy decides to try the remote one last time before throwing it on the floor. “I give up!”
“There’s been a lot of activity recently.” Consoles River.
As Brooke takes her helmet off. “I think it has something to do with the eclipse.”
“Also, the solar flares have been strong of late.” Adds River as Brooke squints at him.
“Mmm...My Dad said something this morning ... that there had been another crop circle found.” Teddy spoke as he heaved himself off the pavement. Before searching deep into his pocket to find a crunchy nut bar. He breaks apiece off and gives it to Ziggy who hasn’t left Teddy’s side.
Just then the Hum begins. The droning mechanical sound blasts out above the sky. Then on top of that sound they hear the coughs and splutters of a dying plane. The three friends gaze into the sky shielding their eyes from the sun. They search for something and scan every part of the sky with hope.
“Do you see it? Do you see it River?”
“No but I can certainly hear it.”
Brooke covered her ears. “It must be really close. If we see it we’re gonna have to follow it this time and not lose sight of it.”
“I know.” River replies and looks worried. “We’re going to have to help the pilot move on and put him to re...”
“THERE! Do you see it?” Teddy shouts as he points to the sky. Even Ziggy sees it and starts to bark at it.
River squints his eyes and then agrees. “Yes. Oh Yes Teddy I see it alright.”
The Spitfire suddenly appeared out of the clouds. It spluttered and dipped as its engine cuts out. River and Brooke begin to run for their bikes putting their helmets on as they race to their bikes. The plane begins to silently glide to earth until it fades into the distance behind the trees.
River and Brooke are already peddling furiously into the forest when River calls back to Teddy. “Come on Teddy we have a chance this time.”
Trying to change his friends’ minds he replies. “But it’s already gone. We won’t see it again until same time tomorrow.”
Having no nonsense Brooke shouts back before disappearing into the forest. “Come on Teddy.”
“Oh alright..fine.. But it’s a wild goose chase.” Teddy mumbles and walks quickly to his bike. He stumbles as he tries to get on his bike.
However, as Teddy goes after River and Brooke he fails to notice his remote-control car peeps into view. It watches Teddy and then begins to follow part of the way but stops as Teddy goes into the forest. Ziggy looks at the car and cocks his head to the side before barking at the little car who turns on its headlights. Ziggy barks at the car again before running off into the forest.
The little red sports car spins round a couple of times before turning back to where it came. Safely hidden within the darkness of the hedgerow.
The three friends weave and wind through the trees on their bikes. River stretches his head to try and see the plane. While Brooke bends her head down trying to see through the trees and fallen branches and notice the golden field of ready to be harvested wheat.
“Not so fast.” Yells Teddy as he struggles to keep up while Ziggy enjoys the game of ‘catch up.’ He jumps in and out of puddles and mud.
River screeches his bike to a stop and skids into a slant. Closely followed by Brooke and Teddy as Ziggy jumps onto a fallen tree trunk. He bounces along it on the way to stand near River who leans down slightly to pat Ziggy’s head while still holding onto his bike. The three stare in to the ravine of the forest.
“Do you think he’s here Riv?” Whispers Teddy anxiously.
As the three search the forest in different directions, scouring with their eyes for the plane or pilot. River stares into the sky then closes his eyes. “Listen there’s no birds, no breeze.”
“It’s like the whole world has gone to sleep.” Softly speaks Brooke.
Teddy begins to shuffle nervously. “River... what’s happening?”
A large shadow creeps over the sun. Brooke bent down to look through the trees at her glowing field of golden wheat. Nothing moves, not a blade of wheat, not a branch just complete stillness. The darkness had dimmed the field of wheat and the forest loomed darker.
Then as quickly as it came the shadow passes over the sun leaving the field swaying once more in golden wheat. The forest grows light and the breeze starts up again. The birds begin to sing.
“River, what just happened here?” Teddy asks while staring at the trees.
“I have no idea Teddy but I intend to find out. Come on Brooke we’ve got a lot to record.”
“Well what should I do?”
“I need you go to go home Teddy and find out from your Dad where the new crop circle is. It might hold the clue. Meet me back at HQ.”
“First sensible thing you’ve said all day.” Teddy mumbles as he turns his bike round to go home the way they came. River and Brooke cycle towards the field.
Just as the three friends ride off home in different directions they fail to notice the cloaked figure watching them. He appears in the shadows and hides amongst the darkness of the trees. Teddy rides home through the forest completely unaware that he is being watched by something so ancient and terrifying that the three friends’ very understanding of this world would be tested. As Teddy reaches home the shadowy figure seems to hovers slightly then swirls into nothingness.