Triggers Reveal Themselves Over Time so Be OK with NOT Being Ok...

Triggers Reveal Themselves Over Time so Be OK with NOT Being Ok...

Triggers are absolutely no joke and it's our responsibility to...

  1. Recognize them
  2. Catch Ourselves
  3. Control our response by maintaining our words

As life carries on after we lose someone or remove something from our lives, we carry over habits, memories and lessons from the person or thing we no longer have. When we lose a person, to the degree of them pouring into us is the depth of the triggers we will face as they have passed away and the triggers only reveal themselves as we get to those chapters in our lives.

This is the harsh reality of #griefandloss , however, the "silver lining" of the grief and loss is when those triggers raise their ugly heads - I want you to change your perspective of those triggers.

Have you ever seen a submarine with a sonar on it?

How does the sonar system work?

When something or someone raises it's head or makes itself known, it is tagged and targeted to be destroyed by a missile if it is a threat. The triggers are identifiers to the purpose and blessing you need to walk into but the triggers are a "Reverse Reflection" of your purpose because when it comes to the pain of grief, we will always be able to reverse engineer the emotional, mental, and physical pain into the purpose-driven energy to translate into something productive for yourself.

What if you could take that pain and divert that energy into something creative, fun, and enjoyable for yourself?

SO this is what you do...

Journal out your thoughts, feelings, and emotions rushing through on a left hand column. Draw a line in the middle and then right the opposite of those feelings, emotions, and thoughts on the right hand column. The right hand column is the truth, the left side is a temporary truth that will change tomorrow or in the next 5 minutes.

The faster you can catch yourself and recognize your emotions and thoughts, the faster you will see your response to things change slowly but surely... BUT make sure to watch your words while going through the healing journey because Proverbs says one thing, and this is the best way to protect yourself when your emotions are all over the place...

Proverbs says to be slow to speak and quick to listen. It's better to say nothing and appear smart, instead of voicing yourself and removing all doubt...

For the next upcoming Grief and recovery workshop, please go here and register for the conversation we'll be having here soon.


