Traingle pose
Trikonasana means TRIANGLE pose . A strengthening and grounding standing pose.
The two variations of trikonasana are -Utthita - stretched and Parivratta-Twisted .
It involves twisting your spine and ribcage to move against gravity and the tendency to round forward and down.Strong poses like this can strengthen both your muscles and bones.
Strengthens your- core, thighs, and legs.
Stabilizes your- spine and gives your brain feedback.
- It stimulates nervous system and alleviates nervous depression .
- Improves Digestion.
- Strengthens pelvic area and tones the reproductive organs.
- Reduces the waistline (dynamic version)
- It may have the added benefit of boosting bone density.
Large muscles in your thighs engage firmly, beneficially stressing your bones. This may wake up cells in the bone called osteoblasts, which triggers bone building. A 10-year trial concluded that yoga appears to raise bone mineral density in the spine and the femur.
Deep muscles close to your spine engage to stabilize your spine and give your brain feedback, enhancing your mind–body connection.
Feel free to place your left hand on your leg, a block, or the floor.
Dynamic version - practice rapidly without returning to vertical starting position.
This pose should be practiced with care—listen to your body and ease out of the pose if you experience any pain or tingling, and be mindful of your knee joints.
Be careful if you have back conditions.
In Triangle, don’t lock or hyperextend your knees. It can block nerves and blood vessels. Microbend your knees to find a more stable position closer to 180 degrees. Your muscles will work harder to support the joint, strengthening even more.