Tricks To Meet Deadlines
Samuel Kimu
Email Marketer For DTC Brands I Grant Writer For Non-Profits I Consultant I Speaker
Ever had an assignment where the delivery time is getting closer and closer yet you have not finished? You start wondering whether you will edit or not because of the limited time you have on your hands. Worry no more! Here are tricks which will not only make your writing easier but also timely.
Let's get started
Trick I: Write goals down
Write your goals down, it doesn't matter whether they are big or small. Whether you are writing a book, novel, project, research, plan, article, short story, journal or report. Articulate your aims in a notebook - When do you expect to finish? How many pages or chapters you will write each day? Date of first draft, second draft, and final draft? Edit and proofreading time?
These will help you in your writing because you will have step-by-step milestones that will guide you through the way to reaching them on time, therefore, you will not be embroiled in a last-minute rush as you realize your D-day is almost due.
Trick II: Have to list
After you set your goal, the next step is creating a list of tasks you will take on each day that build up to the set goal. You allocate time for each task hence preventing distraction arising from a specific thing to do at a given time. It keeps you on track and allows your mind to focus on the task at hand. For instance, when writing a book you may divide the book into sections which you will be crafting each day, you can allocate time for reading relevant material, writing, proofreading, and editing the section.
Beware: Following a schedule too rigidly can be detrimental - in case something has taken more time than allocated, the next day allocate more time to it.
Trick III: Don't overdo
Now, just because you have big goals it doesn't mean that you have to do everything at once. This is especially true when you are doing big tasks that involve a lot of writing such as; books, novels, projects or research.
Break the big goal into small parts that can be accomplished in days, weeks or months then do only that - just don't try to do it all at once. You will just exhaust yourself and complicate your writing sessions.
Trick IV: Start your day creatively
As a writer, you may be writing creatively, professionally or both. If you have both, begin with the creative task and then finish with the professional ones. This sequence keeps your mind fresh and uncluttered and finally ensures you are full of energy when you tackle tough and mundane work.
A creative start also gives you enthusiasm which makes you positive about writing.
From the inbox note - Deadlines suppress anxiety and yield productivity.
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