The Trillion-Dollar UX Problem: Why It Matters Inside Your Organization

The Trillion-Dollar UX Problem: Why It Matters Inside Your Organization

In today's digital economy, the user experience (UX) of consumer-facing products is widely acknowledged as a key driver for customer retention and business growth. Amazon Web Services (AWS) 's "The Trillion Dollar UX Problem" report highlights staggering statistics: companies lose approximately 35% of potential revenue due to poor UX, equating to a global loss of $1.42 trillion. But what about the tools and technologies that power the engine of these organizations – the internal systems? Just as with external customers, the UX of internal tools profoundly impacts employee productivity, satisfaction, and ultimately, the bottom line.

From External Customers to Internal Users: Bridging the UX Gap

  1. Productivity and Efficiency: For every dollar invested in UX, there's a return of up to $100. According to Nielsen Norman Group research, poorly designed interfaces cost an average of $13 per hour per employee due to lost productivity. Implementing user-centered design can reduce this significantly, with one study suggesting a 40% improvement in task completion time.
  2. Cost and Time Savings: Good UX design can reduce development rework by up to 50%. Streamlined and intuitive internal systems can decrease the need for extensive training and reduce the frequency of errors, leading to substantial cost savings over time. An National Library of Medicine (NLM) report found implementing a new, more user-friendly EHR system reduced required training hours per employee by 30%.
  3. Employee Satisfaction and Retention: 88% of online consumers are less likely to return to a site after a bad experience. A focus on user-friendly internal tools can enhance job satisfaction and retention rates. Unsatisfactory tools can lead to frustration, decreased morale, and a higher turnover rate. Gallup research shows a 14% decrease in voluntary turnover for companies with highly engaged employees and Salesforce research found 95% of employees with access to user-friendly tools feel more productive and efficient.
  4. Support and Maintenance: Poor UX design can lead to increased customer support calls and dissatisfaction. NN/g reports that only 33% of customer journeys could be completed online without requiring the customer to contact the organization for support. Well-designed internal tools require less maintenance and support, freeing up IT resources for innovation and improvement. While there is sparse accessible research on the topic, Forrester has provided research implying correlations between better UX and fewer internal support tickets for SaaS products.
  5. Brand Consistency and Quality: Companies with strong UX have seen revenues grow by up to 895%. Internal UX reflects organizational values and commitment to quality, impacting the overall brand perception from within. A 普华永道 survey found that 60% of employees believe a positive internal experience leads to a better brand reputation and this includes access to best-in-class technologies.

Implementing a UX-Focused Strategy for Internal Tools

To ensure that internal tools and technologies are not just functional but also enhance employee experience and productivity, organizations should consider the following steps:

  1. Borrow UX Talent Across Business Verticals: Encourage collaboration between customer-facing UX teams and internal systems designers to share best practices and standards and address skill gaps in areas like Finance and HR.
  2. Upskill Employees: Provide training and resources to help employees understand the importance of good UX and advocate for it in their tool usage and feedback, especially in areas that may be underskilled or underresourced like Finance and HR.
  3. Establish Cross-Functional Design Committees: Form committees that include a mix of IT, HR, product staff, and end-users to review and approve new tools or updates, ensuring that they meet user needs and standards. Having an expanded committee can help your organization make smarter decisions and deploy technologies that support your full business and not just a single, siloed sub-function.
  4. Collect Regular Feedback and Iterate on Improvements: Implement regular feedback mechanisms to understand employee challenges with current tools and make iterative improvements. Work with your People Analytics or Organizational Development team to establish surveys and in-platform data capture techniques to better understand how employees are feeling and behaving with existing technologies. Use this information to continuously improve the designs and integrations of your tools.
  5. Prioritize Tools for Upgrade or Replacement: Focus on tools that have the most significant impact on day-to-day operations, such as Applicant Tracking Systems, Expense Management Systems, Project Management Solutions, and more.

Conclusion: Investing in Internal UX - A Strategic Imperative

The compelling evidence presented in "The Trillion Dollar UX Problem" about the impact of user experience on customer retention and growth is just as pertinent when applied internally. By translating these lessons to internal technologies, organizations can realize massive gains in efficiency, employee satisfaction, and ultimately, profitability. The time to invest in better internal UX is now – an opportunity for leaders to drive meaningful change and position their organizations for success in the competitive digital landscape.

Need help optimizing your internal UX? Feel free to reach out to me via DM or leave a comment below.

Sibylle Trenck-Germann

Um das M?gliche zu erreichen, müssen wir das Unm?gliche versuchen. #BuildMeasureLearn

7 个月

Hi Adam Treitler, many thanks for the article, very valuable insights! Could you please provide the link to the PwC study mentioned? ?A PwC survey found that 60% of employees believe a positive internal experience leads to a better brand reputation and this includes access to best-in-class technologies.“ Thank you and kind regards, Sibylle


Excellent article. Congratulations!


Can't wait to dive into your insights on internal UX! ??

Kristy Smith

Assistant Vice President, HR Service Delivery Solutions | People Operations Leader | HR Transformation and Technology Champion | Workday Pro Certified | SHRM-SCP

9 个月

Great share Adam Treitler . I’d add one component to the 5 items you added for improving internally: a strong ongoing change management component that utilizes the continual feedback and can articulate WIFM to your users. I wish more orgs funded an ongoing internal UX focus, there is definitely value and impact to engagement.

Tim Whitley

Technology Leader | Certified Project Manager | Process Improvement Expert | Professional Nerd

9 个月

Great topic Adam! The best system is useless if it's difficult for people to navigate. We have to make sure we are getting feedback from non technical employees as we design their systems.


